Chapter 58: The Hio Princess

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"Ichiru," Zero hissed, his gun pointing at Ichiru and me.

"I told you before that your gun can't hurt me," Ichiru held up a sword. "But I know this can."

I stood there, staring at Ichiru and Zero.

"Do you have to fight?" I offered. "I mean, you guys are brothers and it's in the middle of the ball-"

"Saki, Zero just tried to kill you?" Ichiru interrupted me disbelievingly. "You're saying that you don't want to fight?"


Zero grabbed me from behind, the gun pressed against the side of my head.

"I have no love for any of you bloodsuckers," he snarled, his finger about to press the trigger.

"Zero!" Yuki's voice cried. The white clad girl ran up to him, trying to tug the gun from his grip but it was pointless. Zero was a vampire, and a Hunter as well. Yuki had no chance.

"Zero, let go!" Yuki repeated. "You can't just shoot Saki!"

"And why not?" Zero retorted, still keeping his grip on me and the gun, despite Yuki's attempts. "Vampires never should have existed. They are monsters, ever single one of th-" He broke off with a gasp and the gun clattered to the floor. His grip on me loosened and he fell to the floor, gasping and clutching his throat.

Like last time.

"Remember the deal Maria offered you," Ichiru said to Yuki quietly, as I watched from the floor. "You could save him. If you are willing." Yuki looked from Zero to Ichiru uncertainly, crouching next to Zero. What deal had Ichiru been talking about? Was that what Maria meant by a 'chat'?

"Don't," Zero hissed through his teeth, his eyes flashing red and back. "No. Stop." His whole body tensed as he struggled to contain himself.

"Zero will be fine," Ichiru reassured Yuki. It was ironic, since Zero looked the complete opposite of fine.

The red glow in his eyes came back, but it didn't disappear. He reached out for Yuki, and I saw his fangs slide out.

Immediately I threw myself at him, yanking him off course and pinning him down.

"Just leave," I snarled at Yuki and Ichiru. "He's going to attack Yuki otherwise."

I struggled to hold down Zero as Ichiru lead Yuki away.

It was like fighting an ocean current. Occasionally Zero would calm as he tried to regain himself, but the blood thirst would always come back. I would have to do something.

"Drink," I ordered him, twisting my neck in his direction. Zero obviously tried to refuse, but the thirst was too strong.

With a gasp, his fangs sank into my neck, burying themselves to drink.

I closed my eyes, ignoring the clench of the memory of the first time I had been bitten. Then I realised what a vulnerable position I was in.

Zero was pinned down on the floor by me, my body lying diagonally across him. If anyone happened to come into the corridor, they would see a...strange sight. They couldn't possibly miss the sight of Zero's bloodstained chin and mouth either.

Zero's drinking slowed and I relaxed as he finally released me. He would be under control now.

Moving back, I sat next to him and watched as he sat up.

"Not so hungry now?" Zero's only response was to get up, wiping the blood from his chin and mouth.

Picking up his gun, he marched off, slowly speeding up into a run, heading further down the corridor in the direction Yuki and Ichiru had gone. His devotion, or should I say love, for Yuki was very strong.

Hesitantly I reached for the bite marks on my neck, probing them gently to make sure they weren't bleeding too much.

I would heal soon enough. Zero's bite wasn't very dangerous to me unless he drank too much. Now that the little incident was over, what should I do now?

Find Yuki, the little voice in my head told me. She went to see Maria, and you let her, even though Kaname told you to make sure she didn't.

I winced inwardly. I forgot. Guess I'll have to find Maria and Yuki now.

Getting up, I began to walk in the direction Zero, Yuki and Ichiru had gone. As I took a couple of steps, the world spun around me and I almost fell over. Curse it. Now I was going to walk the hall like a drunk.

Then I sniffed the air. Was that blood I smelt? Immediately my pace quickened as I followed the source of the smell.

I came to a doorway and someone was in front of me, his back to me. Ichiru. He turned around as I came in, and that I saw with surprise that he was wearing his mask again, and carrying someone in his arms. A beautiful woman. No. A pureblood vampire.

She had long white hair, her eyes like lavender, like Zero and Ichiru. Her very nature seemed to be a regal one, calm and composed, but with a power hidden behind it.

"Saki," She smiled, her eyes fixed onto me. I stepped back hesitantly. I didn't like the way she acted, and had a bad feeling who she was.

"Shizuka Hio," I breathed, trying to take in everything. I knew Shizuka had taken control of Maria's body but I never knew that she would actually be here in person.

"My child," she spoke softly, her hand extending out to me. "Aren't you a pretty thing? You know who I am. Don't be afraid. Now Zero, hold onto Yuki tightly." Her last sentence was directed to Zero who stood in the far side of the room. Under her order, Zero reached out to grab Yuki, holding her against his chest.

"Zero," Yuki tried to break free, but Zero was too strong.

"Well done," Shizuka was placed on the floor gently by Ichiru. "Now don't move." Walking over to Zero and Yuki, she leaned over and bit down on Zero's neck. Zero was unable to resist, only able to stand there like a statue while Shizuka drank greedily.

Finally she moved back, wiping the blood from her mouth, the red liquid smearing across her face and hand. I could smell the blood and grimaced. It wasn't that it smelt bad, it actually smelt quite good, but it just didn't seem...right. Drinking someone's blood after making sure they couldn't resist was like something only a cold-hearted person would do.

"Your blood seems so very sweet," Shizuka reached down to part Yuki's hair, baring her neck. I saw Zero's eyes widen and I knew that my eyes had as well, widened like a saucer. I tried to get to Shizuka, to stop her, but a pair of arms grabbed me, holding me back.

"Let go!" I cried out, trying to struggle, but Ichiru only held me tighter, pressing me against him, and pinning my arms down.

"Yuki made her decision," he said, watching the scene unfold casually. I growled silently, and kicked backwards at Ichiru. His grip loosened, but before I could escape, he had wrapped his arms around me again, keeping me in a tight bind. Meanwhile, Shizuka still leaned down to drink Yuki's blood.

"You shouldn't fight," Ichiru told me, his breath rustling through my hair and into my ear. I stopped momentarily at this interaction but began struggling again.

I heard Zero's panicked intake of breath as he tried desperately to stop Shizuka. Finally, with a hiss, he aimed his gun down at his leg. With a bang, blood poured through the wound on his thigh, adding even more of a blood smell to the room.

It was like shooting himself broke the spell. As soon as the bullet injured him, he shoved Shizuka away, his gun pointed at her. He fired, but the bullet never made contact, because as soon as he fired, Ichiru released me, jumping in front of her. The bullet hit him, but it had no effect. Bloody Rose was an anti-vampire weapon after all.

Ichiru glanced at me and the moment our eyes met, a message passed to me.

Get out of here.

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