Chapter 36: A Job To Do

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I stepped out of the bathroom, feeling different and kind of, weird. It wasn't like me to just dress up for fun. Vampire beauty is almost like a curse, and I didn't want to flaunt it.

Other people were in the office, Yuki, Zero and Kaname. They all stared as I stepped in, and I stopped, unsure of what to do. Yuki was the first to react.

"Wow! Saki, you look amazing!" She gushed, running forward to inspect me. "Where did you get the dress from?"

Kaname and Zero made no comment, but they continued to watch on silently.

"What do you think?" Kaien sounded pleased. "The dress really suits you doesn't it?" I realised Yagari had been silent as soon as I walked in.

"Well, Yagari?" Kaien prodded. "What do you think?" There was an eerie silence in the room, as Yagari surveyed us all.

"Why are you all so silent?" he wanted to know. "Anyone would think I was about to give you a death sentence." Zero muttered something inaudible, which I didn't quite catch. Kaname's face remained emotionless, as Yuki looked at the rest of us confused.

"Why are you all so quiet actually?" She asked.

Kaien suddenly began laughing.

"I'm sorry," he wiped a tear from his eye. "It's been a while since I've seen you look so confused, Yagari my friend." Yagari sighed, a puff of air coming out of his mouth. As I looked at him, I realised that he had a small scar on his right jaw. I shouldn't be surprised actually, seeing as vampire hunters probably always have scars. Mum had a couple across her arm. There was a big one on her shoulder from when the vampire attacked us. She tried not to let me see, but sometimes, when we went swimming, it was hard to cover.

"I was looking for you, Saki," Kaname finally spoke. He looked indifferent, as though he was barely aware that I was standing in front of him in a dress, rather than my usual school uniform. "I have a job for you."

"Ok," I replied, equally as emotionless. Somehow, my day was always soured when he appeared.

Kaname led me out of the office, and down the hall. When he finally stopped, he turned to me.

"I want you to hunt down a Level E with Takuma and Senri." Really? What for?

"Why do you want me to?" I asked him, confused. "If Takuma and Senri are alread-"

"I need to know if you can use that bow or not," Kaname interrupted. "If you are not capable of protecting Yuki, then I will know, after you have killed the Level E. If you can kill a Level E, then I know that you can keep an eye on the Kiryu twin." He said 'twin' almost like it was a curse, and I suppose he was right.

"Takuma and Senri are waiting at the school gates," Kaname finished, looking at me expectantly. Immediately my legs set off for the school entrance, no matter how much I tried or wanted to stop and ask Kaname why it was absolutely necessary for me to chase down a Level E when two aristocrats were already after it.

Okay guys, I just thought I should give you a heads up. Updates are going to come a bit slower, mainly because it's the holidays, and I really have to study (I think I'm about I mess up science DX). So that means less time writing the story. Don't worry, I'll try to write when I can, so hopefully there will be an update at least once a week. Thank you guys for commenting, voting, even just reading. I really appreciate it all, and until then, enjoy yourselves! XD


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