Chapter 80: He's back

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"Where did you come from?" Hanabusa straightened up, brushing himself down. "You know that humans aren't allowed to enter the Moon Dorm, unless they're part of the disciplinary committee."

"Maybe," Ichiru replied evenly. "But I heard a scream." A scream? I don't remember screaming.

Hanabusa didn't look impressed.

"Well, whatever's going on is between me and Saki here. You have no business interrupting the two of us."

"No drinking blood on the school grounds," was all he said, as he left.

"Hmph," Hanabusa folded his arms stiffly. "Why won't you tell me what Kaname is planning?" That was simple.

"I don't know," I replied truthfully. The answer only seemed to aggravate Hanabusa more.

"You have to know something," he marched up to me, his height dominating mine. "Why did you hide it even when I drank your blood? Did Kaname give you his blood? Is that why you're not giving away anything?"

"I don't know anything," I cried out, going Hanabusa a shove. It was relatively ineffective, with my feet frozen to the floor.

"Just tell me already!" Ice began to grow from his hands, freezing to the floor, and basically beginning to turn the room into an ice rink.

"I don't know." I was scared now, really scared. Hanabusa could kill me any minute now, and seeing as he was so angry, he wouldn't hesitate to.

As if in response, my light ability began to surge upward, cold with fear, but bright with angry.

"I don't know anything," I repeated, feeling angrier. I was still scared but maybe the light building up in me gave confidence.

"Tell me." Ice surged along the floor towards me, threatening to encase me with more ice.

"No!" Light shot out of me, the brilliance having enough force to shatter the ice around me and on the floor. The ice dissolved into ash, before crumbling away, the floor smoking slightly.

"That's just further proof," Hanabusa sounded smug, yet slightly worried at the same time. "You have powers, and you're not even close to being called an aristocrat. Just what are you?"

What are you?

"I don't know." I could feel the light die down as my anger died down, replaced by a strange melancholiness.

Hanabusa seemed to sense the change, and his lips quirked slightly in a smile.

"So, how about you tell me now," he walked closer. "Maybe then I could help you in turn."

"You? Help me?" I struggled not to laugh at the ridiculousness of that. "I don't need your help with anything. I can manage alone. All you want to do is find out what Kaname is planning, and I don't know what he is planning. I don't care about any of that."

I can manage alone. I don't care.

It was all lies. I did care about what Kaname was planning, because he would no doubt try to use me to fulfill his plans. If he used me, I would be hurt, whether physically or mentally.

"I'm tired of this." I felt sick to the core all of a sudden, and not only because of Hanabusa. "I don't know anything, and if that's all, good bye." Turning on my heel, I strode through the door, opening and closing it shut as I walked through.

To come face to face with Ichiru.

"Are you okay?" He grabbed my shoulders. "Did he hurt you in any way?"

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