Chapter 43: Failed

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I once told myself I wouldn't ever shop like some prissy girl, looking for a dress, or a hot guy. Turns out that here I am, in town, looking for a dress.

It was a cool day, the sun shining, but not too brightly, making it more bearable for me to walk under it. Despite this, I kept to the shade of the shops and buildings as much as possible, in case becoming an aristocrat has made the sun harsher on me.

I saw a shop just ahead of me to my left. It had some evening dresses in the window, and as I walked towards it, I read the sign.

'Bella's Boutique', it said, in fancy floral writing. I'm pretty sure a boutique means it sells fancy things like dresses and all.

My mind made up, I walked through the shop door to continue my dress-hunting.

"Hello there!" A cheerful voice greeted me, as I stepped through the door. A young woman with bright green eyes stood at the counter, smiling at me. "How can I help you?"

Two women were in the shop as well, looking at the dresses. As I walked in, they had been staring non-stop, and I could hear their whispers, thanks to having the amazing hearing of a vampire.

"What a beautiful child."

"Yes, I wonder what her parents are like."

"If my son was here, he would be out of his wits." Just as well he wasn't here.

"I'm looking a dress," I told the assistant. "For a, uh, party. You know, like an evening dress."

"Of course," she came out from behind the counter and led me to the side of a room. "Are you in the elite Night Class at Cross Academy by any chance? You are very beautiful. And if you are, do you know a Senri Shiki by any chance? He comes here sometimes on modelling business, to model suits and he is ever so handsome!" As she began rattling on and on about Senri and how gorgeous he was, and how he was a model, I stared into space, wondering just how long it would take for her to find me a dress.

"Here they are!" The assistant stopped in front of a couple of racks of long dresses. "Please be careful with them, and if you would like to try any of them on, I can always help."

"Of course," I smiled at her, before turning back to browse the dresses.

I wasn't exactly an expert at what dresses looked good or not, but I did know which ones were pretty and which did not appeal to me. After searching through a number of plastic wrapped dresses, I picked out one or two which I liked best. One was a plain, dark dress. It was very simple, strapless, but long and flowing, with a bit of ruffle at the bottom. I liked it mainly because it was simple, and not over exaggerating.

The second one wasn't so simple, but it was pretty, and it caught my eye when I was looking through the rack. It was a medium blue shade, with straps which hung over the shoulders, and wrapped around the body nicely. It had a small trail of flowers at the hip, which I didn't really mind, though it seemed a little too, well, not really me.

Walking over to the counter, I asked where the change rooms were.

"Change rooms?" The assistant looked up at me. "They're right this way." She pointed to a couple of curtains on the side of the room, which I assumed led to the change rooms.

As I took the two dresses to the change rooms to change, the door swung open, and someone entered.

He was quite wiry, with a somewhat handsome face. Despite that, I felt an uneasiness about him. Concentrating on him, I was struck with the realisation that he was heading towards the shop assistant, a malicious glint in his eyes. That man, was a Level E.

My mind raced, as I thought it through. The two women from earlier had left, so only me and the assistant were in the boutique.

Immediately I put the dresses back on the rack, making my way over to the assistant. The Level E was taking his time, glancing at some suits and tuxedos on the racks as he slowly inched his way towards the counter. I had to get the woman away from him.

"Excuse me," I addressed the Level E, trying to keep my voice down, so the assistant wouldn't hear us. "I hope you're not planning on attacking that lady over there." The Level E looked up at me, his eyes calculating, but a seed of madness was forming.

"What's it to you, pretty girl?" He rasped at me, a sound which completely opposed the appearance he had. "You wouldn't know a thing." I smiled tightly.

"I am more than you think," I hissed at him, letting my fangs slide out and reveal themselves to the Level E. My back was to the shop assistant, so even if she looked up, all she would see was me talking to the Level E.

The Level E smirked at me, his own fangs sliding out.

"So you have fangs as well," he leered. "Come now, help me put this woman out of her misery, and I might let you have some of her blood." I growled at him, my vision going red, as the natural instinct of defense kicked in.

"Stay away from her," I hissed at the vampire. "Or I'll make you wish you did." The Level E only chuckled.

"I want every drop of her blood!" He screeched, his eyes widening and his face distorting into a gruesome expression of madness. He lunged past me, at the assistant sitting at the counter, his hands reaching out, curved into claws. Everything happened in slow motion then.

The assistant had, naturally, looked up when the Level E howled about blood, but when he lunged at her, she had just sat there, frozen to the spot, a mask of terror on her face.

Ignoring the bile that had begun to rise up, I leapt up as well, catching the Level E around the middle, before plunging one hand right into his heart, ripping it into pieces. Blood splattered, and the Level E screeched one more time, before exploding like a balloon into a cloud of grey dust, littering the shop floor. It would disappear eventually, but not before other people saw it.

She stared at me, and the pile of dust I crouched next to. Her face trembled, her green eyes wide like a cat's, scared and terrified.

"What," she began in a trembly, fearful and hesitant voice. "Are you?"
It hit me then, that people are only scared of me. They will be afraid of me, if they ever find out that I am a vampire. My mind spun with this realisation. I would never fit into the human society ever again. I was a vampire, I have nothing left as a human. Mum is probably scared of me now, seeing what I've become.

That's why she sent you to Cross Academy, the voice whispered to me. She wanted to be rid of you just as much as any other person would.

I ducked my head, trying to hide the tears that tried to flood my eyes.

"Please," I began hoarsely. "Don't tell anyone." With that, I ran out of the shop, all thoughts of buying a dress forgotten.

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