Chapter 92: All that's left

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The light of the afternoon was slowly fading as I emerged from the staircase from underground.

The shadows cast onto the ground were long dark figures, strangely shaped and like black stick men.

The smell of blood lingered around the whole academy, so strong that my head spun. It had to be Rido. I could only hope that none of the Day Class were hurt. Or the Night Class.

A shriek teared through the air as the sounds of slashing came from my left.

"Are you okay?" The voice was close by, a very familiar voice. Immediately I began running to my left, towards where I had heard the voice.

"Mum!" I burst past the tree into a small clearing. "What are you doing here? It's dangerous!"

"Saki!" Mum's black head turned to me as I appeared. "What happened to your hair?" Mum and Yagari stood there, along with a Day Class girl who lay on the floor, unconscious.

" It...doesn't matter," I bit my lip. I didn't want to tell them what happened. "Is she okay?"

The red-haired Day Class girl lying at Yagari's feet had several cuts on her arms and one on her face. Her face was relaxed, but the traces of shock and horror still remained.

"We'll take her to the auditorium," Yagari responded gruffly, reaching down to pick up the limp girl. "The nurse can treat her there. I think you have some business to finish off."

"I do," I turned to leave, before anyone could ask about Ichiru, and I would suffer again.

"Be careful." Mum didn't cling on or try to stop me, even though she probably knew where I was headed. Yagari might have had something to do with it.

"The rest of the Night Class are on the Moon Dorm roof," Yagari informed me as he walked past, carrying the Day Class girl in his arms. "Facing Rido."

"Okay," my grip on the short sword tightened as I forced a smile at Mum and Yagari. "I'll be fine, don't worry." It was ironic since I was trying to reassure myself more than I was trying to reassure them.

"Make sure you come back," Mum followed Yagari past me. Her sad smile stuck to my memory as she looked at me, hopefully and hopelessly.


The wind had begun blowing more wildly as I reached the Moon Dorm. The sky had also turned a dreary, dreadful grey. It was almost like the earth knew what was happening in the academy and mourned it.

The inside of the Moon Dorm smelt of blood and death. Bodies littered the floors, grey, half-dead people who still twitched and moved slightly with a slow madness. Red bite marks dotted each of their necks as they lay in a blood-drained stupor. Rido's servants had served their master in the best ways possible it seemed.

"Help," the half-dead plea sounded right at my feet as I jumped in shock. The face of a man, who, despite his drawn and shadowed features, was quite young. A hand slowly moved to grab my ankle, but I jumped back, immediately running through the corridor, looking for the stairs to the roof. I would rather face Rido than these half-dead zombies.

My feet thudded softly past more grey, bodies, some of them still stirring, others completely motionless. The stairs were just around the corridor, I knew. I had never been on the roof before, not feeling the need to, but I had passed by the stairs many times.

Wind whipped my cheeks and the short strands of my hair flew about wildly as I opened the door to the rooftop.

Many of the Night Class students were already there, including Ruka, Akatsuki, Hanabusa, Rima, and Senri. Like in the headmaster's office, Kaname and Zero were nowhere to be seen.

"Let them go!" Yuuki's pained shout echoed from the other side of the roof. The other Night Class members were all surrounded by a dark, fog, along with a handful of Rido's servants.

"They disobeyed my orders," Rido cooed. He held Yuuki from behind, an arm wrapped around her neck, trapping her. "So my servants will have to punish them for me." Without warning, he opened his mouth, fangs bared to sink into Yuuki's neck.

"No!" I began running across the roof, skirting the other Night Class students and vampires. Rido's servants ignored me, pre-occupied with attacking the aristocrats as I ran towards Yuuki and Rido.

"Hmm?" Rido looked up at my shout, momentarily distracted. "You again. You never learn do you."

You never learn.

Despite all my wanting to keep going forward, and slash Rido's head off with the sword I held, my legs stopped running, frozen to the floor. Dark most engulfed me, like it had engulfed the other Night Class students, save Yuuki.

"Although you seem more determined than last time," Rido remarked, a devious smirk playing on his lips as he watched me struggle. "Maybe it's because I killed that useless boy you call a Hunter. Not very strong was he?"

"You monster," I hissed, still trying to break free of the foggy tentacles binding me. "You killed Ichiru!"

"Maybe," Rido shrugged. "But that doesn't matter, as long as I have my precious Juuri."

"Juuri?" Both me and Yuuki looked confused.

"What?" Rido looked back at Yuuki in his grasp. "You refuse your own name to hide from me? Do you not love me?"

"No one can love someone like you!" I continued to struggle with the bonds surrounding me. "You're a monster!"

"No," Rido fixed his mismatches gaze on me. "I'm not."

"You are," I snarled back angrily. Rido's eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"Maybe I should punish you first," his grip on Yuuki loosened. Without warning, he dropped her to the floor, disappearing and reappearing right behind me.

Yuuki fell to the floor, coughing slightly after her catch by Rido. I, in the meantime felt an arm twine around my stomach as Rido leaned over my shoulder.

"Get off," I didn't look back. I didn't want to see that horrible, grinning face of his.

"No," his reply was simple as fangs latched onto my neck.

I gritted my teeth as I felt my blood leak out, into his greedy mouth. I hated everything about it - it was horrible. Until I felt his grip loosen.

"Who's there?" Rido turned around, dragging me with him. The sight that beheld me froze my blood.

Zero stood there, his eyes dark and red, glowing slightly. Wind whipped at his clothes, and hair, making them fly about in a white frenzy. I would have found that sight normal if it hadn't been for his shoulder. 

His left shoulder had expanded and grown to a shocking size, veins lining the skin. The fading afternoon light cast a grotesque, horribly misformed shadow next to the silver-haired vampire hunter.

Silver-haired vampire hunter.

The thought almost made me cry again, but I blinked back the tears, swallowing the lump of sadness in my throat.

"Who would have thought," Rido feasted on the sight of Zero greedily. "That that hunter was clever enough to give his power to his twin before he died."

Give his power to his twin.

The cursed twins.

Before he died.

That realisation struck me like a gong, echoing back and forth in mind, repeating a phrase that my mind couldn't wrap itself around.

Rido didn't kill Ichiru.

"Surprised?" Rido leered at me through the fog. "Such a shame both of you will be dead."

Fangs closed in on my neck once again as I struggled weakly against his grip.

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