Chapter 4: Her past

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Narrator's POV

All the vampires, except Saki in the Moon dorm gathered in the front room.

"What do you think of her?" The question was asked by Takuma, who looked around the room carefully. Rima shrugged.

"She seems to be harmless, so why's she so important?" Ruka frowned.

"I don't think so, I really don't like her. She seems so suspicious. I can't even sense her thoughts. They're all closed in." Akatsuki gave a small smile of amusement. Ruka narrowed her eyes at him.

"What's so funny?" Akatsuki simply raised an eyebrow, never moving from his position, leaning against the wall.

"You always get off the wrong foot with people you know. Anyone new you meet, you always dislike them." Ruka scowled.

"Rima's right," Senri broke in, "She seems perfectly harmless, just an average Level C."

"Hanabusa?" Akatsuki glanced at Hanabusa. Hanabusa sniffed.

"If she won't address Lord Kaname properly, then I don't like her." He announced.

"But otherwise, do you think she isn't of any danger?" Akatsuki prodded. Hanabusa shrugged.

"She's just stupid, probably another walking disaster." He declared.

"Like you." Ruka muttered darkly.

"Hey! I am not!"

"Yes, you are!"

"When was the last disaster?!"

"Remember last week, when you broke my mirror?!"

"That was an accident!"

"But it was still a disaster!"



"I told you."

"But it was an accident!"

"They're all accidents!"

"Perhaps you should know something about her." Kaname intervened quietly. Hanabusa and Ruka looked up from the broken vase. The other night class students looked up too.

"Minagawa Saki was attacked by a pureblood when she was 6. Her parents were vampire hunters, but they left the Hunter Association when Saki was born, not wanting her to become a hunter, for unknown reasons," Kaname paused, looking at their faces. "Her father had been killed by the vampire, but her mother decapacitated the pureblood long enough to obtain its blood to feed to Saki, to keep her from falling to level E, before killing the vampire. Because of that, Saki has been a vampire, still living with her mother, and she has come to the academy to live among vampires." Ichijo frowned.

"Surely she could still fit in at some other school though, even if her story is different, other Level D vampires have obtained their master's blood." Hanabusa nodded.

"Takuma's right, why does she have to come to this academy, she's not even nobility? She would fit in perfectly fine at some other place."

"I want you all to keep an eye on her nevertheless. She has the same hatred to vampires, due to her father being killed by the pureblood. She blames them for why he is dead, and why she is also a vampire." Akatsuki frowned.

"If you don't mind me asking, who was the pureblood in this case?"

"Akatsuki, treat Lord Kaname with more respect!" Hanabusa whined. Lord Kaname raised a hand.

"At this point in time, it is not necessary for you to know."

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