Under the Gun

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Spencer had filled Aria and Lily in on everything they had missed at the college visit to Cicero when Emily and Spencer had gotten into some huge fight, they hadn't found anything and then Hanna had been arrested

"When you called me back from that sorority party, I thought you were gonna tell me that you'd found the person Ali was talking to, not that-"

"Hanna got arrested." Spencer finished for Aria 

"Yeah. Not that." Aria nodded 

"Where's Emily?" Lily asked. She was meant to meet them in the Brew a little while ago but still hadn't shown up "It's not like her to be late." 

"I don't know, maybe she got a hold of Hanna." Aria suggested 

"Yeah, or she could be avoiding me." Spencer sighed 

"All right, well you need to apologise or get over it or do whatever you have to do, okay? I don't care who said what to who, but we need all brains on board and we're already down one." Aria said hurriedly "You got it?" 

"Aye aye, Captain." Spencer eyed her warily, Aria nodded and raised her cup of coffee to her lips, grimacing when it passed her lips 

"Ugh. Taste this. It's disgusting." Aria handed it to Lily 

"No, you just spat in it." Lily frowned and Aria put down the cup, and then they were joined by Emily  

"Hey, Em. You talk to Hanna?" Aria asked but Emily just reached for one of the coffees 

"Is this mine?" 

"Yeah, but don't." Aria warned "How is she?" 

"Freaked out." Emily sighed "She's waiting to hear back from the D.A. about the charges. Meanwhile, the cops are running tests on her dad's gun to see if it was used to kill Wilden." 

"They can actually do that?" Aria asked 

"Yeah. It's called ballistics." Spencer nodded "When you fire a gun, the barrel leaves grooves on the bullet. Like a pattern. And if the pattern of that barrel matches the bullet that killed Wilden, then bam, that's the murder weapon." 

"And there's more." Emily added "Shana's back. Permanently. She enrolled at Rosewood High, and took my spot on the swim team."

"What are you talking about?" Lily asked 

"I'm talking about the girl who may have tried to set us on fire, run you over, sitting next to us in social studies." She sighed 

"But why? What does Shana have against us?" Lily asked 

"Well, Mona said Shana was in love with Jenna. And that they were both afraid of Melissa-" 

"Who moved to London." Emily finished 

"So, Melissa moves out; Shana moves in." 

"And Jenna gets a new seeing eye dog at Rosewood High." Lily added and they suddenly heard plates crashing behind them and Emily sighed when she saw it was the boy behind the counter who dropped them 

"On top of everything, guess who's in charge of training the new guy and running the open mic night tomorrow?" Emily sighed. Huh, that explained the bad coffee

"Hey, let me help." Aria said "Just sit down, settle in, okay? I'll deal with it, my brother knows him."

"Yeah that's Connor," Lily nodded and Aria looked at her in confusion

"Since when are you all buddy buddy with Mike and his friends?" She asked

"Your brother's nice," Lily shrugged "Now go help," Aria nodded and walked over to the counter, leaving Lily with Spencer and Emily who hadn't spoken since the night Hanna was arrested

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