No One Here Can Love or Understand Me

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Alison had managed to leave town with her father as Cyrus was released and now he was missing which had put all the girls on edge

But Lily had managed to get away unscathed so far since the other girls had decided not tell the police Ali was lying yet which gave her more time to sort out what she was going to do. She had the video of Melissa's confession and now she was just waiting for the right time to tell everyone what had happened

The complication now was Tanner since the police department were turning to investigating how Bethany Young died

Lily had faked sick from school for a day and stayed in bed with Teddy to try sleep off the nerves and nausea she was feeling, knowing what was going to come next for her

But she couldn't hide in her room forever, so the next day she called all of the girls to tell them to come over to hers, but Hanna and Ali didn't answer so only Emily, Spencer, and Aria showed up

"What's this about?" Spencer asked

"Sit down" Lily whispered and they all took seats around her living room "I wasn't honest with you guys about the night Ali disappeared. And neither was Melissa."

"What do you mean?" Aria asked

"Ali lied in New York" She said "I didn't go back to the barn with her. I went to see Melissa. She was hysterical, she told me she had seen Spencer and Ali fighting and then she had seen Spencer dragging a shovel behind her. She wanted to know if Ali was okay. And I told her I didn't know"


"Because that was the only way to keep me, Spencer, and her safe" Lily said "If I had told her Ali was alive she could have told anyone she saw us that night, but by telling her I didn't know it made sure we were all safe. But then we went into the Dilaurentis garden and I saw what I thought was Ali. It was a blonde girl in that yellow top lying face down on the floor and we thought she was a dead. There was a hole next to her which I'm guessing Jessica had initially buried Ali in but by now Mrs Grunwald had taken Ali out of there. I didn't know that. We thought that was Ali and we thought Spencer had done it. So we pushed her into the hole and buried her. We just didn't realise it wasn't Ali and she was alive."

"You and my sister?" Spencer whispered "You killed Bethany?"

Lily nodded "That's why I couldn't go to the police with you all. If they find out what we did we'll go to jail"

"Ali's gone to the police" Aria whispered and they all looked surprised "Tanner told my dad one of us had gone to the police and she's going to interview them tomorrow and it has to be Ali."

"What?" Lily sat up "Me and Spencer can still go down because of her. Even if Ali says we were sleeping or not there, she never saw who hit her and the police can still suspect us"

"So what do we do?" Emily asked "Sit here and wait it out?"

"No" Lily said "We'll deal with it tomorrow. You girls need to get some sleep and I'll go by the station tomorrow to keep an eye on Ali"

"Are you sure?" Aria asked. Lily nodded and Emily and Aria left her house, leaving Lily and Spencer alone

"What happens to us?" Spencer whispered "If Ali confesses?"

"I don't know" She replied "I really don't. But whatever does I swear I'll do whatever I can to get you out of it."

"What about you?" She asked

"Spencer the difference is that I actually did commit a crime. You didn't" Lily said "If they throw me in jail then I'll just have to pay my dues. But I won't let them ruin you too."

When Lily was finally alone that night she pressed call on her favourite number in her phone, and lucky for her the person on the other end didn't pick up "Um, Jase, it's me. I know you're busy right now but I need you to know that no matter what happens next I love you more than anything. And I want you to remember that"

She had no idea what tomorrow would bring

If Ali told the truth she and Spencer would be investigated for being awake that night and could be suspects in her disappearance or Bethany's death. But if Ali somehow managed to lie again to protect them then Lily still had a sword hanging over her head in the form of Bethany Young's death

Either way she was bound to be implicated one way or another

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