Hush, Hush, Sweet Little Liars P1

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It was so quiet in Hanna's apartment you could hear a pin drop. Lily had become tired of waiting and was distracting herself by counting the lights she could see from the living room window while they waited for a reply from their new 'A' or whoever was behind the new threats

The only sound distracting them all was Aria as she spoke on the phone to someone, and when she finally hung up she turned back to the group

"That was Alison." She explained "She's headed home tomorrow. But Elliot's going to a conference in Chicago." 

"She shouldn't be alone." Emily said 

"None of you should till this is over." Ezra added and Jason nodded in agreement

"Guys, she's typing." Hanna cried and everyone rushed over to her, their eyes on her phone as the message came in 

If you're lying, I shoot all of you.

"Hanna, are you sure that you wanna do this?" Spencer asked and the blonde nodded

"First, it was Aria, then Ali. Whoever's next could end up lying in a casket instead of a hospital bed." Jason laced his fingers through Lily's "And we all decided this is the right thing to do."

"Okay, but we can undecide. It's not too late." Spencer said 

"Yeah, well, I trust Caleb." Hanna replied 

"I do too." Spencer nodded and Hanna typed out a message

It's the truth. I'll call the cops

"She's sending another text." Hanna said 

No police. 

"As predicted." Lily sighed

"Another text." Hana added 

This is between you and me. 

"Sara Harvey took the bait." Caleb nodded, which meant their plan was officially in motion and it was too late for her to back out now

I need one more day

It'll be your last.

Lily had been expecting that, but still reading that sent a chill down her spine. And when she and Jason left Hanna's apartment together, they drove home in a stony silence as they both worried for what was to come.

Lily of course was more used to this, so she was easily able to distract herself from it all by focusing on getting some work done so her boss wouldn't fire her

Jason had said he would do the same thing, but when Lily came downstairs from their room an hour later, she found that Jason was still sitting on the sofa where she had left him, and his eyes were fixed on the TV in front of him

"Jase?" she asked and he whipped his head around so fast she was surprised he didn't get whiplash. And she was incredibly surprised to see that his eyes were red, as if he had been crying, so she rushed over to his side "Jase, what's wrong?"

"What if we do really only have one last day?" he asked and Lily hadn't known what she had been expecting to hear, but it wasn't that "Do we really think whoever this is will only come after Hanna? I mean we're all in danger now and if we only have one more day then I don't want to waste it looking over my shoulder or being afraid of this invisible person"

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