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"Hardin, are you sure I look okay?" I fuss, pulling at the hem of my pale blue dress. The ends of my hair are curled and I'm satisfied with my makeup, but I've been standing and pouting in front of this mirror for twenty min minutes now. I guess my nerves are just getting the better of me. I know Hardin wants the babies to be this huge announcement, with it being our tenth anniversary and all.. but my social anxiety said hell no.

"You look incredible babe" he grabs me from behind, placing reassuring a peck on my cheek. I continue to stare into the mirror and gasp at how handsome he looks, he's shaved and is wearing a black dress shirt with black jeans. Very Hardin. "I could say the same for you, Mr" I turn around to face him, cupping his hands in mine. "Theresa Scott, are you trying to seduce me" his voice is full of wonder. "I wish, but we have to be down there in literally two minutes " I scrunch my nose. "Two minutes is fine for me" he smirks, smothering my neck with kisses.

I begin to reminisce about the times we had in this very bedroom, at his fathers house. Everything is still the same, the desk, the mirrored wardrobes, even the lamp is still the last one that Ken replaced, saying that, it would be. It hasn't been the victim of Hardin launching it at a wall, yet.

"Hardin, all the guests are here, waiting for us. We are late to our own party and it's at the house we are staying at" I break free from this hold. "Fine" he huffs. "Are you ready for this" he takes my hand in this. "No" I smirk, as we walk down the spiral stairway.

Hardin and I rotate around the room, greeting the familiar heads and thanking them for coming. Everyone seems to be a little merry on champagne. Hardin is not a people person and the smile he's sporting is about as artificial as a plastic Christmas tree, but I know he appreciates it all the time.

"Tessa!" My mother pulls me in for a hug as her and David approach us. "Mom" I wrap my arms around her. Now that her and I get along so well, I miss her terribly when we are apart. Hardin exchanges a hand shake with David, then greets my mom as I hug David. "You look beautiful" he smiles. That man is too sweet.

We continue to greet the room full of people and I begin to feel a little overwhelmed. "Well well well, who would have thought you two would have made it ten years" one of my best friends squeals, squeezing me so hard I can't breathe. God I've missed this woman and I'm just happy to see someone I don't have to make small talk with. "Actually Kimberley. It's more like twenty. We've been married for ten" Hardin scoffs and she flips him off, turning her attention back to me. Hardin and Vance talk amongst themselves as do Kimberly and I.

"You look hot today" she compliments. "Girl, says you. That dress though" I fuss. She's wearing a gorgeous, satin little black dress, the sleeves are puffy. "Girl come on, let's get you a drink" she grabs my hand. Oh dear lord, not this again. I'm thankful when we are interrupted by Ken, starting some kind of speech into a microphone. He is stood at the front of the room, welcoming everyone to gather round. Here we go, we know Ken loves a good old speech.

"I'd like to thank you to you all for coming today to celebrate the great fortune that is Hardin and Tessa Scott on their 10th wedding anniversary. When my son first met Tessa, he was a broken boy, and now thanks to her he is a healed, successful man. They have stuck by each other through everything. Maybe all marriages would survive if the partners realised that sometimes, the better comes after the worse. These two have made me a grandpa which is something i never thought I'd be and I beam with pride everyday at the genius Young people they are. The same goes for you Addelyn. Grandpa loves you all. So can we all raise a glass and make a toast to Hardin, and Tessa Scott. Thankyou" he wraps his speech up and everyone raises their glass.

"Actually dad, I'd like to say a bit of something too" Hardin tells him, taking the microphone from him. We walk hand in hand and stop in front of the big 'ten' sign that is lit up. Karen really went all out. "You do?" Ken is just as surprised as the rest of the room. This is Hardin, the guy who is embarrassed by people singing happy birthday to him and he wants to make a speech in front of all these people?

"I'd just like to say a massive Thank you to my father and Karen for organising this for us, it feels amazing to be back here in Washington and have everyone with us celebrating. If someone would have told me twenty years ago that Tessa and I would be one day celebrating our tenth wedding anniversary, with two children, I probably would have laughed in their face. But here we are, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you Tessa Scott" he boasts.

The room bursts into a fit of giggles when Auden starts to make gagging noises and Emery shouts "get a room." These children of mine. "Tessa and I actually have some news that we'd like to share with you all. As some of you may have noticed, at the events over the last few weeks, such as my birthday, book launch and now today, Tessa hasn't been drinking. Now we all know that Tessa loves a good glass of champagne, so if she turns it down, there's probably something wrong" the small crowd laughs. "But there's a reason for this" he takes a deep breath.

"Oh my god, you're pregnant. I knew it!" Kim blurts out and I can't help but laugh. "Well for once Kimberley, you'll be pleased to know that you're correct" Hardin chuckles. "Tessa and I are over the moon to announce that we are expecting not only one, but two bundles of joy in September" he beams. I look around the room, taking in the humorous reactions to our news. "I'm as shocked as you all are, about it being twins that is. Tessa and I are still getting our heads around it as we found out just over twenty four hours ago but we couldn't be happier. Thank you all for coming, again" he wraps up his speech.

I take another glance around the room and Ken is having to console Karen, as she sobs into his arms. Happy tears of course. Ken is looking over at us, blowing a kiss, the biggest smile on his face. They know how much we've hoped and prayed for this and it's finally happening.

Familiar faces gather to congratulate us on the news of our twins. My mom is jumping up and down with glee and it makes my heart so happy that I can give her two more grandchildren to love and spoil. It's finally out in the open, no more secrets. I can finally breathe.

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