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"Thank god" I stagger back a few steps, holding a hand over my chest in relief as I make eye contact with my firstborn. She's sitting up in the bed of the small hospital room and she so looks drained and vulnerable, it breaks my heart. But she looks far better than I was expecting her to. I was sick with panic at the possibility of her still being unconscious when I arrived, I couldn't bare to see that. Addy was so great with reassuring me when I felt like my head was about to fall off. She's currently in the waiting area due to the nurses only letting one person into the room.

My girl has gotten off lightly, with a case of extreme vomiting and having to be hooked on an intravenous drip. Jake, the junior doctor that I spoke to before entering, said that fitting an intravenous drip was the best thing to restore her blood sugar and vitamin levels after the dangerous amount of alcohol she consumed. As for the drugs that were slipped into her drink, Jake said that Rohypnol was detected in her urine sample and that she was very lucky that the effects weren't more severe for a girl her age. It could have taken a serious toll on her body and I'm thanking my lucky stars that Ems going to be fine.

I just wish I could understand why she did this. It's so out of character for Emery.. she's always been a straight A student, we've always taught her right from wrong and most importantly Hardin has always hammered the dangers of alcohol into our children's head's. "I'm sorry mom" her bottom lip wobbles. I choose to stay silent and instead, rush to her side. I pull her in for a cuddle and we stay like this for a good five minutes, I run my fingers through her hair as she sobs into my chest.

"Why Emery, why did you go there when Addelyn warned you that these people were bad" I break the silence. I'm not trying to get at her but I just need to understand why. "I don't know mom, I just figured that Addy hated Blake because of her history with his brother ...Austin. I didn't realise that they were capable of something like this" her voice is shaky. I knew it, I knew that there was some strange connection between my niece and the tall, dark haired adolescent that threatened me less than an hour ago.

"History? What history?" My eyes grow wider. I can tell that she's becoming anxious by the nervous blink that she's doing. "I don't know if I should say" she whispers and I glare at her, telling her that she has no choice. "Okay" she sighs. "I'm only telling you this because I trust you and it plays a part in what happened ... but Austin is Addy's ex. They were together for a couple months. She lost her.. you know, To him and then he dropped her like she was nothing" she is burying her head in shame. My legs have turned to Jelly. I'm suddenly desperate to sit down. My poor niece.. she has kept this entire thing to herself as she was probably too embarrassed to tell anybody.

"So you're telling me that this grown man took her virginity and then dumped her? And you knew what he had done to your cousin when you went to his house tonight?" I am now yelling and she's cowering from my reaction. "He's not a grown man mom, he's nineteen and Addy is seventeen! Besides, I wasn't at the party with Austin I was there with Blake, his brother" she hurls. If this is her attempt to justify her actions then it isn't working with me. I'm growing madder by the second.

"Oh and Blake is so much better is he? You can't fool me young lady, I know what Blake did to that poor girl at homecoming last year" I scoff. "And you think that it's smart to put yourself in a position in which he could do the exact same to you? .. oh dear lord, he didn't touch you did he?" I am covering my mouth to stop myself from getting sick. "No! He didn't, he wouldn't do that?" She defends. How is she sure that this boy wouldn't do that to her. Blake and his brother seem like absolute scumbags to me. I am shaking with anger and My vision is blurred at the thought.

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