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"Charlie, please. You have to eat something" I beg my boyfriend. It's been three whole days and he has barely had a bite to eat, he has barely even spoke a word. "I'm just not hungry, boo. I'm sorry" he buries his head as he plays with the bowl of chicken pasta in front of him.

Today is the day that his new Social worker is coming to visit and it will determine whether he stays with us, or goes to live with his Aunt. I hope to god that It's the first one. They think I don't know, but my mom and dad have been at each other for days now. Surprisingly enough, not only is my dad willing to drop everything, to allow Charlie to live here, with us, but he's willing to be his legal guardian. I know, I never thought I'd say those words either.

My mom on the other hand, she's not so keen on the idea. She loves Charlie, but I get where she is coming from. The whole thing would be a huge deal. But I fear for how Charlie's well-being would decline, if he was forced to live with his Aunt Melanie. He has no friends there, he would have to move schools. Not to mention that I would miss him unbearably. I've grown far too close to him to lose him now. I love this beautiful, blonde haired boy and there's nothing that will ever change that. I need him as much as he needs me.

I have spent the last couple of days drying Charlie's tears and cuddling him until he falls asleep, the sadness in his eyes kills me. But, the fact that I'm able to support him through a time like this, tells me that we can get through anything together. I rub my boyfriend's back in a pathetic attempt to comfort him but I'm distracted by my younger brother entering the room. He is holding a piece of paper and has a timid look upon his face.

"Charlie?" Auden whispers. The two of them have grown close in the last couple of weeks and their shared interest in music, has brought them even closer together. "Not now, Auden. Charlie is just a little sad right now" I tell him softly, and my heart breaks at the way he sticks out his bottom lip. "It's okay man, what is it?" Charlie breaks his silence. Auden approaches us, placing the piece of paper on the table before us.

My heart bleeds at the sentiment. It is a drawing of three stick figures. One of them is obviously Charlie, as one of the stick figures is a blonde boy who is wearing a blue, football jersey. The other two must represent his parents, as the gentleman is wearing scrubs, and the lady is in a nurses uniform. "You said that you don't have a picture of the three of you, So I thought I would make you one" my little brother mutters, losing eye contact with Charlie. I glance at my boyfriend, to take in his full reaction and I squeeze his hand, as his eyes fill up with tears. "I - I don't know what to say. That's the nicest thing. Come here man" Charlie's bottom lip wobbles as he opens his arms to cuddle Auden. "Thank you so much" he tells him and my heart bursts at how thoughtful my baby bro is. I join in, making it a group cuddle, but our embrace is interrupted when my father enters the room and a youngish woman follows.

"Charlie" my dad's voice is soft. "This is Jenny, remember at the hospital when the lady said that you'd be appointed a Social worker?" He adds and Charlie nods. "Well this is her" my dad forces a smile. Jenny can't be any older than twenty five, she looks fresh out of college, but she is beautiful. She is tanned and her hair is a gorgeous, chocolate brown colour. "Hi" Charlie timidly mutters. "Take a seat" my dad instructs and she obliges. "So, I'd like to start by talking with Charlie alone?" Jenny reveals and i use that as my queue to leave. My father follows me into the sitting room and takes a seat on the sofa. I join him, but minutes later, Jenny calls him and my mom into the kitchen.


Why am I so damn nervous. All as this is, is a conversation with Charlie's social worker, nothing official, just a chat. Fuck, I'm pathetic. "Mr and Mrs Scott" the young woman smiles as we take a seat. "Call us Hardin and Tessa" I tell her. I don't know what the fuck this fake accent is that I'm sporting, but I need to stop that right now. "So Charlie, I'm going to ask if I can speak with Hardin and Tessa alone, then I'll ask you to join us again? Is that okay?" Jenny speaks softly to the kid. "Yeah, I guess" Charlie shrugs, before joining Auden in the back yard. I can see the two of them throwing and catching a football, through the patio doors.

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