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"Everything's such a mess, mom" my voice is broken, but I feel great comfort from the way she plays with my hair. Hell, I'm supposed to be mad at her, but I need someone to confide in, desperately. She soothes me, assuring me that everything's going to be okay, but she doesn't know the half of it. "I'm all ears, baby" my mom promises, whilst perching herself on the edge of my bed. I park myself next to her, not knowing where to start or what to say, but I feel safe.

I'm just glad that she's here, her scent feels like home, even when I feel like a lost child in the middle of the desert. The feeling of wanting your mom, has no age limit, no time limit and no distance limit, it never goes away. I could never stay mad at her.

"For weeks.." I begin, but feel the urge to stop and take a deep breath. She places her hand over mine and gives a reassuring nod. "Like I told you.. for weeks now, Charlie has been so distant" my bottom lip quivers. "I drove myself crazy...thinking he doesn't love me anymore. He became such a closed book and I felt lonelier than ever" I explain, knowing that we've talked about this previously. "Of course, he was hiding something from me the whole time, something important" I sniffle.

I hate the fact that my own fiancé felt that he had to hide something so big from me, because he was worried of how I might react. I'm not some over sensitive little crybaby who needs to be wrapped up in cotton wool all the time. I just wish he'd realise that.

My mother stays silent, but pulls me in to her chest to console me, allowing me to continue when I'm ready. "Please, if I tell you this, you have to promise to stay calm and that you won't tell dad" I bribe her and the look of fear in her eyes is a picture. I wasn't going to tell her about the pregnancy scare, but it's all coming out and I can't seem to stop it.

"Emery, you're scaring me. What is it?" My mom's voice shakes as she stands to her feet. "I thought Charlie would leave me if I told him.. he was already being weird, so I couldn't talk to him. You have been so busy with the twins and Dad is never out of his office. I thought you guys would be so disappointed in me, I didn't know what to do.." I cover my mouth as a wave of sickness takes over my being. This is awful.

"Emery, you're talking in riddles! Just tell me, please!" My mom loses her patience and with that, I spring to my feet. "I haven't had my period for two months!" I blurt out, covering my mouth again with both hands. My mom's jaw drops to the ground and my heart begins to beat profusely at her reaction.

"What?" she mutters and I nod my head to confirm. "I haven't had my period, I was getting sick a lot.. I thought I might be... you know" I take a deep breath as my mom paces the room. "But..I did a test today.. and it was negative" I put her out of her misery and she breathes a huge sigh of relief.

"Oh Emery, you don't know how pleased I am!" she mumbles and I force a smile as she sits back down on the bed. For some reason, people telling me how happy they are that I'm not pregnant, is not what I want to hear.. it should be, but it isn't. "I was so scared" a single tear escapes my eye as I join her.

"You should have told me, sweetheart" my mom whispers, placing a kiss into my hair. "That is a big thing to have to keep to yourself, too big" she adds. She's right, it is, but I guess I've grown used to having to do that, so it's no big deal to me anymore.

"Don't take the way I just reacted the wrong way, I would be there for you no matter what, okay? So would your father" she grabs my hand and squeezes it. "Are you kidding? Daddy would kill Charlie and I!" I scoff, but I know I'm right. The two of us get a laugh out of imagining his reaction, and everything seems 'normal' for a moment, the two of us joking around together and all.

I tell my mom everything, from school stress, to the situation with Charlie ..and it does me the world of good. I feel like I can breathe again, I feel like I can hear myself think! We figure that the stress I've endured is probably the cause of my period being so late and the 'sickness' and what not.

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