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"Charlie, just sit the hell down, for goodness sake!" I scold my beau. He has paced the room for the entire morning since my mother caught us.. in the act. "I can't Emery! Your mom caught us canoodling, she probably heard me squealing like a pig! She probably heard me scream the word 'yippee' when you did that thing I like!!" He panics and I can't help but laugh. "I think we did a bit more than canoodle, Charles" I tease him, yet he doesn't see the amusing side. "That doesn't make things any better!" He huffs whilst waving an arm in the air. "Charlie, just calm down! okay? My Mom will forget it even happened and she won't tell my Dad because she knows how he'll react. Just breathe" I tell him and he obliges. He sits himself down on the edge of my bed and opens an extra button on his button down shirt.

"You look stunning, by the way" he tells me as I take in my appearance in the mirror. My outfit is festive, but cute. I decided on a tartan, pleated skirt and paired it with a cream coloured turtleneck sweater. I consider a red lip but decide against it as I know it will be spoiled in minutes. I can't seem to resist those lips of Charlie's at the moment, nor can I resist any other part of his body for that matter. "Not as stunning as you, sweetie" I tell Charlie, who is dressed in a pair of tight blue jeans and a white Ralph Lauren button down shirt. He really does look gorgeous, with that all year round tan of his and perfectly styled blonde hair. His dashing blue eyes complete the look.

"I know that you're on edge, baby. Not just because of my Mom.. this morning, but because it's your first Christmas without your parents. But they'd be so proud of the way you have handled things, just like I am" I turn to face him, slowly making my way to the end of the bed where he is perched. "I love you, dear fiancé of mine" I tell him whilst climbing onto his lap. "I love you too" he admits. His smile is quick to grow... as is the bulge in his trousers as I begin to rock back and forth. "Emery" he sucks in a deep breath. "What, boo?" I tease as my tongue caresses his earlobe. "You didn't... even lock the .. door" he is barely able to sting a sentence together at this point.

"Everybody is busy doing Christmas things. Don't. You. Worry! I tell him, stretching out each word. He gives an 'I told you so' face as we hear my father roaming the halls. "Romeo and Juliet, are you ready?! Tessa and Auden look like they might piss themselves with excitement, can we just go?!" He yells, loud enough for us to hear wherever we might be. Charlie stands up from the bed faster than freaking lightening, completely disregarding the fact that I'm on his lap. "Hey!" I scold him as I fall from the bed to the ground. "Shit!! I'm sorry" Charlie huffs, frantic to button his shirt up and straighten himself up. He grabs my hand to help me up, he can't apologise enough and I laugh at his expense as he resembles a dear in the headlights.

"Emery!" My father repeats, his voice growing closer to the door. Charlie scurries into the en-suite and I'm all smiles when my father enters. "Did you hear what I said?" He raises an eyebrow. "I did" I nod. "Good, see you down there in a minute. And Charlie boy-" he calls my boyfriends name, letting him know that he's aware that he's in here. "Don't forget to flush the toilet after you've had a shit" he mocks before bursting into a fit of laughter. "Dad!" I scold him while shoeing him out of the room.

I gather my belongings and Charlie and I join my Mom, dad, Auden and the twins in the cabins sitting room, minutes later. I give a confused look as my Mom is holding a giant suitcase. "Why-?" I ask my dad. "Don't ask. The gifts are in there" he smirks and the two of us roll our eyes in synchronisation, typical Mom. I'm reminded of the gorgeous, Christmas snowfall as the family and I leave the cabin. The snow crunching under my boots is the most satisfying feeling and sound. Auden dawdles behind with Charlie and I, whilst my Mom and Dad push the stroller and wheel the suitcase of gifts to my grandparents cabin.

We arrive and I'm surprised when my uncle Landon opens the door. "Merry Christmas!" He holds a mistletoe above his head, puckering up to us with his eyes scrunched shut. "Are you still drunk? Grandpa" my father teases him and he suddenly opens his eyes. "That's right, I am a grandpa to my beautiful, beautiful Ava Rose" he smiles, whilst moving from the door to let us all in. He would usually give my Dad the death glare for calling him that. "Congratulations, bro" my father shakes his hand before entering with the twins' stroller. We all follow and take off our shoes and coats at the door.

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