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"Bloody hell!" I come to a sudden stop, as a heap of skinny white men on bicycles scurry past us. Im quick to pull Tessa away from the edge of the pavement. I have seen more cyclists in the few days that we have been in Amsterdam, than I've ever seen in my lifetime. They're everywhere. I have to say, everyone in Amsterdam is a bit of a cycle-path. "Okay. Look left, look right, look up, look down. Look left and right once more... and we should be good to go" I crack a smile, as Tessa and I cross the street. Tessa laughs at my over dramatic antics.

Today is our last full day in Amsterdam. This break was exactly what Tessa and I needed and it has been unreal, but holy shit, I can't wait to see my children. It has been strange to say the least, not seeing their faces everyday. I just hope that they have behaved while we have been away. Also.. not that I'd ever admit this.. but I have missed Louie. I moan when that unruly mutt gets under my feet at home, but really.. I wouldn't have it any other way.

I can't ignore the sickly feeling at the pit of my stomach as I come to terms with what I may have to deal with when we return. That letter of mine, it went missing. Any one of the children could have read it and I haven't been there to explain it. Out of context, that letter is rather fucked up.

"What are you thinking about?" Tessa breaks me from my trance as we stroll the busy streets of Amsterdam. I smile as I take in how cute she looks in my beanie. "Nothing, just about last night.." I lie, though I am thinking about last night now. We dined at a Michelin star restaurant. I fussed about how pretentious it was, though it didn't bother me really. In fact, getting suited and booted and visiting a fancy restaurant reminded me that Tessa and I have truly made it. Tessa got very tipsy and insisted on spoon feeding me her cheesecake. I gagged like a motherfucker of course as I despise cheesecake, that's why I chose the chocolate fudge cake.. but I didn't want to ruin the moment.

The snooty locals that surrounded us stuck their noses in the air and looked at us like we'd just killed their family pets, so of course ..that spared Tessa and I on even more to act like complete pigs. We made the most obnoxious nomming sounds and laughed as loud as ever. No fucks were given. We were quick to pay our bill and get the hell out of there before the whole thing turned info a food fight. We sprinted down the narrow streets of Amsterdam, it has become a habit on this break to rush back to the hotel room as fast as we possibly can, purely to jump each others bones.

"It really was something" Tess yet again, brings me back to reality. She's right. It was unreal, and fuck. I forgot how great being able to be loud is. We can barely breathe heavily when fucking at home.. I mean.. I'd prefer it if we didn't traumatise our children. But do I give a fuck that sixty seven year old Bob and Jacqueline from Ireland in the room next door can hear me railing my wife into next week? Quite frankly, no. So it's safe to say that we have used the room to it's advantage.

"But.. there'll be none of that today. You have to promise to be on your best behaviour at the Van Gogh museum. Okay?" Tessa warns me and I roll my eyes before nodding in agreement to do so. "Of course. And before you warn me, I won't touch anything. I'll save that for later" I attempt to wink, though it's probably the least charming thing Tessa has ever seen. "Hardin!" She scolds me, playfully batting my chest.

With that, the two of us continue our journey. We stop at one of the many dessert shops in Amsterdam for churros on the way. I moan like a bitch at how sweet these things are, so Tessa finishes mine as well as hers. I can't control the pathetic smile that my face is sporting as Tessa coo's over the beautiful snowfall and the pastel coloured Buildings. The Delicate fairy lights and happy couples. All of that soppy shit would usually make me sick, but in these circumstances, what makes her happy, makes me ten times happier.

We eventually arrive at the museum and I mentally prepare myself to 'Be on my best behaviour'. I take Tessa's hand, placing a kiss onto it before we enter the modern looking building. "Fuck, it's warm in here" I try to whisper but it comes out as more of an echo. "Hardin!" Tessa squeezes my hand in a discrete way to scold me. "Vincent Van Gogh literally cut his own bloody ear off Tess, I doubt he'd care that I said the .... F word" I smirk, but her death glare tells me to shut my mouth, so I do, zipping it shut for effect.

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