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"Mommy, when is Emery coming home?" My little man asks, full of curiosity. I've heard this question more times than I've had hot meals this week. After the incident last week, Hardin and I agreed to let Emery take the week off school, to recuperate and delay the backlash that will probably get from those rotten kids at school. When I spoke to Karen, she thought it would be good for Emery to fly back to Washington for the week and spend some extra at hers' and Ken's place. Hardin and I agreed and she flew there the next day. Maybe some time away will make her crave a fresh start when she returns home.

"She arrives home this afternoon baby, In fact it's almost time for me to pick her up from the airport. have you missed your big sis?" I pat him on the back. "Yeah.. but don't tell her" he shushes me and I can't help but laugh.

"Here my favourite people are!" my charming husband beams as he enters the kitchen. He is shirtless and his cotton shorts hang loosely at his torso. His hair is gelled back from his face and he is freshly shaven. Who gave him the right to look this good? "Hey daddy" Auden chimes.

Hardin decided to take a rain check on his Book Tour after suffering the burden of what happened while he was away. Paul was not a happy bunny, but Hardin talked his way out of it by promising to promote 'After Ever Happy' in other ways. He came up with the idea of working from home and hosting virtual book events for each city he had to cancel. They entail live question and answers regarding the book and fan's registering to receive a signed book. So far, so good. It seems to be working in Hardin's favour.

"How are my baby peaches?" My husband beams as he places a kiss onto my growing bump. He hasn't stopped calling them that since learning that at fourteen weeks, the babies are the size of peaches.

"They're good Daddy peach" I peck his cheek. "Only two more weeks until we find out the gender of Thing one and Thing two" I giggle. I adapted that nickname for them after Hardin, Auden and I watched the cat in the hat for movie night on Saturday. "And I for one can't wait" he places a peck on my lips. I begin to chuckle when Auden pretends to throw up at the public display of affection. "Ha Ha very funny young man"

"I hope they're both boys" Auden cheers. "Me too buddy" his father chimes in. Hardin has said that both babies are boys from the day we found out we we're having twins. "Umm excuse me! I don't! That would make four boys and only two girls " I roll my eyes at the thought, though I'd be happy with any gender as long as both babies are healthy and I know Hardin would too. "What if you were to have two new baby sisters Young man?" I tease Auden.

"I would still love them.. but not as much as two baby brothers" he giggles to himself. I love his honesty. "Well hopefully, we'll get a compromise and have one of each" I grin. "I think we can work with that, don't you buddy?" Hardin banters with our son. He nods and the pair retreat into the sitting room.

I love to see my boys spending time together, even if they are being noisy and playing video games that are far too inappropriate for Auden.

"Honey, I'm off to the airport to collect Emery now" I notify Hardin after twenty minutes. "Okay baby, are you sure you don't want me to go?" He offers, his eyes still glued to the TV. "No, it's fine, honestly. I'll go" I tell him. I am looking forward to seeing her knowing that she's in much better spirits than she was when I last saw her. Karen said that Emery's a different person from the girl who arrived in Washington last Thursday. She barely said a word for the first few days but it was nothing that some quality time with her grandparents cousins fix.

I hop into the car and with the distraction of Hardin's playlist, I'm pulling up at the airport before I know it. My girl is waiting with the biggest grin on her face and just as happy to see me as I am her. "Hi baby" I greet her as she climbs Into our Range Rover. She doesn't speak, just wraps her arms around me.

"Aw baby, you look so much happier" I cup her face in my hands. "Well, I've had a week to reflect on what happened and I've realised that you and dad were right" she sighs. "I'm proud of you, honey" I tell her. "I'm so so sorry for making you think that you were anything less than the most important woman in my life" her voice is sincere. "Dad told me how heartbroken you were when I acted out while he was away and that you thought that I didn't love you. But I do love you mommy, more than words can say" she rests her head on my shoulder. Ahh my heart. This is my Emery. My beautiful girl and her golden heart.

A/N - Hi loves, the next few chapters are going to be full of Happy Hessa. I just thought I'd let you know🥰 If you're enjoying 'Our Time Will Come', don't forget to Vote and leave a comment🖤

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