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"Jesus Christ" I remark as Emery squeals a sound so high pitched, that probably only dogs can hear. Her eyes don't know where to look as she is overwhelmed by her surroundings. "Oh my gosh, the balloons! I love them" she fusses, while heading over to take a closer look. "Charlie was in charge of balloons" I reveal and the expression on her face is a deep glare. "Charlie?" Her eyes widen as they search around the room for a blonde haired boy.

"Charlie!" She squeals as her eyes meet his. She sprints over to her boyfriend and wraps her arms around him, embracing in an excitable cuddle. She's lucky I haven't forced her to put on a more appropriate pair of pyjamas. Those shorts are far too tiny. I can't help but smile at the fact that our little diva Insisted on wearing a princess tiara for the day. "Happy birthday, boo" the young man remarks. I can honestly say I've never called Tessa 'boo' in my entire life. Like what is he? A ghost?I was going to tease Charlie for wearing pyjamas and call him a square, but I decided against it because I realised it was a good thing, not that he'll be going to bed with my daughter any time soon.

"You're here! You said you couldn't make it?" Her eyes light up as She jumps up and down with enthusiasm. "It was all part of my evil plan" the youngster jokes while adding an evil laugh for effect. Cringe bastard. "Did you.. stay here?" She pulls away from their hug. "I may have" Charlie smugly smiles. If he doesn't stop flirting with her in front of me, right now! "Oh my gosh. I still can't believe that you're here!" She hugs him once more. My father becomes impatient and clears his throat to make her aware of his presence.

"Grandpa! Nana!" Her jaw drops as she spots them on the sofa. My father looks like a typical grandad, with his arms crossed and his robe and slippers on. Karen looks.. well she looks like Karen. She's already dressed, with a full face of makeup on and her hair curled, despite having been up all night, travelling. "Happy birthday sweetheart" Karen emotes as the three of them share a group hug. "I'm so happy that you're here" Emery begins to get emotional.

"Bla bla bla, now open your presents. I want to see what you got" Auden chimes from out of nowhere. I swear this kid was half asleep, walking around like a zombie two minutes ago. "Hey, cheeky monkey. Come and say hello to your nana and grandpa!" My father chuckles at my little man's humorous manner. Auden greets his grandparents and Emery retreats to the pile of gifts that Tessa has arranged ever so neatly. She grabs ahold of the smallest, which also happens to be the most expensive. "Save that one til last honey" Tessa blurts out and Emery gives a confused glare.

She instead, goes for the large pink box next to it. The tag reads 'Happy sweet sixteen darling girl, love from Nana and Grandpa". She opens it up and there are plenty of goodies inside. The first, is a tiny mint green jewellery box. It reads 'Tiffany & Co' and according to the surprised glare on Emery's face, this Tiffany girl is a big deal. "It's .. gorgeous" her eyes light up at the silver, sparkly necklace before her. "Thank you so much, you guys!" She squeals, while fanning her eyes to ensure that she doesn't become emotional. I still don't understand why women do that.

Ems continues to open the remainder of the gifts from my father and Karen and is excitable as she learns that they have paid for her to spend the weekend in Washington, where she will attend a spa day with Addelyn and Abby. Addelyn moves there for College in a few weeks time and they thought it would be nice to have all of the girls together, before school starts back.

I smirk to myself at how spoiled our daughter actually is, as she continues to tear the wrapping paper from the many gifts before her, one of them being a promise ring from Charlie. I hope to God that he keeps whatever 'promise' he has made, because if he doesn't, he'll have me to answer to. He also gave her a handmade scrap book of their relationship so far, and I hate to admit it but the pictures were pretty damn sweet.

It was Tessa's idea to get Emery a bit of something from her little siblings. Her thoughtful self had an artist sketch a photo of all of our children together and she had it framed, knowing how much Emery loves thoughtful gifts like this. Auden is eager as he hands his sister the wrapped gift. Emery fusses as the tag reads 'To the best big Sissy, happy sixteenth birthday. We love you, from Auden, Saffron and Miller'. She can't disguise the tears that are falling from her cheeks as she opens the frame and wraps her arms around her younger brother.

After opening some small gifts from Tessa and I, and a charm bracelet from my mother and Mike, she only has one more thing to open, little does she know that the small box before her, holds the keys to her dream Car. I rush her along as she makes a little speech about how thankful she is for the gifts she just received. I'm glad that she's grateful, but my baby's always had a flare for the dramatics.

"Okay, okay. Now open the last bloody gift" I chuckle and she obliges. "Jeez mom, what did you stick the paper down with? Super glue?" Emery giggles as she struggles to unwrap the box. I grow impatient and snatch the box from her, tearing the paper off and throwing it back to her. "Hardin!" Tessa scolds me and I raise my hands in defence. It's not my fault she was taking so bloody long.

".. You didn't?" Our daughter drops to her knees and her jaw drops to the floor. It's safe to say that she's surprised as she takes in the extravagant gift before her. "We did baby. Get your shoes on" I charm, unable to control the grin that is seeping upon my face. She screams loud enough to wake the whole neighbourhood as she scours the house for her shoes. "Here!" Tessa throws her a pair of sliders and she is quick to step into them. She sprints to the front door speedy Gonzales style and we all get a kick out of the way she loses her shoes multiple times, as we follow her.

My heart races in anticipation for her, as she escapes the house and her eyes scour the driveway. Her jaw drops to the floor once more as her eyes meet the beauty that is her new, white Range Rover sport. We had the Collins' drop the Car off in the early hours of this morning, to ensure that It would be kept a surprise. Tessa went all out and decided to purchase a giant, fuck off red bow for decoration. It's clear that she is ecstatic, over the moon one might say. However, she is clearly lost for words as she glares at the vehicle before her and bursts into what I hope are happy tears.

"No, freaking way!" Emery breaks her silence. "This is mine?" She gasps and I love the fact that I can tell her that it is. I love the fact that I've been able to surprise my daughter with something that she'd never ask for, but has always hoped for. "It's yours sweetheart, you start driving lessons next week" I reveal and the smile on my face grows as she jumps up and down with glee.

"It looks exactly like the one that Lucy's parents used to have!" Her eyes light up and I smirk at the memory of how much she loved this car when the family from across the street owned it. "That's because it is sweetheart. We knew how much you loved this car and when we saw the Collin's advertising it on social media, your father and I couldn't resist" my wife reveals and Emery once again, turns on the water works.

"I don't know what to say, I-" "Don't say anything baby, just get into your first ever car, and bloody enjoy it, happy birthday sweetheart" I tell her and she wholeheartedly wraps her arms around me, embracing me in a cuddle, before doing the same with Tessa. Fuck, my heart is full right now.

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