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"Daddy, can you come in the pool with me?" Auden's eyes are desperate. The weather is decent today for
the first time In months, it's eighty five degrees Fahrenheit to be precise. So, Tessa and I thought we'd finally get the pool cleaned for the kids and have a barbecue. "I'm busy flipping burgers at the minute mate, sorry. Why don't you ask Emery and Charlie?" I run my hand through his hair.

That Charlie boy has been spending a lot more time around here and I hate to say it, but he's growing on me. Not that he'll ever know that, he needs to grovel first for me to actually let him know that I like him. It's been three weeks since I first met him and I questioned him like a judge. I have to say, If I met a girls father like myself when I was his age, I probably would have thought, fuck that and left.

I wasn't convinced by his holier than thou, straight A student act to begin with but it turns out that that is actually how he is as a person. Emery still hasn't admitted that Charlie is anything more than a friend, but I know that she has a giant crush on him by the way that she blushes when she's around him and how she never shuts the hell up about him when he's not. I just hope for his sake that he never hurts her, because I will not be responsible for my actions if he does.

I'll never tell Tessa this, but Charlie sort of reminds me of her first boyfriend, Noah. I hated that guy at the time, but when I was continuously hurting Tess all those years ago, I always thought fuck, she would be so much better off with him. That wasn't true, but i always hoped that if I was to ever have a daughter, she'd fall for someone like him, not someone like the scumbag I was.

"Yeah buddy, I'll get in the pool with you" Charlie tells my youngest, he starts to take off his shorts and thankfully, his swimming shorts are underneath, got a little worried there. "I'll be right back down" Emery tells the two boys.

Charlie and Auden are splashing around in the pool, when Emery comes flouncing down the stairs in something that I will most definitely not be allowing her to wear. "Young lady! What on earth are you wearing?" I spit. "Daddy, it's just a bikini" she rolls her eyes. "I don't give a shit, go and put a T-shirt on over that thing!" I scoff. I swear bikinis are betting smaller and smaller these days. She huffs in a strop and storms back up the stairs, returning minutes later with a T-shirt on as I wished.

"Thank you" I tell her. "You're not welcome" she strops, before stalking off to the pool and joining Auden and Charlie in their swim.

I call them ten minutes later, telling them that the food is ready and they dry themselves off before taking a seat at our garden table. I retreat to our bedroom to see if Tessa has awaken for her nap and much to my surprise, she isn't there. I can't stop the smile that is seeping upon my face when I take in the babies Moses baskets and the endless supply of diapers that are neatly piled up in the corner. We are at thirty weeks now and things are starting to feel so real.

"Tessa" I call her name as I check both bathrooms and all of our spare rooms, she isn't in any of them. The only place that she could be is the babies nursery, so I enter and surprise surprise, she's there, she spends more time in here than anywhere else.

The babies room is decorated to perfection. After a lot of toing and froing, we decided on the names that we earlier suggested, Saffron and Miller. Then we spent a full weekend painting and adding a personalised touch to their nursery. The walls are painted a duck egg blue colour and the carpet is a very light shade of grey. For some reason, Tessa wanted the entire room to be covered in prints of cute little baby giraffes and elephants and what not. Bloody women. Our baby boy, Miller's crib is baby blue and above his is an LED Letter M that rests on the wall. Baby Saffron's crib is pink and obviously there is an S above hers. Tessa couldn't possibly be doing anything else in this room, everything's perfect.

"I thought you'd be in here" I approach her from behind, placing a kiss onto her neck. "I'm just touching things up, making sure it's tidy" my wife says. "Oh I see what you're doing, you're just touching things up just in case the fairies have been overnight and moved the pillows around" I mock, making her tilt her head back in laughter.

"Now come on crazy lady, I've made you chicken nuggets" I tell her, taking her hand and leading her downstairs. "You look beautiful" I add as I take in her appearance. She looks as elegant as ever in her floaty, summery dress and that bump of hers looks adorable. Her hair is curled and a pair of sunglasses rest on top of her head.

She takes a seat at the garden table with Emery, Auden and Charlie and I join them shortly after serving up the food. You can't beat a good barbecue. The music is flowing, the sun is shining, the food is good, who could complain?

Hey guys🥰 just a short one
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Comment. The babies are gonna be here so soon and it's gonna be so so cute🥺 x

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