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"I don't know Emery.. I don't like the look of this neighbourhood" my grandpa practically whispers as he turns into Molly's street. Of course he would say that, he lives in a mansion. Most neighbourhoods are 'bad' to him. "And that's not just me being a snob. I used to live in a neighbourhood just like this back in England" he adds. I almost forget sometimes, that my grandpa was born and raised in London and was once married to my Nana Trish. Of course, he and Karen have been madly in love since before I was born and he lives a completely different lifestyle now.

"Grandpa, we will be fine. We are literally just visiting Charlie's parents, then we will come straight home. Don't worry!" I tell him for what feels like the tenth time. "Okay" he lets out a deep sigh. "But If you kids need a ride home, just call me" he adds. I thank him silently, and with that Charlie and I climb out of the car. I smirk as I watch my grandpa drive away in his Jaguar, oh the irony.

"Are you okay?" I smile at my blonde beau, squeezing his hand as a form of reassurance. I can tell by the way he is blinking rapidly that he is anxious as hell. "Yeah. I'm just.. nervous, I guess" he admits as we make our way up the small garden path. "I've got you" I whisper to him, he squeezes my hand in response and seconds later, rings the doorbell. We shrug at each other when it appears that nobody is home. He waits a moment, before pressing it again. Still ..no answer.

"Fuck this" Charlie grows impatient when it becomes clear that the house is empty. How could they do this to him?! Invite him to spend time with them and then ditch him after he's traveled all this way? There has to be a perfectly reasonable explanation for this. When we saw them at the airport, they seemed so excited to get to know Charlie better. Maybe we shouldn't jump to conclusions so quickly. I follow my man as he storms down the garden path, attempting to reach for his hand, but my heart sinks when he yanks it away from my reach. "Charlie!" I mutter as I attempt to catch up with him, but he stops in his tracks when a blue Volvo pulls up across the street. Judging by the noise, there is some kind of domestic issue.

It's them, they're here. It's clear that they haven't seen us yet, with the way they're clawing at each other's throats, metaphorically of course. Charlie and I glare at each other, taking in the performance before us as they make their way over to the house. When are those two not arguing? I try not to smirk at the way that Molly is practically waddling. I shouldn't laugh, but that is some walk. It's understandable, especially as she is almost ready to pop.

"You're such a dick!" Molly scolds Logan who is miles in front. He has a face like thunder as he storms across the street. "I'm a dick? How?!" He turns to face her in frustration. "You literally got fired right before our baby is due! He could arrive any day now and we have lost our only source of income! Do I need to go on?" She waves her arms in the air for extra effect. "I didn't get fired! I told you, the company has gone bankrupt so they had to dismiss us all. It was beyond my control!" Logan raises his voice even further.

"Shit" is all Charlie can muster to say as the pair continue to approach us. The minute Molly clocks us, her jaw falls wide open, obviously embarrassed to have been caught in the midst of a fight. "Ch.. Charlie, you're early" she chimes. "It's literally two twenty nine.. you said to be here for two thirty" Charlie sasses. "Oh.. yeah" her eyes dart to the ground. "Sorry dude, we have a lot going on right now ...but we're home now" Logan breaks his silence by apologising. He then proceeds to welcome us into their home.

"I see you brought your friend" Molly raises an eyebrow as the two of us follow her into the sitting room. She literally knows that Charlie and I are engaged and is still choosing to refer to me as his friend. "Yeah, I brought my fiancé. Is that a problem?" My man chimes bluntly, causing her to break into a stutter. I get a kick out of the way he wraps his arm around me for extra effect. "N- No. Of course not" she insists, but her tone has me skeptic.

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