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"Hey little man. What is all this fuss about?" My husband soothes Miller as he retrieves him from his bassinet. He instantly stops crying when he enters the arms of his Daddy. Hardin looks completely and utterly scrumptious with his tight boxer shorts hanging low at his torso. I smirk to myself as I realise that he is still wearing the Christmas hat that I made him wear whilst we fooled around last night. After his reaction to Emery and Charlie's news, he needed a distraction and it's safe to say that I .. distracted him. Prior to that, he was pacing the bedroom, overthinking every scenario of what their engagement could lead to. I'm surprised the man has any hair left with the amount that he pulled at it.

I sit myself up whilst releasing an almighty yawn, still exhausted from staying up util two to play Santa and arrange all the gifts. Hardin's attention is instantly turned to me. "Good morning, Mrs. Clause" he chimes and I giggle as I recall the rather corny role play that we engaged in only hours ago. He ventures over with Miller in his arms and places a soft kiss onto my forehead.

"Good morning, Saint Nick" I tease, the smile on my face growing. I take Miller from him and give him a little Squeeze. "Happy first Christmas, Mills" I whisper before placing a kiss onto his cheek. With that, his sister awakens. Her tiny cry melts my heart, as Hardin pick her up and places her over his shoulder. "And a very merry first Christmas to you too, little Miss Saffron" Hardin puts on his best baby voice whilst rocking her from side to side.

"How did we get so lucky?" I ask my husband whilst growing emotional. He half smiles whilst joining me on the bed. "Do you really want to open that door? Because I can think of many times we got lucky.. if you catch my drift" Hardin teases, wriggling his eyebrows up and down. Typical. "You know what I meant, perv" I playfully bat his chest, sending him into a fit of laughter.

"That's it, I can't wait any longer. I know it's only seven, but I can't wait any longer to see the precious look on their faces when they see that Santa has been!" I squeal, unable to contain my excitement for much longer. "I suppose seven is much better than that time you woke the kids up at four" Hardin smirks, whilst giving into my request. He places our baby girl down on the bed whilst throwing his Christmas Pyjamas back over his body. "Come on then. Let's go wake them up" he smiles whilst attaching Saffron to his hip, I take Miller and the two of us head to Auden's room first.

Hardin and I enter without knocking and instead, softly call our eldest Son's name. He opens his eyes gradually, before they shoot open and he springs up. "Let's go see if Santa came!" Hardin whispers while Auden is frantic to find his slippers. "Good morning twins!" He squeals while rushing out of his door and down the stairs. "I'll give Emery and Charlie a shout" I tell Hardin as he follows our boy. The last thing we need is Hardin walking into Emery's room and catching the two of them sleeping in the same bed, especially after last nights sensitive subject. I personally don't see the harm in the two of them sharing a bed whilst we are on Christmas vacation, they're pretty innocent kids and it's not like they'll get up to anything when we're all in the cabin.

I knock on the wooden door that is decorated with a beautiful holly wreath. Funnily enough, though it's early.. it seems that they're awake. There seems to be a lot of excitement happening in there. They're probably up, squealing about the birth of little Ava Rose. I stand listening for a moment and I raise an eyebrow when I hear a loud curse word escape Charlie's mouth. 'Fuck' he is yelling repeatedly but the sound is muffled. Oh gosh.. I hope he isn't having second thoughts about the engagement, that would break her heart. I hope they're not fighting, it's Christmas day for goodness sake. I grow concerned when they don't answer my quiet knock and attempt to walk on in there, but the door is locked.

Seconds later, Emery presents at the door. She is wearing only a T-shirt with the sheets wrapped around her. Oh, my, god. And that's when the penny drops. "Hi mom.. merry Christmas, be down in a second" she is all flushed as she frantically slams the door in my face. That little- "Emery Scott!!! Get your ass back here, now!" I whisper harshly, loud enough so she'll hear but not loud enough for Hardin to. She returns to the door seconds later and is now wearing pants. She steps out into the hallway, closing the door behind her, clearly not wanting to flash her fiancé to her mother.

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