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"I still can't believe it. What are the odds!?" Tessa scrunches her nose at the revelation. "Tell me about it, how do you think I felt, when I walked into in That ghastly place to find our daughter sat with Molly, of all people!" I hurl. I'm still reeling at the thought. "Poor Charlie, though. I can't believe that she wasn't going to give him the time of day, until you made her" Tessa sticks out her bottom lip. "I can, it's Molly. She hasn't changed" I smirk and Tessa nods in agreement. I have spent the last hour updating Tessa on the weekends shenanigans.

"I hope Emery's okay. I mean, I'm proud of the way that she always puts people before herself, but I fear that it will get too much for her" my wife rests her head on my chest as she begins to get emotional, yet again. "How do you mean, sweetheart?" I grow confused. "I mean.. she's supported Charlie through all of this and now there's this whole thing with Addy.. she's too young for all of this, Hardin" her bottom lip trembles and it hits me. She's right. Our girl has gone from being an innocent, teenage girl who's biggest problem was arranging her schedule for school, to having the world on her shoulders. Our children have always had such an easy life, and I plan to keep it that way.

"Oh Tess, don't cry darling. School starts back on Monday and the kids will be back in a routine. You and I will be able to spend much more time together, we have the court hearing for Charlie's guardianship real soon. Everything is going to be okay. Everything will fall into place" I reassure her while playing with her hair. "Promise?" Her eyes melt into mine. "I promise" I tell her while placing a kiss onto her forehead. I continue to play with her hair as she snuggles contently into my chest.

"I wonder how Landon has took the news about Addy" I break the silence but I don't get a response. "Tess?" I look down at my beauty of a wife and my heart melts as I realise that she is fast asleep. "I love you" I whisper to her, while scooping her up into my arms and carrying her to bed. It's only early, but she's clearly exhausted. My poor baby. I'll definitely think twice, before leaving her like that again.

I throw back the silk covers and place her gently onto our satin sheets. I find it more than adorable when she automatically brings the covers to her chin and snuggles into them. I'm deep in thought when I'm distracted by the sound of one of the twins fussing.

"Hi beautiful" I coo as I realise that its Saffron making the adorable sound. "Daddy has missed you so much" I whisper, whilst placing her pacifier back into her tiny mouth. I'm more than tempted to take them both out of their bassinets and hold them for hours on end, but I realise that that's probably the worst idea I've ever had. Never wake a sleeping baby, they say.

"Goodnight dad" I'm dazzled by little Auden popping his head into the bedroom. "You okay now, little man?" I join him in the hallway, careful not to wake up Tessa. "I'm okay. I kicked Charlie's butt at Dead Trigger and you're home, so I'm okay" his little smile lights up my world. "Good, buddy. And like I said. Don't you worry about mommy" I remind him as the two of us bump fists. "Goodnight" he says a final time, before retreating to his room. "Dead trigger" I repeat under my breath with a smirk.

"Home sweet home" I mutter to myself whilst heading down the stairs, knowing that I'm not quite ready for bed yet. An overwhelming sense of guilt hits me, as our family dog Louis attacks me with cuddles and excitement, and I realise that I haven't been giving Louis the attention that he's so used to. "Hi buddy" I beam while stroking him excessively. His tail is wagging and his eyes are full of hope.

I venture to the couch and Louis joins me as I plonk myself on it. I switch on the TV and just as I begin to relax, I jump out of my skin, as my phone vibrates in my back pocket. "What now?" I think out loud. "Shit" I huff as I realise that it's Landon calling me.

"Hello?" I say as I shift uncomfortably. "You have my permission" is the first thing he says. what is he talking about? "You have my permission to kill him" he adds. I take it he hasn't took the news well, then. "Dude, I-" "Hardin, You told Addy that you was going to kill Austin Priestley. Do it" he bluntly mumbles. He can't be serious. This motherfucker is actually asking me to murder somebody. "What? Are you crazy? Yes, I said I was going to kill him, hypothetically. The most I was going to do was scare the shit out of him, not physically murder the kid!" I yell out of rage.

Has he lost his mind? I have a conscience, not only that but I have a family to think about too. Besides, Addelyn is his daughter. If he isn't willing to jeopardise everything to do something as sinister as this, then Why should I be? In my opinion, Landon needs to grow a back bone and learn to fight his own battles instead of calling me the minute things get tough, every single time.

"My only daughter, your niece is heartbroken here. She got so physically worked up about having to tell Nora and I about the baby, that she got sick" he yells and I do feel for the guy. I can't imagine how he must be feeling in this circumstance, but I can't risk my livelihood for this. "I'm sorry, dude" I mumble.

"She called Austin tonight, to tell him about the baby. He was drunk and the arrogant son of a bitch said things that I can't even repeat because they're so vile!" He's talking so quickly that I can barely grasp what he is saying. "Landon, you're going to have to be more precise than that. What did he say to her!" I grow agitated. "At first, he called her a whore and accused her of lying. He said that she was just saying that she's pregnant to trap him. She then proved that she really is pregnant and... he threatened her" his voice is becoming strained and he is clearly holding back tears of anger.

"Threatened her how?!" I stand from my seat and begin to pace. The idea of killing this fucker is becoming more appealing by the second. "He told her that she has one week to ensure that the baby is no longer, or he would" Landon reveals and visions of me wrapping my hands around his scrawny neck, flash in my head. "That bastard!" I grunt. "How did my daughter get involved with such a vile human being Hardin, how?" Landon roars. I wish I had an answer for his question, but I genuinely don't. I never thought that Addelyn would associate herself with his kind either.

Before i know it, I am storming towards the Range Rover, keys in hand. I have seen red, rage is coursing through my veins and I need to do something. Nobody, and I mean nobody treats my niece like that and gets away with it. "I will sort this" I huff before hanging up the phone.

I pick up speed as a chill runs down my spine. For a summers day, the air is bitter. I climb into the car and try to make as little noise as I can, to prevent Tessa from waking up and wondering where the hell I've gotten to, again.

The minute I leave our driveway, my foot is acquainted with the accelerator and I'm driving almost double the speed limit on the empty roads of Brooklyn. Adrenaline is coursing through my veins, as less than ten minutes later, I reach my destination. I think smartly and park as far away from his house as I can, just incase things get out of hand and I really do kill this fucker. I mean, it's a possibility. It's the fact that he threatened her like that when she is already feeling so vulnerable, that has done it for me. Just when I thought I couldn't hate that son of a bitch any more, he surprises me.

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