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Fuck, I can't believe I allowed that scrote to knock me out like that. I can barely see straight as Kimberley and I enter the house. "Hardin.. are you okay?" She mutters, her eyes are bloodshot from crying. No I'm not fucking okay, I'm seeing stars because of the good hiding that Your husband gave me, my subconscious chimes. I guess it isn't her fault. "I'm fine, I'm just going to get an Ice pack for .. you know" I point to my already bruising eye. "Please don't tell Tessa, not yet. I know that she'll find out in the end with my black eye and all, but she's been so stressed recently and I just want her to enjoy today" I plead. Kimberley nods, before heading Over to the sitting area to join everybody.

I make my way into the kitchen, which is thankfully empty. Everyone is in the sitting room at their tables, brooding over our new addition to the family and I'd prefer to keep it that way. "Shit" I mutter to myself as a sharp wave of pain at the back of my head, takes over my being. I rustle through the freezer drawers to find an ice pack to stop the swelling on this damn eye of mine, but I can't seem to find one. "Ah" I whisper to myself as I spot a bag or frozen peas. They will have to do. I wince as the chill hits my skin, I hold the frozen bag of peas there as I lean against the kitchen counter.

I'm startled at the sound of Emery's voice, who has entered the kitchen with Charlie. "Daddy, are you okay" there is concern in her voice as she approaches me. "I'm fine darling, don't you go worrying about me" I tell her while acknowledging her boyfriend. "I can't believe grandpa, I've never seen him that way before!" She adds. It's true, she hasn't. But that's not because he isn't like that, it's because I've never allowed my babies to witness any form of conflict before. "It's a long story baby, but everything will be okay" I reassure her. She doesn't look so sure but she nods in agreement.

Charlie congratulates Me on the birth of the twins and hands over a small gift bag. I take a peak Inside and there are two little ornaments with a money slot, they're Clear, with small farmyard animals printed on them and hold a few quarters in each of them. Fuck me, Tessa, is that you? "I was tidying my room and found my first ever piggy bank, every kid should have one. I emptied it and found a few quarters, so I thought I'd start them off" he chimes. How fucking soppy does this child want to get? I mean I guess it's nice, but still. "Thankyou buddy, that's real nice" I swallow my pride and gesture for him to place the bag on the gift table across the room.

Emery and Charlie continue to chew my ear off, chatting away about school shit but I'm losing focus. My heart is thudding and the shooting pain in my head is back with a vengeance. I grab ahold of the counter in front of me as my vision turns black, yet again.


Holy shit, I hope that Hardin is okay out there. I don't think that he'd fight Vance completely sober and when he has two premature babies indoors. I'm peering over the babies cribs, while taking in my surroundings. Everybody appears to be having a great time and I hope to keep it that way. Hardin confronting Christian's behaviour could go one or to ways. Hardin and Vance could talk about whatever it is that's happening like grown ups.. or they could beat the crap out if each other until someone gets seriously hurt. I pray that it's the first one but my gut is telling me it's the second.

I'm deep in thought when Saffron lets out a small cry in her sleep. I place her pacifier back into her mouth and hush her back to sleep. I'm startled by Kim joining me from behind. "They're so precious" she emotes. I turn around to take in her appearance and it's clear that she has been crying, her mascara has run even further and her eyes are bloodshot. "Kim.. what happened. Where are they?" I completely shift the attention from the twins. It's just shitty that there had to be drama on the day that she meets the babies for the first time.

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