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The journey is quiet as Charlie directs me to that ghastly house. My hands are trembling at the wheel at how furious I am with my daughter. She has a boyfriend right here who is good for her, who is smart and knows what he wants out of life. Yet she chooses to hang around with these slobs who get high all day, and drink all night long. I guess this must have been how Carol felt when Tessa dumped that Noah kid for me. I was one of these kids at one time. I once surrounded myself around people who I thought were good for me, but I couldn't have been more wrong. Tessa went from being with Noah, someone with a good head on his shoulders, who was into sports and was always top of the class, to me, a tattooed, arrogant, British wanker.

Only difference is, Tessa didn't love Noah. But I know that Emery adores the bones of this Charlie kid. She told me so herself, while blushing and of course pleading with me to shut up when I teased her. I hope for her sake that she realises that Charlie is good for her and these kids are nothing but bad news. My baby is too smart to ruin her life by being around the wrong people. I've always had high hopes for my little brainiac.

"You okay?" I break the silence. I can sense the anxiety on this kids face. "Not really Mr Scott" he lowers his head. "You do know, that when I told you you have to call me Mr Scott, I was just fucking around" I tell him and he raises his head to look me in the eye. "I'm not okay, Hardin. Gosh that feels weird" Charlie squirms, much to my amusement.

"What's up? Squirt" I glance at him before returning my focus back into the road. "My parents leave for vacation tomorrow. I just finished school for summer break and they didn't even think to take me with them. So I have to go stay with my old, gross aunt Melanie for two weeks while they're living their best life in the Bahamas" he shakes his head and I can't help but snigger. Damn, this kid's parents really don't have time for him. I can't help but feel for the chap. "Today was the last day I could see Emery for two whole weeks, because my Aunt lives way out of town and I have no way of getting here to see her" he explains, while shaking his head. Damn, he really does make the effort with my daughter.

"Dude, you don't have to worry about that. I will come and collect you and take you back there whenever you want to come down" I tell him, I have no idea why I'm being so nice to this kid. I never thought I'd even be civil with my daughters first boyfriend, but he's a good kid and I'm only so calm because I know that he wouldn't hurt a fly. Though, I need to insult him soon so I don't lose my edge.

"You mean that?" His eyes are full of hope as he glances at me. "Yeah dude, it's no big deal" I shrug the gesture off. That's enough Mother Theresa-ing for me today. "It's just-" the blonde haired boy once again buries his head and I can tell he is about to attempt to have some kind of soppy heart to heart with me.

"My parents really couldn't care less man. I barely even see them. I get that they work hard to provide for me, but I can't remember the last time I sat down to eat with them both or the last time we were all in the house together, for more than a few hours at a time. It's almost like they never wanted me and I'm just this mistake that gets in the way of everything" his voice is becoming softer and I silently beg that he doesn't start to cry. Damn, this poor poor kid, he's just fifteen. How he is still such a good kid, despite his parents practically neglecting him, I'll never know. I remember when I was his age and my Mum would work a ridiculous amount of hours. I'd get so lonely and that's what made me get into the wrong crowd and spiral out of control. I hope for Charlie's sake that the same doesn't happen to him.

"I don't know what to say.. sorry. I mean, I'm sure that your parents do care about you Man. It's a shitty situation but you have Emery and she's a good listener man, take her up on the opportunity to open up and talk" I recommend. It's true, Emery has always been a good listener and wise beyond her years. "I guess, you're right when you say she's a good listener, but I fear that she doesn't feel the same way about me as I do about her. I wouldn't tell her who she can and can't hang out with, but I'm not happy about the sly way she hid this from me" Charlie runs a hand through his blonde mop of hair. I guess the kid has a point.

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