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A/N / It's been a few days since I updated so you may have to re-read the last chapter for a little recap my loves❤️


"The past is a foreign country, they do things differently there" the words from Mr Scott's letter reel in my head. They do do things differently there. For instance, never in a million years would the past version of Charles Travers have even considered hanging out with Blake Priestley, but he is a different person to the one I am today. I never thought that Blake would find the courage to apologise from his actions and even learn from them. But most importantly, I never thought that one day, Blake Priestley would turn to me for help.

He claims that the recent 'epiphany' of his brother, Austin, has inspired him to make things right with those who he had hurt.  I accepted his apology and walked away with my head held high, only, he followed me. He opened up to me. He talked about his terminally ill father and expressed his fears of losing him, and almost wanted me to fill him in on what it is like to lose a parent. I wasn't so sure to begin with, but after he showed up to watch me at football practice tonight, I figured .. what's the worst that could happen? Maybe talking about it will be good for me, too. Today would have been my father's birthday. One of the very rare occasions that we would sit down as a family and spend time together and... it's playing on my mind.

I know that Emery will be pissed that I'm not talking about it with her.. but I fear that she won't understand the way I'm feeling. So sometimes, it's easier to keep quiet about the whole thing. Only, it's resulting in me being a complete Jackass and pushing Emery away, when all she is trying to do is help.

I agreed to meet with Blake only a half hour after practice. I told him that I just needed to dash home to change, so that's what I did. However, Emery was waiting for me on the field and I wasn't expecting her to be. I'm not proud of the way I dealt with things. She practically had to chase me home and when she finally caught up with me, I completely disregarded her. She was scared for me, I could see the fear in her eyes and what did I do instead of reassuring her? I tackled her like she was one of my football opponents. I barged past her. The way she clutched her shoulder and the pain that dawned on her face, is an image that will never leave my mind. She didn't deserve that. She just wanted to know that I'd be safe and where I was going.. but I knew that she'd disapprove of me hanging out with Blake and I panicked.

So.. I did what I do best. I ran, from her and from my problems. I met up with Blake, we got soda's and walked back to his place.. and now, here she is. Though I can only see the back of her head. I call her name to grab her attention and she instantly turns around. Her face like thunder and her eyes running like Niagara falls. I have had my fair share of spats with Emery, but this time, she looks properly furious.

"What are you doing here, blondie?" Blake chimes and I grow annoyed at his pathetic nickname for my girlfriend. She rolls her eyes at him.

"Charlie. Can I talk to you? Alone?" Emery looks me in the eye but all I can do is shrug. "Please?!" She glares at Blake and with that, he clears off. He pats me on the shoulder before doing so.

"So. What were your intentions, huh? To propose to me, make me think that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with me.. and then just leave?" She is now yelling, her voice breaking.

I don't know what she's talking about but she clearly has the wrong end or the stick. I don't even want to think about life without her, in fact, it makes me physically sick to do so. "What?" I raise a brow, genuinely confused.

"Don't 'what' me, Charlie Travers!!" You know 'what!'. I found your letter!" Emery's voice breaks and she is suddenly attacking my chest. Oh shit. She found the letter. "Oh no. No, no, no. Emery, you have the wrong end of the stick. That isn't-"

"That isn't what?" She interrupts. "That isn't what you meant?!" She scoffs, her voice as squeaky as ever. "You said that your story had come to an end! I can't bare to think of life without you. You left the house with the intention of never returning and I didn't even get as much as a goodbye!" My girl is now sobbing and I have no idea how to react to this. I'm frantically tugging at my hair in distress, in replacement of the tears that are threatening to escape my ducts at any second.

"Emery. You didn't read the whole thing. Did you?" I bury my head into my hands. She says nothing, just shakes her head. "That letter... it doesn't belong to me" I reveal and Confusion is evident in her eyes. "I tried to prevent this from happening..  but We need to talk" I tell her and she nods vigorously In agreement, desperate to be aware of what is happening.

"But not here" I tell her. Blake Priestley's house is not the place for such a conversation. I take her hand and We set off walking. The journey is silent, apart from the sound of the gut wrenching sobs that are escaping Emery's lips. Before we know it, we're arriving on the street of my old, childhood house. Goosebumps coat my skin as we venture up the path of the house that I once lived in, with my parents who no longer live.

"Charlie" Emery's bottom lip wobbles as she wonders what the whole point is In this. "Just.. come with me" I tell her, as I grip her hand and lead her through the heavy back gates. I feel almost empty as I take in the hollow building before me. We come to a holt when we reach the old, nostalgic swing set in the yard. The two of us take a seat, not saying a word, but our eyes melting into one another's.

"Who does the letter belong to?" Emery breaks her silence. I take a deep breath, preparing myself for the conversation that is to come.

Omg hey guys! Sorry it's been a little while since I updated. I've been busy at university & work.. but I'm back now.
Pls comment your thoughts & don't forget to vote, my lovelies 🥰

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