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Fuck, I find myself funny. I'm sure Emery doesn't, but turning up at her school and inventing a fake family member has to be one of my favourite things I've done as a father. Call me sick, but one persons 'sick' is another persons Hilarious. Of course Emery scolded me for the way I went about things, but when she found out that we're off to see Charlie, she soon perked up. Charlie has only been away a couple of days, but with the way Emery's been moping, you'd think the boy has dumped her. I dread to wonder how she'll be when he makes the move over there.

"Daddy." My eldest chimes from the seat behind me. We've only boarded the flight an hour and I've already heard that word more times than I can count. "Yes.. Emery." I roll my eyes as I turn to face her. I have a feeling that I know what she's going to say. "I feel like I've lost my right arm." She sticks out her bottom lip and I can't help but chuckle at her expense. "That's a little dramatic, don't you think?" I smirk.

It's very fucking dramatic. Before I had the principle call her out of class, she had her phone confiscated for texting in class. With all of the excitement, she forgot about it and she only realised when we were more than half way to the airport. "I haven't spoken to Charlie for hours, he's going to think that I'm ignoring him." She moans. I'm failing to understand what the big whoop is, she's going to see him in literally a couple of hours.

I get a kick out of Auden's judgmental expression and smirk at the way he's glaring at his crazy sister in the seat next to him. "Oh and god forbid that Charlie thinks you're ignoring him. Go outside and touch some grass." he surprises me with his sharp comment. He's his fathers son, alright. "Says you of all people?! Who's hands are practically glued to that crappy iPad of yours!" Emery screeches so loud the whole plane can probably hear. "Go kill some zombies." She adds. I cringe at their obnoxious squabbling, but try to accept the fact that it's inevitable. Because of their age gap, Emery and Auden have always got along, but Auden is at that age where he's starting to talk back now.

"Dad! You have to let me use your phone as soon as we land." She begs and I roll my eyes even further. "I don't have to do anything." I turn away from my sassy daughter. Okay.. maybe that was a little blunt. "But I will. You can call Charlie as soon as we land." I give in, muttering under my breath.

I'd do anything for a quiet life. As long as she doesn't have my phone for long, that is. I wasn't entirely truthful about the reason we're off to Michigan and I don't want her finding out the true reason, not yet. I've kept it to myself for quite some time, but I've been drafting some pieces together in hopes that they'll form my next book.

Tessa is the only person I've told, other than my manager of course, but I had no choice with her. She became suspicious of all the time Paul and I were spending in my office and it was getting to her. I wouldn't be surprised if she thought we were having an affair for fucks sake. I grew tired of lying to her, telling her that I was 'working' without telling her what I was working on.

Just last night, I sent a rough copy of the final draft to Paul. I didn't expect a fast reply. Paul has his own stuff going on. In fact, I recently found out that he and Davina are expecting a baby. I spat my coffee out when he enlightened me on the news. He really went from playing Mario kart in his mothers basement, to becoming a father in the space of a year, but I was over the moon for him nevertheless.

I sent the draft, then went to sleep thinking nothing of it. The kids went to school and Tessa and I were having our morning coffee, which may or may not be a euphemism, when I received a call from him.

Earlier this morning
"I just got your email!" Paul blurts out without saying as much as 'hello'. "Good morning to you too pal." I smirk, being sure to roll my eyes. I can't help but laugh at Tessa as she sits pouting on the edge of the bed in her naughty nightie. She's clearly tired of our 'alone time' being interrupted.

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