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"Quiet everybody" I hear the principle practically whisper. "I said, quiet!" His voice cracks and the hall of tipsy sophomores lower their voices. "I want to thank you all for coming and wish you all a safe journey home" he announces and gets a kick out of the way the entire football Team chants his name. So basically, he's kicking us out.

What a night it has been, despite Charlie hardly talking to me all evening, and the secrets that he has kept from me, tonight has been utterly amazing. I still can't believe that I, Emery Scott, the girl who face planted the floor in front her crush oh the first day of high school, has got homecoming queen!

"What you do outside of school is none of my business. All I'm asking, is that you guys are responsible and if you have snuck liquor onto the premises tonight, which I know some of you have, *cough* Charlie *cough*, please don't drive home" principle Cawley adds, though he can barely be heard through the obnoxious footballers' wild behaviour. I glance over and Charlie is being held up by the rest of the team and they're singing some kind of chant with his name in it. The smile on his face is a picture that no artist could paint.

I laugh at their antics and retrieve my phone from my purse when I hear it ping. It's a text from my Dad and it reads *Let me know when you want picking up sweetheart, the sooner the better. We have a slight situation here*.

A situation? What kind of situation? Whatever it is can wait. "Who's that?" Alana asks as she clocks me checking my phone. "It's just my dad asking if we need a ride home" I shrug. "Girl, tell him no. My mom is picking me up, she will drop you and Charlie home, it's no sweat" she smiles and I smile back, taking her up on her offer. I text my father to let him know and he replies back only seconds later.

His text reads *Okay baby, just wear your seatbelt*. "That's that sorted, then" I laugh to Alana as we gather our belongings. My eyes are desperate to find Charlie as the busy room of people begins to evacuate, but he is nowhere to be found. My entire grade spills out onto the car park. My eyes scan the crowd and there are couples everywhere who can't keep their hands off each other. I'm instantly reminded of my altercation with him earlier this evening and feel the need to tell him that I love him. Though it wasn't much of an altercation, he just told me to go back to my friends.

"There he is" Alana points him out of the team and I spot his bright hair. I find myself rushing over to him. "Charlie" I greet my beau, whilst wrapping my arms around his neck, eager to claim his mouth. "Emery, hi!" he says, like I'm some random chick from his class. Is he to cool for me now, or something?

"Is... everything okay?" I raise an eyebrow. "Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" He moves his hands down to my waist, which reminds me that he's intoxicated, as that is a bold move for him. I cough to grab his attention as I notice a drop dead gorgeous, brunette girl standing behind him, tapping him on the shoulder repeatedly. He turns around and his eyes widen at the sight of her. "Miley.." he reveals her name. Who the fuck is Miley?

"Travers" her voice goes straight through me, who even talks like that and why is she calling him by his surname? I didn't know that she was a part of the football team. "Now here's a blast from the past" she adds. Blast? What kind of blast? "Look at you, homecoming king" she stands far too close to him for my liking.

"I .. I know right. What are you doing here?" Charlie stutters like a bitch in response to her flirtatious manner. "I just moved schools. After the whole rumour that went around about me and ..you know who.. I couldn't stay there anymore, so I moved here" she reveals. I already hate this bitch. "Damn, that's crazy" Charlie scratches the back of his head. I wiggle my hand around to find his and the second we touch, he flinches away. Ouch. What is with him tonight?

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