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Fuck, it's scorching. Why Tessa insisted on spending the day at Manhattan beach, in eighty five degree heat, I'll never bloody know. It's a good job that we left the twins at home with my father and Karen, the poor things would be burnt to a crisp if they were here. "Fuck Tess, it's far too hot" I groan. "Oh shut up Hardin, the kids are enjoying it and you're getting a nice tan. Why are you moaning?" My wife scolds me, while throwing me the tube of sunscreen. She is all relaxed, sunbathing and the heat doesn't bother in the slightest, yet here I am, crying like a bitch.

I chose to ignore her question, as I know that she has an answer for everything. I apply sunscreen to my already pink arms as I watch Auden and Charlie throw a beach ball back and forth. Emery is loving life, swimming in the ocean without a care in the world. She's braver than me, I'd be screaming like a bitch incase something touched my toe or some shit. I can't tell if her and Charlie are keeping their distance for a reason, or if Charlie is just keeping Auden entertained.

"Hardin" Tessa whispers, while sitting herself up on the sun lounger. "Yes, honey" I raise an eyebrow. "Maybe it is a little too hot. What do you say we go get some lunch?" She admits and I know that I have to milk this, it's not often that I'm right. "Oh so.. are you saying that I, Hardin Allen Scott, was right?" I remark and she rolls her eyes. "Hardin" she warns and I continue to ridicule her. "Say it" I whisper and she crosses her arms in a strop. "Say it!" I repeat while starting to tickle her in her most sensitive spots. "Okay! Okay!" She squeals while breaking out of my hold. "You were right! Now get the kids!" She snaps and I laugh to myself as I do what she orders.

The kids dry off and get changed and we head to the little restaurant at the beach front. We chose a table under the shade to cool off. I order us some drinks and a young waiter brings them over a few minutes later. "Here you go sir" he places them on the table and I thank him, but he continues to linger. What does this kid want? "Can I help you?" I scoff and the skimpy kid starts to stutter. "Actually, I .. I was wondering if I could have your autograph" he mutters. Fuck, I wasn't expecting that, especially at the beach. I can't deny that I love it when people do this in front of my kids, it makes me feel kind of important. I try to hide the smirk that is creeping upon my face.

"Sure man, I don't have a pen though" I shrug. "Here!" The kid is quick to hand me a sharpie. "Or any paper" I add. The kid is frantic to find something for me to write on, before grabbing a napkin from the next table. I chuckle as I jot down my autograph on a freaking napkin. "Thank you so much dude, your book taught me a lot" the kid smiles, before walking away. "What?" I glare at the kids who are staring at me, equally as stunned as each other. "I'm fucking fabulous. What can I say?" I remark and they burst into a fit of giggles.

"So.. are you looking forward to your parents being home, Charlie?" Tessa asks and I can't help but cringe. I mean, his parents aren't exactly the most missable people. They arrive home from the Bahama's today and he has been pretty stoked, as the day before they went, his father told him that he loved him and that he'd spend more time with him from that day on. It had something to do with the roasting that I gave him when I dropped Charlie home that day. "I can't wait Mrs Scott" the kid beams. They better not let him down, It may have nothing to do with me, but he makes my daughter happy and that's all I ask from him.

"I can't wait, Mrs Scott" Emery childishly mocks her boyfriend and I sense the tension between them both. "Oh Ha, ha!" Charlie scoffs. Kids, huh? "You're such a kiss ass!" Emery crosses her arms in a strop and my eyes widen at her manner. I see Tessa becoming uncomfortable, witnessing the childish spat between the two.

"Honey, do you want your father, Auden and I to give you guys some space to talk?" She suggests. Emery barks "No!" and Charlie says "yes please" at the same time and I chuckle to myself. "Well tough luck. If you don't move tables, then We will. Sort it out and don't come back over until you guys have made up" I demand, though I'd give anything to be a fly on the wall and hear their conversation. "Fine" Emery stalks off to a separate table and Charlie follows her. It's like they're a little, old couple.


"We need to talk" Charlie huffs. We do, but I'm in no mood! "Why don't you go and talk to Vanessa!" I remark, louder than I probably should have as I earn a few glares. I've been giving him the Cold shoulder since I picked up his phone at the beach and he had multiple texts from a girl called Vanessa. I didn't get the Chance to read them, before he took the phone from me, damn it. "Why would I talk to Vanessa? She's my next door neighbour who's like sixty five at least!" Charlie begins to laugh and I'm struggling the understand what the heck is so funny. "Stop lying Charlie, why would your next door neighbour be texting you?" I scoff. If he's going to lie then he should at least make up a believable one.

"Because! She knows that I've been staying at my aunt Melanie's while my parents are away and she's taken in my parcel!" He waves a hand in the air and I feel like a dick, as I realise that he's probably telling the truth. Oh no. It's too late to go back now, so I continue my act. "That's what they all say!" I mumble under my breath and he continues to laugh. "You're crazy!" He yells and I have to agree with him, I am kind of crazy. "Here, if you're that scared that I'm going to run away with My sixty five year old neighbour, then check my phone! But I'm going to the toilet" he smirks, while handing his phone over to me.

"Damn, tell me your man is faithful, without telling me your man is faithful" I say aloud. Not me quoting TikTok. I feel kind of bad going through his phone, so I leave it on the table. Him letting me look through it, is enough to know that he's not up to anything sketchy. I need to apologise for being such a bitch when get gets back.

I smirk to myself as I watch him make his way back to the table, with his cute little tan and wild hair. I realise that I may have spoken too soon about the faithful thing, as his phone rings and the screen reads 'No Caller ID'. "And who might this be, Charlie Travers?" I raise my voice while waving his phone in front of his face. "I don't know, answer it" he shrugs and I oblige, curious to who it could be.

I answer the phone and I don't know who I was expecting it to be, but it wasn't this. I take in the information from the woman on the other end of the line, before handing it to Charlie. "It's the hospital" I mutter, a hand covering my mouth. I don't know what she's about to tell him, but by the sound of her voice, I know it isn't good. Holy shit.

A/N - oooo🙈 what do you guys think the hospital is going to to tell Charlie? Don't forget to vote & comment if you're enjoying my book. Thanks loves 🥰

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