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"Daddy" Emery pouts. "Couldn't you at least act excited? There's literally one minute to go and it's a tie!" She crosses her arms in a strop. She has a point, but what did she expect, bringing me to a football game when I know sweet fuck all about sports. Quite frankly, I'd rather watch paint dry. "I am excited!" I lie through my teeth. I'm not exactly excited, but the kids are...so I guess I can force a smile.

I am almost deafened, when both Emery and Auden screech in synchronisation, cheering for Charlie as he sprints across the entire pitch with the ball tucked under his arm. It's clear that I'd be a lousy commentator. I don't know my ass from my elbow when it comes to football. I glance at Tess, who is in a fit of giggles at our children's enthusiasm. "Go Charlie!" Auden roars in a voice that sounds more like a grown man's than his own. I'm actually taken back by it. Little man is growing up and I don't know how I feel about it.

The crowds eyes are glued to Charlie, as he gets closer and closer to the... touchline, I think they call it? I screw my eyes shut, when a huge guy who I refuse to believe is seventeen years old tackles him to the ground, but when I open them, everybody is cheering. He appears to have scored, and therefore caused his team to win the game. I don't bloody know. My suspicions are confirmed when Emery squeals in celebration and rushes down the steps to congratulate him. Tessa and Auden continue to cheer as the three of us follow Emery down. "Woo" I rather sarcastically chime.

I try not to focus on the excitable way Emery jumps on Charlie, wrapping her legs around his waist, but it becomes impossible to ignore when they begin to chew each others faces off. I don't want to see that, for fucks sake. "Alright Romeo and Juliet, stop it off" I huff, rolling my eyes profusely. "Oh Hardin, would you shush?! Don't you remember what it felt like to be young and in love?" my wife scolds me. "I still am young, and very much in love" I scoff, though it turns into a smirk.

Luckily for him, Charlie eventually puts my daughter down, giving Tessa and I the chance to congratulate him. "Well done mate" I tell him, patting him on his padded shoulder. "Yeah, that was really something" Tess adds. "Thanks, you guys" he wears a cheesy grin. It's obvious that he isn't used to being praised for his successes, which is quite sad if you think about it.

He continues to waffle on about the game and I nod my head as I pretend to listen. I'm relieved when he is interrupted by the coach approaching us from behind. "Captain, get over there. You can do the Team talk" he points to the corner of the field where the rest of the team has gathered. "Fine" Charlie sighs, whilst gesturing for Emery and Auden to follow him. "What?" Emery mutters. "Well.. Of course I'm going to take my two biggest fans backstage to meet the team" Charlie cornily jokes. Little Auden looks like he might piss himself with excitement as he follows Charlie and his big sister.

"So, you're the guardians?" The bald ass coach asks Tessa and I. "We sure are" I crack a smile, though I'm cringing inside. Having to make small talk literally kills me. "Coach Tickle" the chap shakes my hand. I'm sorry, but no fucking way is that his name. I bite my bottom lip to stop myself from making an inappropriate comment. "Hardin Scott" I mutter. "You must be very proud. Only a handful of kids get this opportunity every year and Charlie is one of them. All expenses paid for" he raises an eyebrow. What's this guy talking about? I look at him blankly and he soon realises that Tessa and I aren't in the know. "Charlie didn't tell you guys yet.. did he?" his eyes dart to the ground.

"Tell us what, Exactly?" Tessa grows concerned. "Charlie has been offered two different scholarships, Mrs Scott. One at the university of Michigan and one at Ohio state.. I can't believe he didn't tell you guys yet" Tickle reveals and i instantly question how that little fucker kept that a secret. "Well, he only graduates next year anyway.. so.. what's the big deal?" I frown, confusion is evident in my voice. He'll probably tell us at some point, what's the fucking biggie?

"Sir.. Charlie has been offered the scholarship for this year. As in this fall. Charlie has the grade point average to be able to graduate a year early" the coach loses eye contact. Jesus Christ. "So you're saying.. if he accepts the offer.. he'll leave for college in like .. six months time?" Tessa gasps, her eyes widening. "That's exactly what I'm saying mam" the coach tells her, her eyes dart to mine. "Shit" she says aloud, covering her mouth after doing so. "Sounds like a discussion that you guys need to have" Mr fucking Tickle suggests. "You think?!" I snap at him, causing him to hastily walk away.

"This is going to break Emery" Tessa's voice grows softer. I pull her into my chest for comfort and as she snuggles into me, I watch the kids return to us. I can't help but focus on Emery as she skips across the field. She looks so fucking happy and I'll be damned if that's going to change because of a boy. Hell... this isn't Charlie's fault, but fuck, I just dread the days where my children have to feel pain and I can't do anything to help. "He needs to tell her.. but not yet" I mutter. Tessa nods in agreement.

"Daddy!" Auden chimes, as enthusiastically as ever on approach. "Yessy" I smirk whilst ruffling up his hair. He fucking hates that. "Can we get ice cream on the way back?" He squeals. I take a deep sigh before nodding in agreement. "Sure" I roll my eyes as we all make our way back to the car. I mean.. my Mum and Mike leave for London tomorrow, so they'll probably appreciate an extra hour or so alone with the twins before they leave. "Yay!" Auden cheers, before sprinting off towards our car. Where that kid gets his energy from, I'll never know. Charlie and Emery saunter behind, hand in hand. Usually, I'd make some kind of sarcastic comment, but I chose not to ..given the circumstances.

A/N - Hey guys, Thank you so much for your continued support, you da best❤️ pls comment your thoughts & don't forget to vote!
How do you think Emery will react? What are your predictions of what will happen/ what is something that you would like to see happen in the next few chapters?

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