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Dude. I know that hospitals are insanely understaffed and hella busy, especially during spring break, but why on god's green earth did those doctors decide to put me on a wing full of geriatrics? I'm literally a sixteen year old boy.

Old man Arthur in the next bed has been chewing my ear off since six this morning, and as much as I enjoy the company, I'm going to go cuckoo if he doesn't give it a rest. Some how, from one overnight's stay in the hospital, I have learned this man's entire life story and he knows a lot more about me than I usually care to share.

One things for sure, Arthur is a character. He's a man in his seventies and wears a cap, backwards. In fact, he didn't take it off the entire night. I wondered why. Surely, that can't be comfortable. It wasn't until a couple of hours later that he revealed that it was in fact his 'lucky hat'.

"I'm telling you, kid. You've gotta reach for the stars. Nobody ever told me to reach for the stars"  he repeats, for what feels like the one hundredth time today. I'm all for the motivation session, but it's still too damn early for me.

"I would have been the best NBA player you ever did see, if my Daddy just believed in me" Arthur drones on and I try to disguise my snide smirk. I shouldn't laugh, it's actually pretty sad, and maybe it wouldn't be as funny if the guy wasn't around five foot nothing. I just don't see him as a basketball dude.

"You wanna know what my father told me?" He raises a brow. I'm going to find out what his father told him, regardless. "He said 'Fool, how you gon' reach for the stars? you can't even reach the damn hoop!" He mocks, releasing the most wholesome laughter that I think I ever heard. I join him in his amusement, ensuring that I don't laugh too hard at his expense. This guy's alright, my subconscious chimes.

Arthur and I are in the midst of a conversation, when Emery and Mr and Mrs Scott enter. I breathe the biggest sigh of relief, for I have never been so glad to see them. It's only been a matter of hours, yet it feels like forever since I last saw Emery. I know that she's going to be mad at me for a while, but I can't blame her for that. I kept something important from her and she had to find out in the worst way. I have some making up to do, that's for sure. I just hope that she had time to talk to her parents and that they could explain things to her.

I set eyes on the light of my life and almost burst into tears as she approaches me. I stand from the bed and get a rush to my head as I wrap my arms around her, fully aware that her parents are right behind her. I have had time to think about what I did.. and why it hurt her so deeply and I just want to make it right. "I'm sorry" a single tear escapes my eye. I probably look like such a damn baby right now, but my emotions have taken over. "Hey" Emery places a hand onto my cheek, cupping my face for effect. "It's okay" she whispers, a perfect smile forming on her face. With that, I pull her closer, indulging in our embrace.

"Okay! that's enough Romeo and Juliet!" we're interrupted by one of Mr Scott's smart ass remarks. I get a kick out of the way Arthur is cracking up in the next bed. "The British guy's funny!" he howl's. I feel the urge to introduce him to the Scott's, so that I do. Of course, the dude acts like he has known these people all of his life based on the minimal things I said about them during the night.

I can't help but smile, when Mr and Mrs Scott get enthralled into one of Arthur's 'thrilling' stories. "Babe" Emery whispers into my ear whilst handing me a bag of clothes. "Let's get the hell out of here. Go get changed" she smirks and knowing that I've already been discharged and given the all clear to go, I do exactly that. I stand from the bed, eager to get out of this damn gown. "At least I won't have to see those tighty whities again" the old chap mocks me and it takes me a second to grasp what the hell he means. I cover my ass with the thin material of the gown, as I rush to the bathroom when I realise that he's referring to my underwear.

I'm impressed at the way that Emery didn't forget my hair gel. That, and the fact that she packed my favourite jeans and a football jersey. The girl couldn't know me better if she tried. Some might say I'm vein, but everyone knows that I like to make something of myself. So laying in this hospital looking like Frankenstein, wasn't my proudest moment.

I'm quick to throw on some fresh undies, not 'tighty whities' I may add, and the clothes that Emery brought for me. I fix my hair, combing it back into the usual style that I have it in. With that, I retreat back to my bed to gather my things.  I get a kick out of the way that Mr Scott is stood by the door, mumbling insults under his breath, while Mrs Scott is still listening to Old man Arthur and his very, very long story.

"Are you ready, babe?" Emery chimes and I raise a brow at the multiple bags that she's holding. I didn't notice them when she first walked in. "I .. I thought we could see your Molly.. I mean.. your mom and the baby before we go home?" she stutters. I take in her flustered expression and my eyes dart to the ground. I can't say it crossed my mind, but.. It would be nice. It would mean that I get to meet my baby brother, a day that I always wished for and thought would never come true. This still doesn't explain all the target bags though.

"I'm sorry if this is weird for you.." Emery scratches the side of her head, her voice shaky and full of uncertainty. Okay, she's low-key scaring me. "I know that they don't have much and with Logan's job gone .. they're going to struggle. So I .. I used some of my savings to get them a few necessities" her eyes dart to the ground as she reveals what is in the bags. I stutter, unable to express my gratitude and not quite knowing what to say. It's definitely more than 'a few necessities'. Part of me believes that Emery shouldn't have to do this, but the fact that she has, says so much about the girl she is.

"Is it too much?" my girls bottom lip trembles as a flash of panic dawns upon her. Still unable to talk, I wholeheartedly wrap my arms around her. I don't deserve her. "Emery Scott. You have the biggest heart of anyone I know" I whisper, as I place a kiss into her hair. "Thank you, so much" I try to control my shaky voice.

I mean it, She doesn't understand how much this gesture means to me. Molly has been a complete dick to Emery in the few times she has met her, she doesn't have to do this. I just hope that she appreciates what my girl has done for her in her time in need, if she doesn't, that's when we'll have a problem.

"Now let's go meet Baby Maddox" I pull away from our embrace, taking her hand in mine. I release a rather embarrassing, school girl giggle in excitement. "Mom, are you ready? Emery grabs the attention of Mrs Scott who is somehow still deep in conversation with old Arthur. She says her goodbyes and it prompts me to do the same.

"We'll be in the cafe, meet us there when you're done" says Mr Scott and we nod in agreement. "I know that we've learned to be civil with Molly, but I very much doubt that she'll appreciate seeing us after she's just popped out a human" he huffs and I tilt my head back in laughter at his way with words. When they leave the room, I head on over to say goodbye to my new pal. Emery joins me, hand in hand.

"Arthur! It was real nice meeting you, man" I shake his hand. He was a pain in the ass, but a nice, wise pain in the ass. "You too, kid. You're a good kid" he says in the midsts of a coughing fit. "I'll see you around" I tell him and with that, I turn on my heel. "Actually" he stops me in my tacks. Oh lord, we're going to be here forever, aren't we?

"You won't see me around. Doctor said that I haven't got long left" his eyes dart to the ground as he buries his head. Fuck. I don't know what I was expecting him to say, but it certainly wasn't that. "Arthur I'm- I'm so sorry" a warm tear runs down my cheek. "Don't be. Just do what I said, kid" his husky voice echos in my mind, as does his advice to 'Always reach for the stars'.

"Here" he adds whilst taking off his hat for the first time in his entire stay here. My mouth falls open as I take in his bald head. It's like looking at a different man. I'm hesitant when he hands the hat it to me. "Take it. I want you to have it" he emotes and I shake my head in disbelief. I can't take this, there's no way. "But it's your lucky hat!" I am now sobbing, though I can't seem to control it. "Yes, and it's brought me all the luck I can get, so it's about time I passed it on" he sports a reassuring smile. I'm lost for words. "Now, go and smash the hell out of that scholarship, boy" he pats my shoulder. I mime a 'Thank you' for it's the only thing I can muster to say at this minute.

Emery comforts me by running a finger over my hand as we walk away. I take in the detailing of my special gift and my heart shatters, when I examine the pale blue SnapBack, and on the rim is a star. Wow.

A/N - Omg🥺 Charlie is back & it's an emotional one. Thank you for reading my lovelies, please vote and leave a comment x

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