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I'm getting too old for this shit. We haven't even been away for a day, yet it feels like forever and a day. I guess that's what happens when you pack a bag and leave within minutes of a gut wrenching phone call.

I'm many things, but one thing I have never been, is naive.. until a couple of days ago, when I allowed my teenaged daughter and her doofus of a boyfriend to fly to Washington for spring break. I very fucking stupidly assumed that they'd be in safe hands, staying at my fathers house and all, but I couldn't have been more wrong.

One minute I was taking Tessa on the kitchen counter, and the next, the two of us were on a plane to Washington, consumed with the fear that our daughter could be in trouble.

Sensing her frantic state through the answerphone made me see red. I became incapable of my own actions and my only intention was to hurt the fucker who had reduced her to this. Within minutes, I threw on some clothes and packed the most random shit into a hold-all. Witnessing the rage I was in, Tessa felt that she had no choice but to follow me. After a hasty phone call, Landon and Nora arrived at our house within thirty minutes and knowing that the children were in good hands, we jetted off.

To cut a long story short, their spring vacation wasn't exactly sunshine and rainbows. Not only did Charlie end up in a hospital bed, but Emery got her heart broken. She learned the truth about Charlie's scholarship and felt betrayed at the fact that Tessa and I had known all along. Luckily, Charles Darwin is going to be just fine and after a heart to heart with her mother and I, Emery chose to forgive us. That's not even the half of it, but I don't have all day to discuss the ins and outs. Basically, I don't think there's one of my children that don't have a flare for the dramatics, but Emery has to be the queen of it.

"Fuck, I'm tired" I mutter under my breath as our cab pulls into our street. Though I'd do it again in a heartbeat if I had to. In fact, I'd hop on a plane to the other side of the world to ensure the safety of any of my babies. I'd even go as far to say I'd do the same for Charlie, though I wouldn't ever admit that.. to anybody.

But for now, all I can say is, thank fuck that we're almost home.


"Thanks mate" I tell our driver as he retrieves our bags from the trunk. I release an almighty yawn as I utilise the fresh air and silently hope that Landon has made coffee for my grumpy arse. My heart does a little dance within me, as I watch Tess sprint up the garden path, eager to see Auden and the twins. I've said it before, and I've said it again, this woman was made to be a mother. Emery follows her mum in anticipation to reunite with her younger siblings and I'm left to carry all of the bags in, as always, but I decide to let it slide this once.

"I'll get those, Mr Scott" Charlie offers. I stubbornly shake my head at his offer and gesture for him to head on in, he does just that. With that, I take a second to breathe, before following him. That's such a 'me' thing to do. Subconsciously grumble about having to carry the bags, then turn someone down when they offer to help.

"Home sweet home!" I mutter under my breath as I step foot into my abode. I dump the bags at the bottom of the stairs and a nerdy smile forms on my face as I take in the sound of my family, reuniting. Within seconds, my eldest son is charging at me, attacking me with the most wholesome cuddles. "Daddy!" Auden screeches and I crouch down to get on his level. I ruffle a hand through his thick head of brown hair as I set eyes on him. "I've missed you, buddy!" I speak softly as he pulls away from our hug. He wears the most confused smile, presumably unaware of why his mother and I left in the first place ..and an overwhelming sense of dad guilt hits me.

"Uncle Landon told me about what happened." Auden's eyes dart to the ground. Oh fuck. "He did?" I raise a brow, and when I look up, Landon appears in the doorway. I make brief eye contact, with him before focusing on Auden. "Yeah, I overheard you telling him on the phone that Charlie was in the hospital.." he confidently chimes. I sincerely hope that Landon didn't tell him the reason Charlie was in the hospital. He's ten years old, for fuck's sake. A very innocent ten year old at that. He doesn't need to know about those things yet.

I grow confused when my boy begins to laugh, wondering what could possibly be so amusing. "I can't believe that he ate so many of Nana Karen's cookies, that he had to go to the emergency room!" he bursts into a fit of giggles and I throw a confused frown at Landon. His eyes widen in a bid to get me to 'play along with it'.

That brother of mine has to be the most random person I know. In fact, I don't know how he comes up with half of the shit that he does, but I must say, it wasn't a bad cover up story.. for a gullible child at least. I force an artificial laugh, but It isn't long before I'm just as amused as Auden. That does sound like something that Charlie would do. That boy eats so much junk, I'm surprised he doesn't have worms. "I know! What a goofball!" I remark, using one of Auden's favourite words in enthusiasm. Auden continues to chuckle to himself as he ventures off.

"Hospitalised from too many cookies. Really?" I glare at Landon and he rolls his eyes in return. I don't know what kind of cookies this guy has been eating, but I'm not sure that I want to. "He got upset when he heard that Charlie was in the hospital. It was the first thing that came to my mind, okay?" Landon waves his arms to express his point. "I made up some bullshit story about how he was pooping chocolate chips!" he raises his voice. My smirk returns when he buries his head in his hands. No wonder Auden was cracking up laughing. I'm glad when Landon changes the subject because I quite literally, have no more words on this matter.

"Anyhow. I'm glad that .. cookie boy.. is going to be okay. He's part of the family now and this family doesn't need anymore grief" he clears his throat. That's some deep shit, but he's right.

We get to talking and Landon is full of questions. I fill him in on everything that happened while we were over there, enlightening him on how Addy seems to be doing great. I don't go into too much detail, knowing how much he misses his only daughter and all, but It's true, she really is smashing the whole motherhood fiasco. Baby Ava really was a blessing in disguise for both Addy and Austin and seeing my niece thrive, was one of the only good things about our flying visit.

"Anyway, thanks for everything.. man" I wrap up our lengthy discussion, desperate to reunite with the babies. I knew that I'd miss them, but hell, I feel like I want to hold them and never let them go. I pat my brother on the back, in a lame way to thank him again and he returns the gesture as the two of us enter the sitting room.

I take a look around and Emery and Charlie appear to have vanished. Let's just pretend that they've gone to their separate rooms to 'relax', though I'm certain that they're up to something that will make me want to blow my brains out.

A sudden flare of joy hits me when I set eyes on Saffron and Miller. They're in Tessa's arms and each of them is wearing the most mischievous grin. My feet can't bring me to them quick enough and my heart leaps at the way their eyes light up when they see me. "Hiii, babies" I coo. Oh lord. Before I know it, I'm doing that ridiculous voice that I always seem to do when I'm in their company. "Daddy has missed you so much" I retrieve them from Tessa, placing a twin over each of my shoulders. They wrap their arms around me, before using me as a human climbing frame and It's times like this that I wish they could stay this little forever.

I acknowledge Nora's presence as she gets roped into a game of twenty questions with Tessa. "Were they good? Did Miller keep you up all night?" Being two of them. I can't control the wicked smile that is creeping upon my face as I picture Landon and Nora attempting to handle their chaotic sleep routine. "They were angels!" Nora replies. "In fact, they were no trouble at all!" she beams with no sarcasm intended.

"I call bullshit" I cheekily whisper to the babies, getting a kick out of the way Miller does this adorable little giggle. It's almost as though he understood the joke.

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