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Here are some songs for the chapter that remind me of my time in Amsterdam (what a place!)

Simple as this - Jake Bugg

Spirits - The Strumbellas

I won't let you go - James Morrison

Wait - M83


"Fuck, it's nice here. I used to always tell you that you're my better place. But I'm beginning to think that Amsterdam is" my husband tells me as we walk the phenomenal grounds. It's cold and dark, but the delicate and intricate lights that surround the place, and the pure snow that covers the pavement, perfects the scene. Hardin looks as charming as ever, in a black duffle coat and a grey beanie. The scarf and Chelsea boots perfect the look. His outfits really do hit hard in winter. "It really is gorgeous" I smile as I look up at him.

My heart does a somersault when he beams down at me, the smile on his face as evident as ever. The spark. It's back. For this moment, I feel like we're Tessa and Hardin again, not just Mommy and Daddy. We stroll the narrow streets, admiring the tall, colourful buildings and the aesthetics of them. I admire the way our shoes make a perfect print in the snow. I admire the way that everybody around us, looks truly happy.

We arrived at Schiphol Airport this morning. It was a long and tiring flight, but that didn't stop us. The minute we arrived, we stopped off at the hotel, briefly met up with Mike's brother who owns the place, I unpacked and we headed straight back out to explore. From what we saw of the hotel, the place looks divine, but after setting our eyes on the adorable views, we were eager to see them all. I paired a white, ribbed turtleneck with a tweed mini skirt and the two of us headed straight out to brunch. Hardin and I talked, and I mean really talked for the first time in forever. We reflected on what has happened in the past year and how it has made us better people. We talked about our accomplishments and our children being the biggest ones. We enjoyed a candlelit dinner on the terrace of a Michelin rated restaurant, where the view took our breath away and was so lovely, that it bordered on being unreal. We paid the hefty bill and the two of us left the restaurant with a full stomach and a happy heart.

Following this, the two of us spent the evening on a canal boat ride. The boat took us under the most beautiful bridges and near the most beautiful buildings, as we enjoyed a glass of champagne. Well, I did. Hardin politely declined his, so I had his too. "It was romantic, if you call me puking down the side of a very expensive boat romantic" Hardin smirks, while squeezing my hand a little tighter. "My poor baby got seasick" I tease him in the most mocking voice. "Did not, it was the the champagne" he scoffs. "Honey, you didn't have any" I let out a giggle and he brings a finger to his mouth to shush me. "That was one of the most romantic things we ever did" I pout, sticking out my bottom lip.

"You might think that now, but just you wait until I get you back to that hotel room" Hardin teases whilst squeezing my hand, yet again. "Oh yeah?" I raise an eyebrow, growing more and more turned on by the minute. I stop in the narrow street, turning to face him and the busy crowd of people continue to move around us. "Oh yeah" he repeats and I feel the electricity returning to my body. I grab his hand, before setting off running and dragging him along with me.

The two of us can hardly breathe from laughing so hard, as we slip and slide down the snowy streets of Amsterdam. The locals curse us as we barge past them, but that only makes us laugh harder. "Fuck you too" Hardin yells and I shush him as we continue to scurry through.

"Home sweet home" Hardin chimes as we reach the Waldorf Hotel of Amsterdam, also known as our home for the next four days. We are shushed by the security guard, as we make a racket on arrival. "No you shush, we know the owner!" Hardin tells him as we chase each other up the red, velvet staircase. He caresses all of my sensitive spots, and I release the loudest giggle when he kisses my neck. An elderly couple pass us on the way and we try to tame ourselves. "Hi, how are you?" Hardin chimes as we pass them and the casual way he asks them cracks me up. As soon as they are out of sight, he continues to chase me through the halls of this luxurious, beautiful hotel, until we finally reach our room. Number fifty six.

The two of us are frantic to dive onto the bed, I'm not even sure that its to fuck anymore, at this point, I think we just need to lay down due to sheer exhaustion from all the sprinting. We stare up at the ceiling, continuing to laugh until we can laugh no more.

Eventually, Hardin brings himself to stand from the bed. He does an almighty stretch and I roll my eyes at his dramatics. "I'll be right back, baby" he tells me and I grow suspicious. "Where are you going?" I quiz him. "It's a surprise, you" he winks, before grabbing his wallet from the bedside table and disappearing out of the door. A surprise, he says... I'm hoping that it's a pleasant one. With Hardin gone for the moment, I retrieve my diary from the drawer and take this as an opportunity to update it. It's moments like this that I love to reflect on, love to be able to look back on. I neatly scribble the words 'Dear Diary' and today's date with the fluffy pen that Hardin loves to make fun of.

"I fell in love with him all over again, similar to the way we fall asleep at night, slowly.. then all of a sudden and I couldn't have been happier. It was like everything that Hardin and I once had, that had been drained out of us because of all the hurt and unhappiness that we have endured over the years, had returned in one single heartbeat. I guess you don't really know what you're missing, until you get a taste of what you used to have and realising that you have that back, makes your heart the happiest. Sometimes, you can just feel yourself drifting away from the one that you love the most and as gut-wrenching as that is, you just push it to the back of your mind and hope for the best and for Hardin and I.. the best happened. When he told me that he will never, ever stop loving me, we didn't know that, not for real, but now we do, the both of us do"

I stop writing, when Hardin returns. He barges into our room like a bull in a china shop, winks at me daringly before entering the en-suite and closes the door behind him. I smirk at the way that he's attempting to hide a paper bag behind his back ..and not very discretely. I throw my diary and the forbidden fluffy pen, back into the drawer of the bedside table. I freshen up ever so quickly, for I know that I want to look good for whatever he has prepared. Only seconds later, I'm reacquainted with that sexy, raspy voice of his. "I'm ready for you, Mrs Scott" he adds the Dutch accent for affect and I smirk at how terrible it is. I gasp in shock when I turn around to see him in nothing, but my black, silk robe. Why does he look better in it than I do? Holy shit. He enters the room, coaxing me into the extravagant bathroom and I gasp even louder as I take in what he has prepared. Rose petals form a path, leading up to the tub, which is also sprinkled with red, rose petals.

On the side of the bathtub, is a bottle of 'Non- alcoholic Champagne'. "This way, I can join you" he whispers into my ear and I'm instantly covered in Goosebumps. On the other side of the tub is a punnet of chocolate covered strawberries. My Favourite, especially when he is feeding them to me. "You can't wait for me to place those into your mouth, so that your full lips are around them, they taste so good.. don't they? you naughty little girl" he whispers yet again, this time sucking on my earlobe, followed by my overly sensitive neck. "Hardin" I breathlessly mutter. "Now, let's get these clothes off, baby.. and I'll let you decide later if that canal boat ride is the most romantic thing we have ever done" he bites his lip and I feel the moisture gathering in my panties. He is so frantic to get my clothes off, that he almost gets stuck trying to. The night is spent exploring the familiar curves of each other's bodies, whispering a thousand "I missed this" and "I love Yous."

A/N - AHHHH!! Please comment your thoughts, beautiful people. There are many more scene's like this to come, as well as what is happening back in Brooklyn with Emery, Charlie and the gang! x

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