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"Okay everybody! After a lovely dinner, courtesy of Karen and Nora, it's officially time to exchange gifts!" my mom announces, like she's some kind of professional. Why must she always be the hostess, even at other people's place? Everybody gathers around the tree, where my mother has made several neat piles of gifts, one for each person. I'm surprised she hasn't unwrapped them all and rewrapped them herself. "So I've made a pile for each person. They're in alphabetical order, so Abby will open hers first. The first gift will be from-"

Everybody moans in disgust of my Mom's over the top organisation. "Oh for the love of god woman, everybody.. just open your gifts" my dad interrupts and the whole room cheers. "Hardin!" my mother pouts, my dad redeems himself by placing a kiss onto her cheek. With that, The adults exchange gifts, some of them novelty, some of them serious, but all in all, there are many laughs to be had.

I soon realise that I am yet to give Charlie his gift. "Charlie" I grab my boyfriends attention. He pauses his conversation with Smith to venture over to me. "Merry Christmas, boo" I tell him, whilst placing an envelope into his hands. I seem to have adopted his corny nickname for me. He is quick to tare away the envelope, inside it is a Christmas card. The Christmas card holds a 'New York Giant's season ticket'. I grow confused as he glares at the card without saying a word, but then I remember that the ticket is only in the second page and that I wrote a huge paragraph in the first. Oh shit. Oh crap. I wrote this a couple of weeks ago now, but I remember writing something about children. He's going to freak out, isn't he?!

"Charlie" I warn, he sticks a finger in the air to tell me to wait as he continues to read. I attempt to snatch the card from him but he holds it higher. "Charlie, stop reading. Just turn to the second page!" I demand, but he doesn't listen. Fuck. "You couldn't think of anyone else to raise your children? You envision me with our son, taking him to football games?!" His mouth drops open. "That was before I knew how you felt! Just give it!" I jump up to retrieve the card but I struggle. Charlie bends down to retrieve the ticket when it falls to the ground.

"Thanks" he bluntly mutters before stalking off. He takes the ticket with him but slams the card down on the table beside me. I swallow a gulp as a warm tear escapes one eye. I quickly dry it to avoid confrontation. I glance around the room to see where Charlie could have gotten to and it makes sense when I find him with Abby. She is laughing hysterically loud about something that he has said. I mutter a 'Fuck You' under my breath. What If all of this is Just one big game to him? The proposal, the speech about wanting a life with me.. what if it was a joke? I know I'm conspiring but I can't help but think the worst.

I stare into space, thinking of all the possible scenarios when I'm startled by Addelyn calling my name. She is in the kitchen alone, so I join her. She is holding Ava close to her chest, looking awfully exhausted as she rocks her back and forth. "You're already the best mommy" I tell her in awe, Her smile grows profusely. "Where's Austin?" I ask her. "He's in there with the family, he's finally making the right impression so I thought I'd leave him to it" she smirks. "Here" she gestures for me to open her arms as she places Ava into them. This probably isn't the best idea with the whole baby thing.

I beam down into her gorgeous eyes and the way she is so content In her slumber sends me into a high pitched sob. "Ems?" Addy grabs my attention. "Yeah?" My bottom lip trembles. "This isn't just about Ava.. is it?" She asks, knowing me better than anybody else. "It is, it is. she's just so gorgeous" I bellow, Addy just glares at me. "No, it's not. But I don't want to talk about it" I shrug whilst taking a deep sigh. "Fine. But if you need anything, then you know where I am sweetie" she tells me whilst placing a hand on my shoulder. "I'm fine, I'm fine" I'm quick to dry my eyes using one free hand. "Now, you need to tell me all about her arrival. I hear that your father got kicked out of the delivery room for singing?!" I smile through the pain. "Oh I'll tell you, but you're in for a treat!" She giggles and I shift in my seat, ensuring that I'm supporting Ava's head.

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