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Hardin's expression has some kind of hilarity to it, as he realises that I have snuck off and left him with a group of stale old men, who he can't seem to get away from. I laugh to myself as I make my way to the group of ladies who are sat at the counter and seem to be discussing the baby bombshell. I am attacked with cuddles by Karen, Kim and Nora and my mother. They holler at me for keeping it a secret for so long and I tell them that I'm only eleven weeks pregnant, which seems to calm them. "Oh darling, can't believe you're having twins" Karen begins to cry once again, wafting her hands at her eyes to dry them. Wow, and I thought I was emotional. "She's not stopped crying since Hardin's speech" Kim and Nora snigger to each other.

"Girl are you sure you're pregnant? You don't even look like there's one baby in there, never mind two" Kimberly grins. "I know and don't jinx me, I do not want to be in the position I was in with Auden. I looked like I was ready to pop at six months" I joke. Although it was no joke. "Honey I'm telling you, you'll be tiny for ages, then you'll wake up one morning huge" Karen warns me.

I seem to have set the women off to waffle on about every single detail from their pregnancies and births, my mother included. "I don't even want to think about that, it's been nine years since I last gave birth and let me tell you I do not have pleasant memories from it" I cringe. "And now I have to give birth to two" I let out a giggle, that instantly turns into me sobbing. The three women hug me at the same time while laughing at my expense.

"I knew you didn't hate my peanut butter cookies!" Karen schemes. "Of course not, I love peanut butter. But the babies.. apparently not" I smile, while placing my hand on my tiny bump.

God, I love the company of these women. You're lucky if you get even one, really great friend In your life and I am lucky enough to have all of these people, who care for me deeply. Don't get emotional Tessa, not again, my subconscious warns. After a while, My mother, Karen and Kim retreat back to the living room to their men.

Nora and I remain in our seats around the marble counter and Landon decides to join us. "There's my favourite ladies" he charms, taking the seat facing Nora and I. He looks so handsome in his white dress shirt. "I still can't believe that we're gonna be an aunt and uncle again" he takes Nora's hand and glares into her adorning eyes. "I know, all this baby talk is making me broody" she remarks. "I had a feeling it would" Landon sniggers.

My heart sings at the idea of Landon and Nora having another baby. Addelyn is their only child and she is now seventeen years old. It's not that the two decided against another child after they had her, but they became so used to life as a family of three, that they never extended their family. Landon was content with his job as a fifth grade teacher and Nora was always busy promoting her restaurant but they have always given Addy the world and more.

I smile to myself at the thought of how loved these babies are going to be. I am broken out of my trance when Landon shakes my shoulder. "Is that Hardin's mom?" He splutters. I automatically scan the room to find out what I'm earth he's talking about. Oh dear, it is and she's approaching me, fast.

"Trish, what are you doing here?" I question her current state. "Happy anniversary darling" she squeezes me, placing a bunch of roses on the counter beside me. I can't hide the shock that is as clear as day on my face, that she is here. Landon and Nora make themselves scarce and Hardin approaches Trish and I seconds later, the man looks like he is going to explode.

"What is she doing here you ask? My perfect little dad invited her" he scoffs. Oh dear, I already know this isn't going to end well, he's in one of those moods. "Ken?" I Blurt. Why on earth would Ken invite Trish after everything then went down between them. "Nope, try again" he sneers. "Vance" I realise. "Bingo" Hardin yells, earning a few turned heads and stares. That's even worse! Why would Vance invite Trish here, knowing what he did and knowing that his wife and Ken are right here.

I can practically see the steam coming out of Hardin's ears as I pull him to one side. "Hardin, look at me. Please. Stay. Calm" I instruct as he looks into my eyes. "Don't let this ruin our day" I beg, he nods in obligation. I glance back over at Trish and she's no longer where we left her. I find her helping herself to a glass of champagne, she has a daring look on her face and that alone is a warning sign.

Hardin's eyes are glued to her as she flaunters over to the living room, where Ken, Karen, Kim and Vance are all seated. "I need some air" Hardin mutters under his breath, grabbing one of the many bottles of champagne from the counter and storming out of the back doors. "No Hardin, this isn't the answer and you know it" I try to chase after him, but give up after that ghastly nauseous feeling returns.

My body suddenly feels jittery, and I'm highly on edge. I tried to ignore the earlier ache in my tummy, but it's back with vengeance. I just hope he isn't stupid enough to drink just to numb the pain. He knows better than than that, he's learned much better coping mechanisms over the years, he even wrote about them in his books. But this whole thing with his mom and Vance is something that tips him over the edge.

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