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"Good morning, good morning!" Ken sings cheerily as he enters the kitchen, David follows him and they're both wearing golf attire. Karen and my mother giggle at their enthusiasm. "You're up early!" I charm, wondering what has them up before eight in the morning on a weekend. I mean, I know the twins aren't exactly the quietest during the night, so that explains a lot. "We're off to the golf course for the morning, but we didn't want to miss the lovely breakfast that you ladies are cooking up!" David smirks, maybe he's being a little too over enthusiastic. I debate telling him that my mother and I haven't lifted a finger and it's poor Karen who is run off her feet.

"Well, you're just in time" Karen smiles as she begins to fill the table with croissants, pancakes, bacon and a lot of other yummy goods. "Ken, can you call the children for me, tell them breakfast is ready" she huffs, while balancing many plates between two hands. "I'll go get them, I want to check on Hardin anyway" I tell her. I left Hardin to sleep in, knowing that his head is probably pounding after yesterday's incident.

A couple of hours after Hardin returned from the hospital, our guests started to leave. Smith and Raya left rather abruptly after Kim collected them, Vance left without even saying goodbye. I don't know how things are between the two of them right now but I can't imagine them being good after the way he behaved.

Landon and Nora left shortly after, leaving Addy here to have a sleep over with Emery and Abby. Trish and Mike spent another night at their hotel, having missed their flight because of Christian's drunken antics. They fly home today, in the hope that nothing will get in the way. Obviously, the Washington lot, my mother and David are staying with us, as are Ken, Karen and Abby.

"Girls" I knock at the door. I know that they're awake by the sound of their chatter that is vibrating through the hallway. "Go away Mom" Emery is not one bit happy with Hardin and I. To cut a long story short, last night after Charlie left, Emery attempted to use her persuasive powers to be allowed to some kid's graduation party with Addy. It's the last week of school before summer break next week and the girls are as excitable as ever.

"No chance, you're not even graduating! you're a bloody freshman for starters" Hardin told our daughter. "But Dad, Addy is graduating and all of my friends in senior year are too, I might not ever see them again" Emery dramatised. I could tell that Hardin wasn't going to stand for any of her shit after the day he'd had. "It's not up for discussion Emery, I'm off to bed" he snapped, while retreating up the stairs. Hardin fell asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow and as far as I'm aware, he's still asleep now.

I ignore my daughters dismissal and enter the
Room. "Breakfast is ready" I claim. Emery crosses her arms in a tantrum. "We're not hungry" she spits. Abby and Addelyn glance at each other. "Speak for yourself, I'm starving" Abby jumps up from the bed and sprouts down the stairs. "Me too" Addy follows her. Emery stays where she is, on the bed, in a strop. "Honey, you can't be mad at your dad for not letting you go to that party. After what happened last time I-" I place myself on the foot of the bed.

"Are you going to throw that in my face for the rest of my time at High school?" She scoffs. "No I'm not Emery, but what happened was serious. You could have died that night!" I shake my head at her. "Mom, you're so dramatic" she sighs. I need to remove myself from this situation before I go off at her. "Darling I'm not being dramatic, I'm being rational. That horrible group of kids are in senior year too, right? So no doubt they'll be there and you'll be back in that vulnerable position. Again" I explain and she lowers her head as she realises.

"What about Charlie. Will he be going to this party?" I ask, full of curiosity. "No. He won't. So please don't mention this to him, okay?" She snaps and I realise that something isn't right. "Why don't you want Charlie to know?" I blurt, I'm becoming stressed at the secrecy. "Because! I don't want him to go off me. He doesn't party, he doesn't do things like that. He's part of the football team, he's smart, his parents are strict!" She bellows, beginning to get worked up. "But honey, you don't party either. You're just fifteen. And you're smart, and your parents are strict" I look into her soft eyes and she smirks at me. "Okay, your father is strict" I admit.

"Mom, I'm not going to get to go to the party so I should probably just forget it" she stands up from the bed and begins to walk away. "Where are you going?" I ask. "I changed my mind, I am hungry" she shrugs, while leaving the room and heading down the stairs. "Girls" I mutter to myself while making my way to Auden's room. He groans that it's too early before hearing the word breakfast and rushing down the stairs.

"Good morning baby" I greet my husband as I enter our bedroom, who is stood in front of the mirror, styling his hair. "How are you feeling?" I place myself behind him, wrapping my arms around his torso. "Terrible, I've lost my memory and I don't know where I am. In fact, who are you?" He teases and I bat his chest. "I'm joking, I'm fine baby. Just a bit sore" he admits.

"Karen made breakfast, sweetie" I tell him while moving my hands around his toned stomach. He turns around, gawping at me in the most flirtatious way and my heart skips a beat. "I'm hungry, but not for breakfast" he winks. Oh god. "Hardin!" I roll my eyes, though I can't deny that I'm immensely turned on.

"What?" He scoffs, wondering what I'm fussing about. "We can't, we have guests. Plus I'm not meant to .. you know for six weeks after giving birth" I whisper. "Oh my sweet Tessa, I said I want to eat. Not enter" he mocks and I instantly blush at his words. It's been so long that I forgot how this feels. It's almost like electricity is coursing through my veins. His eyes are staring deep into mine as he holds my hand and leads me to our kingsize bed.

He places multiple soft kisses down my neck and a loud moan escapes my lips. I cover my mouth to stifle the noise that is escaping. "Hardin" I breath as our tongues play tennis. "Yes baby" he mutters as he grabs ahold of my shoulders and lowers me onto the foot of our bed. "You're such a fucking tease" I whisper, his breath is hot against me as he uses his head to widen my legs. This man is going to be the death of me.

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