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"Happy new year sweetheart! God, Tessa. You look exquisite!" My mother in law chimes with her extremely British accent as she embraces me in a cuddle. I greet Mike as the pair of them enter the house. Today is New Year's Day. After an eventful stay at the cabin's, Hardin, the children and I arrived home yesterday, just In time to bring the new year in as a family of seven. We counted down to midnight, exchanged hugs and kisses, watched the fireworks and expressed our gratitude to be here for another year.

Trish and Mike are here to stay for five whole days. To be honest, I don't know how to feel about it. As obnoxious as she can be, I'm glad that she's finally getting to see her grandchildren for a decent amount of time. I know how much she misses them back in England, all year round. "Come In, come in!" I tell them whilst taking their suitcases from them. They follow me into the sitting room where Emery, Auden, Charlie and the twins all are. Emery and Charlie are entertaining the twins and little Auden's eyes are glued to his iPad, as per usual.

Trish's arrival has been kept a secret from the children, mainly because Hardin wanted to surprise them. Emery and Auden wondered why their London Nana hadn't sent them Christmas gifts this year and they're about to find out. Trish clears her throat, earning turned heads all around. "Aren't you kid's going to get up and give your good old London grandma a hug?" She chimes, again, as British as ever.

"Nana!" Both Emery and Auden screech in harmony. Emery places Saffron into Charlie's other arm before rushing into Trish's open arms, her brother joins her. "I can't believe you're here!" Emery squeaks with excitement. "I'm here for five whole days baby girl" Trish tells her whilst running a hand through Auden's mop of hair.

"Oh my gosh, who is that handsome chappy holding my gorgeous grandchildren? You must be Charles!" She squeals, whilst pulling away from the group huddle and charging over to hug him. I smirk as the babies climb all over him when Trish reaches out. "I believe we've met before, but In the midst of a family domestic" she adds. "Call me Charlie, mam. And yes I think we have" Charlie smiles, as official as ever. He's always been so shy around new people.. but I know that he's not shy in other departments.

"You're utterly gorgeous, darling" she begins to pinch his cheeks, he blushes. Emery, Mike and I burst into a fit of laughter at the way she fusses over him. "Trish, just leave him alone, woman!" Mike warns her. She eventually acknowledges the twins and begins to get emotional at how 'grown up' they already are.

"Oh good lord! I've been here for over five minutes and haven't even asked where my son is!" She covers her mouth with both hands and I begin to laugh. God, she is dramatic. "He's at YTWC. I know it's New Year's Day, but he wants to check in and see how everything is going. He met the client's briefly, before they entered but hasn't seen them since with it being Christmas and all" I tell her. The building has been up and running for three weeks now and because the best professionals that Hardin could find, the service is proving effective. I'm thankful for the fact that Hardin is just the founder, and that he doesn't have to get to involved with the nitty gritty of it all. I love having him at home. Maybe that's selfish, but it's true.

"In fact, he should be home any second now" I tell Trish. She squeals with excitement, before demanding that Mike takes the bags upstairs. "No! leave them here, Hardin will take them!" I tell the two of them. With the size of those suitcases, poor Mike could injure his back. He's no spring chicken. "You two make yourselves at home!" I tell the two of them and they do just that, placing themselves onto the sofa with the children. Trish unzips her huge, white suitcase and retrieves a bag of gifts. I watch from a distance as the kids tear the paper off the messily wrapped gifts. "Wow!!" I hear Auden chime with sheer excitement. "Thanks Nana Trish, thanks Mike!" He adds, while flashing some kind of ticket around. "Look mom!"

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