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"Hardin where are you? I've been calling you!" My wife spats. "Honey, I need you to take Auden home, the keys are in the bag" I demand. "What? Why? What's going on?" Tessa fusses and my heart breaks a little, as I know how she'll react to such news. "I'll explain everything later sweetheart. Charlie and Emery need me right now so we are going to make our own way home" I tell her. She is uneasy, curious as to what on Earth has happened, but she obliges. I hang up the phone and head back over to my daughter and her broken hearted boyfriend.

She has managed to scrape him from the floor, but he is weak at the knees and barely standing. "Please, take me to the hospital" the young man's voice is desperate as he looks me in the eye. "You don't have to.. see them if you don't want to. Don't feel pressured to" I mutter. I know that he probably wants to say goodbye to his parents, but the image of them, lying there after such a traumatic incident, could be very damaging for anyone, let alone someone so young.

"Please! I need to, I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye" he sobs and do as he orders by hailing a cab. The poor kid can hardly walk, as Emery helps him into the backseats of the cab. She sits beside him and I take the passenger seat. "Dude, what hospital?" I turn to Charlie and he is quick to give the driver orders. "Lower Manhattan Hospital" he barks, and the driver starts the car.

Fuck, I wish I could tell this kid that everything will be okay, but it really won't. His parents are all he has, had, apart from that one Aunt who lives miles away. My stomach is in knots, as we get closer to the hospital and I know what is to come. This is too much for anyone to handle, let alone a fifteen year old kid.

"They're so selfish man, they literally died, before having to spend time with me" Charlie outbursts and I cringe at his train of thought. "Charlie, this was an accident. A tragic, unexpected accident" Emery's voice is soft as she attempts to console him.
We arrive, after what felt like the longest twenty minutes ever. "Dude, we don't have to go in there right away. Take a moment to breath" I place a reassuring hand on the boys shoulder. He hesitates for a moment, before continuing to walk towards the hospital entrance.

"No Mr Scott, The sooner I get this over with, the better. Nothing's going to change the fact that they're gone" he takes a deep breath, before entering the premises. Fuck. Emery takes a deep glare at me and I can tell that she's on the verge of breaking down. I can't bare the fact that my sixteen year old daughter has to witness something so Cruel, she's just a kid. I take her hand and squeeze it, before we follow her boyfriend through the automatic doors.

I'm forced to step in, when he approaches a random nurse in the corridor, she looks like she's off home, but he flags her down in spite of that. "I- I need to see my parents" he yells in distress, tears yet again brimming at his eyes. The young woman is startled by his manner.

"I'm sorry, love" I tell her as I approach the two. "His parents were just in a car accident. Do you think that that they'll be in the emergency department?" I ask, my voice sheepish. I can't find it inside of me to confirm their fate. "They're dead" Charlie bluntly adds and the woman doesn't know where to put her face. "I - I'm so sorry" she covers her mouth with a hand. "They'll more than likely be in the Emergency department, yes" the woman loses eye contact. "Thank you" I yell as she hastily walks away.

Charlie scurries down the hall, frantic to find the emergency department of this damned hospital. I'm forced to grab him by his jacket, when he bumps into a not so forgiving, old chap and I apologise on his behalf. "Charlie, seriously. Slow down. We have time" I plead with the young man and he glares at me like I'm a deer in the headlights. It's ironic how I'm the one telling him to slow down, when I myself, do nothing by halves.

"You're right. Why am I rushing? They're still going to be fucking dead when I get there. Nothings going to change. Stupid Charlie!" he smacks his hand against his forehead and it's clear that he's having a breakdown. Fuck, I'm not used to seeing him like this, he's usually such a prude, but who could blame him for acting out of character in such a situation. "Hey, I didn't say that. Take some deep breaths dude" I Instruct and he does as I say. Emery rubs his back for a moment, until we continue to make our way to the emergency Department.

We eventually get to the correct department and Charlie is frantic as he follows a doctor to the room where his parents are situated. Emery and I follow them to a seating area outside of the said room. "Do you want me to come with you?" My Emery murmurs, though I can tell that she is terrified to do so. "No... thank you, but I need to do this alone" he sniffles and takes a deep breath before entering the room before him. This kid's bravery has no bounds. There's no chance in hell that I'd be able to do that, alone.

Emery and I take a seat and she releases the almighty scream that she has been holding in. "I know, baby" I whisper, as I pull her into a cuddle. I stroke her hair as she sobs in my arms and my heart shatters at the sight. This whole thing is making me want to take my family, squeeze them and never let them go. I'm definitely going to hug Tessa and my children a little tighter tonight, that's for sure.

While we wait, I call Tessa to let her know the circumstances and the reason that Emery and I left the restaurant so hastily. She cries and I make a pathetic attempt to comfort her down the phone. "That poor boy" she gasps. I notify her that Charlie will probably be spending another few nights at our place and she agrees that it's for the best.

"Maybe we should ask your father and Karen to stay for a few more days, if they're able to. They've been great with the twins and with everything that's going on.. things aren't going to be easy" she suggests and I think she may have a point. "Sounds like a plan. We will discuss it later, baby" I tell her. "Of course. I love you sweetheart" I can tell that she is tearful by the sound of her voice. "I love you too darling, I'll be home soon" I reassure her, wishing I could give her one of my infamous cuddles.

There is an uneasy silence as we wait for Charlie to return, but I grab the attention of a middle aged nurse as she walks by. "Excuse me" I call out on approach to her, I take her to one side to have this conversation away from my daughter. "I'd appreciate it if you could tell me some more information on the death of the Travers'" I probably sound like some kind of emotionless robot, but I have no idea how to word things like this. I mean, I didn't even know them. Every bit of sadness that I'm feeling is for the fifteen year old, lost boy that is their son.

"Are you family?" The woman asks, I begin to get nervous as I know that there's no chance of her sharing information with me if she knows I'm not family. "Yeah...I'm" fuck what is Charlie's fathers name? I've hesitated for too long now so there's no point in even trying to lie. Plus, I'm pretty sure that nurse would have sensed my bullshit anyway.

"I'm not family, but her son is in a relationship with my daughter and he's been staying at my house for the past few days while his parents were away. I just want to know what happened, I brought Charlie here without even knowing what happened. I think I deserve to know" I plead and the nurse rolls her eyes before nodding in agreement to answer my questions.

"So, it happened on their way back from the airport?" I scratch my head." Yes sir" she buries her head. "From what we were told, it was a head on collision with a drunk driver. We attempted resuscitation several times, but their injuries were far too severe" she admits. Fuck. Imagine returning home from a two week vacation in the bloody Bahamas and then croaking it before you can even reach home. "Shit" is all I can muster to say. "Mr Travers was asking for his son, but it was too late. It all happened so quickly" she reveals. I probably shouldn't say this, but If only he made as much effort in life as he did in death. "That's heavy" I mutter.

I can't help but wonder where that poor boy will go from here. I mean who will Charlie live with? He's officially an orphan and he's still a kid. Will he have to go live with his Aunt now or some shit? This is an abomination. "So.. what happens from now on with Charlie?" I quiz. "We have referred him to the hospitals social worker, so she will probably pull him for a chat before he leaves today and explain everything to him. If Charlie is staying with you temporarily, then she will probably want to talk to you too. Is that okay?" The nurse asks and I nod in understanding. This whole thing has nothing to do with me, but I feel sort of responsible for Charlie. "Speak of the devil" she adds as she flags down a member of staff. She's an older woman and her name tag reads 'Martha'.

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