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A/N -
Hi loves🤍 It has been a hot minute since I updated, (sorry about that). Just a heads up, You may have to quickly re-read the last chapter if you have no clue what's happening.

Here is a mini recap, in Charlie's POV.


Shit, What have I done?! I have let the cat out of the bag, completely unintentionally. She already looked so defeated at the result of the pregnancy test, and I kicked her while she was down. Not only did I tell her how thrilled I was that it was negative, but I told her that I'm leaving her in the same sentence. I'm the worst fucking boyfriend, ever. Of course I'm not 'leaving' her, but that's how she'll see it.

I keep making these shitty fucking decisions that result in upsetting her, and I hate myself for it. I knew that Emery wasn't happy with me when I went with Abby to the pool house, but I went anyway. I knew that Abby was just using me to grind my girls gears ..and I only made matters worse by going with her. I was drinking some gross liquid from the red cup that Abby had handed to me, when I got the text from Logan that Molly had given birth to baby Maddox. They even payed a tribute to me by giving the baby the middle name 'Charles'.

I hate to admit it, but I was thrilled. My dreams of becoming an older brother, had finally been fulfilled. With that, I left the pathetic excuse of a party and headed to find Emery to share the news... and that's when I overheard the whole conversation between her and Addy.

It was in that exact moment that I realised what was happening, but Instead of taking it like a man and being there for her, I acted like a complete jerk. I heard the words 'pregnancy test' and instantly panicked. Emery poured her heart out, she told me how scared she was..and What did I do? I cheered and told her what a relief it was to me. I told her that her being 'knocked up' would jeopardise the scholarship that I was yet to even tell her about.

Since when do I talk like that? I don't talk to women like that, especially the one that I'm lucky enough to fall my fiancé. This is why I shouldn't drink, it doesn't suit me, it isn't big and it certainly isn't smart.


"What?!" My girl breaks me out of my self pity party. Shit, holy shit. My palms are now sweaty and I'm stuttering like a bitch. "Nothing" I am quick to say. Her eyes widen at my dreadful attempt of a lie. "It's clearly not nothing!" She screeches out of clear frustration. There is no getting out of this. I'm going to have to tell her, but I have no idea how.

Just when I thought I couldn't get any more pathetic, I use the birth of my baby brother to worm my way out of explaining myself. "I came here to tell you ...that my baby brother, Maddox Charles Thomas, was welcomed into the world at nine twenty five" I tell her. She appears shocked, but she doesn't comment on the matter. She is far too focused on the last bombshell that I dropped.

"WHAT ..scholarship?!" She scoffs, yet again. I should say something. Anything would do right now, but being the coward that I am, I stand silent. She soon grows tired of my shit and shoulder barges past me. "Emery!" I attempt to chase her, but I'm given the cold shoulder. "Emery, please!" I call repeatedly, but I'm startled when she suddenly turns around, her face like thunder.

"Charlie if you love me, you'll give me some space right now. I need some air" my heart shatters at the sound of her shaky voice. I can't bare to see her this way, especially when it's all my fault. I know that she asked for space, but I can't help but feel that she needs me right now, so with that, I follow her out of the patio doors.

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