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Continuing Tessa

I decide to take a seat and keep a safe distance away from the drama that seems to be bubbling across the room. I love Trish, but I honestly don't think I'd blame Kim if she went for her weave right now. She somehow thinks it's a good idea to obnoxiously bring up the memories that Vance and her shared together, right in front of Kim and in far too much detail. Does this woman have a death wish?

I feel slightly at ease when I spot Ken and Karen removing themselves from the situation. At least someone has the sense to not rise to Trish's petty behaviour. I can't ignore the flutters in my chest, as the couple approach me. "I'm so proud of you" Karen strokes her husbands cheek as the two take a seat beside me.

"Proud of me? For what" he lowers his eyebrows. "For removing yourself from the situation. You put all of that effort in to reconciling your friendship with Vance, only for him to call Trish here on today of all days. Then she had the nerve to sit and rub her affair right in your face. Honey, you could have easily gone off at the two of them after what they did, but you were the better person" her voice is small.

"Karen, i don't need to 'go off' at anyone. Do you know why? Because I'm happy. I have everything I could ever want right here with you. I spent too long wallowing in self pity all them years ago and I let it get the better of me. I'm not that man anymore. Besides, it's Kimberley we really need to feel sorry for here. Vance is her Husband and she forgave him, even after he was unfaithful and he repays her by doing this? Why would he even call her? What does he want from her?" Ken fusses. Karen placing a reassuring hand on his knee.

My head beings to pound with tension as I try to read the expression on Kimberley's face from across the room. Trish is waving her arms everywhere, clearly telling Vance some kind of story. The look on Kims face says "if this man doesn't stop laughing right now".

I feel the sudden urge to protect my small bump as I place my small hands on it. These tummy pains seem to be intensifying, but I know that it's just due to the anxiety of what's occurring around me.
I just need Hardin to come back, sober, so we can talk about how he is feeling and work on it. Maybe in an ideal world, that would happen, but this isn't an ideal world and I'm pretty sure he's going to come back here intoxicated, all guns blazing and ready to start a fight with Vance.

Time passes and my nerves have calmed, thanks to Karen who has managed to lighten the mood. She jokes about the twins being 'double trouble' and having two little half British/ half American toddlers running around.

After a while, I excuse myself to use the bathroom. My heart skips a beat and I can't disguise the shooting pains that are attacking my lower stomach as I walk, this feeling is far too familiar. This can't be happening. You're fine Tessa, this is in your head. I've been in here a while now, fighting with my subconscious who is pleading with me to keep this to myself. "Come on babies, mommy and daddy have got you" I whisper, placing my small hands on my swollen tummy.

"Tessa, sweetie" I am interrupted by Karen knocking on the bathroom door, concern in her voice. "Are you okay? you've been in there a while now" she adds. I quickly dry my eyes and open the door, turning my frown into an uneasy smile. "I'm good" I tell her while washing my hands. "Hey, it will be fine, Hardin isn't going to get drunk, he's got you and the little ones to think of" she places her hands on my shoulders as i grab some paper towels to dry my mine. I thank her silently and follow her back to our seats at the counter.

"Uh oh" Karen mumbles as we reach our chairs. I'm suddenly aware of the commotion coming from the sitting room. He's back, Hardin is back and he is far from sober, I can tell from the rage in his eyes. The first five buttons on his shirt are undone and his hair is wild. Landon attempts to hold him back, as his fists fly at Vance. Thankfully, the children are in the kitchen so they don't have to witness this. "Who the fuck do you think you are!" He tries to escape Landon's hold. My instinct is to go over there and break things up but Ken makes a stop to it, telling me to stay where I am. I nod, knowing I'm in no fit state. "Your father! That's who I think I am" Vance roars.

"He's an old man, don't hit him. He's an old man, don't it him" I whisper repeatedly to myself as Landon holds me back. "Father? You're no father of mine!" I scoff. He glares at me like I just killed his dog. "If it wasn't for that drunken asshole, I could have been!" His voice growing louder with every word. He better not be talking about my father. "Drunken asshole, tell me why my father became a 'drunken asshole' Christian, tell me!" My voice cracks. "Oh yes, I know. It's because you were supposed to be his best friend and we're fucking his wife behind his back for years" I lunge at the smug bastard.

"Hardin, please. I didn't mean for any of this to happen.. did you drink?" my mother chimes in. What does she mean she didn't mean for any of this to happen. What good can come out of travelling all the way from London, showing up at her ex husbands house, after the man who she had an affair with called her. I wonder what her perfect little husband thinks of this, fucking Mike.
And yes, I did drink, in fact I chugged the whole bottle of prissy champagne and launched the bottle at the oak tree at the end of my fathers land. They should feel lucky that champagne was the only drink available and it wasn't a bottle of scotch I got my hands on because I certainly wouldn't be allowing Landon to stop me from attacking someone right now.

I ignore my mothers pathetic attempt to defend herself. "why, did you call her?" my breath is staggered and my voice is small. "Because, she came
to me when she had nowhere else to turn because you - her own son, couldn't even be bothered to answer her phone calls when her marriage has just ended!" He spits. I contemplate wrapping my hands around his neck and choking the fucker, but I decide against it. "What?" I stand still, breaking free from Landon's hold. "It's true, Mike is filing for a divorce. I tried to come to you first Hardin, but you was ignoring my calls and I didn't know what else to do" she grovels. I have nothing else to say to these fuckers, I need Tessa and I need her right now. "Fuck this" I stalk off, to search for my wife.

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