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"Hey Mr" I beam down at my blue eyed boy. He lets out the most precious cry as I rock him back and fourth. Every time I hold him, it feels as amazing as the first time. "Where are your daddy and sissy?" I mutter to him softly. "We're here" the smile on Hardin's face grows as he approaches us, he looks as adorable as ever holding our little girl.

Our precious little people have spent the first two weeks of their lives in the Neonatal intensive care unit. The first time I heard that term, I broke down into a thousand tiny pieces. I was terrified because I only got so much as a glance at them, before they were whisked away from Hardin and I.

I recovered from giving birth pretty quickly and my doctor was happy to discharge me a couple of days later, but I still haven't left the hospital since that very day.

For the whole of the first week, I didn't leave the sixth floor of this hospital, the neonatal unit. I'd spend all night looking through the glass, watching the twins in their incubators. The hours would pass and I would lose the concept of time. Hardin would go home and take a shower, visit Emery and Auden at Landon's, grab something to eat and then come to take over, so we could ensure one of us was always with Saffron and Miller. He'd tell me to go home and get some rest and that everything would be fine, but I couldn't bring myself to leave the building.

I'm pretty sure at this point that I resembled something out of the walking dead, i hadn't showered or even combed my hair in days, the bags under my eyes were highly visible and I missed Emery and Auden dearly.

Then came the first day of the second week and the twins paediatrician, Doctor Murphy, brought music to my ears. He gave us the news that the twins were breathing fine on their own and he was happy with their weight gain. He then allowed our little fighters to be held outside of the incubator. From this day onwards, things started to look up. For the first time, Hardin put Miller down next to his sister and I watched the smile on his face grow as our twins were reunited. In that moment, I felt peace. They had been separated since birth and watching them bond that way, as if they could already feel each other was one of the best moments of my life.

On the second day of the second week, Doctor Murphy entered the room and had even better news for us. He decided that it was time that the babies met their big brother and sister. I cried as Hardin cheered and that same day, I had Landon drop Emery and Auden off at the hospital. It was the first time I would see them in over a week and the first time they'd meet their baby siblings.

"Auden, Emery, meet your baby brother, Miller" Hardin beamed, while holding our precious boy. "And your baby sister, Saffron" I added, while showing her off to our eldest children. Emery was lost for words and began to cry instead. She fanned her eyes, ensuring not to ruin her highly made up face. "They're beautiful" she sobbed. I love that Emery is at an age where the babies will grow up having a big sister to look up to.

"Can I hold Miller first" is the first thing that Auden said, causing Hardin and Emery to chuckle. He was always obsessed with the thought of having a baby brother. "You sure can buddy, but you have to be very gentle with him. Okay?" Hardin instructed Auden to take a seat and hold out his arms. He placed our tiny boy into our biggest boys arms and he looked at him like he was his greatest achievement. "Are you crying Auden?" Emery teased as her brothers bottom lip wobbled. "I am not!" He scoffed, making the rest of us laugh.

Emery held her baby sister and cooed over her, promising to be her spirit guide and then Auden and her eventually swapped siblings. My heart sang at the sight of our beautiful family, finally reuniting.

I'm broken out of my mini recap of the last couple of weeks, by my husband breaking the silence. "I can't believe it baby, today's the day that we finally get to take our little ones home" Hardin's eyes are glossy as places a kiss onto my cheek. We swap babies and beam down at the two of them with pride. "Hi baby" I tickle baby Saffron's cheek. I'm over the moon that our little ones are finally coming home, where they belong, but that's not to say that I'm not scared. They're so tiny and delicate and I worry that Hardin and I will find it hard to adjust.

The twins are dressed in adorable little outfits. Miller is wearing a baby blue knitted set that reads 'Mommy's Boy', with a matching Pom Pom hat and his sister is wearing the same, but it says 'Daddy's girl' in an adorable shade of pink. We are just awaiting Doctor Murphy to confirm our discharge and we're good to go.

"You're going to get to meet your other big brother today too, yes you are" Hardin puts on his best baby voice. "Other big brother?" I frown. Unless Hardin as a secret child that i don't know about.. they only have one 'big brother'. "Yeah, Louie" he smiles and I begin to get emotional, yet again. "Aww Louie has protected them all the way through this pregnancy, he's going to be so gentle with them" I stick out my bottom lip. We are talking amongst ourselves about the exciting times ahead, when Doctor Murphy enters.

"So Tessa and Hardin, the time has come. You're finally free to leave" he announces. I clap my hands together in excitement as Hardin thanks him and shakes his hand. "Thank you so much, you've been absolutely amazing with the babies. We'll never Forget what you have done for us" i shake his hand prominently as Hardin hastily places the twins into their car seats.

"Which is why Hardin and I have gotten you a little something for the unit" I add, while handing over a basket of gifts. "This is for you and all of the nurses who work tirelessly everyday to keep these little ones safe" My voice is soft. The basket is full of snacks, cookies and tasty treats and on top of them is a Stuffed toy. It wears a T-shirt that reads 'Saffron and Miller Scott's Heroes". The doctor is overwhelmed as he accepts the gift and finds himself drying his eyes. What a man.

I trail behind Hardin, who is holding both car seats as we make our way to the car. My heart melts at the adorable sight. I'm still a little sore, so it takes me a while to get there but we eventually do and Hardin straps the twins into the car. I plead with him to drive slow and I don't take my eyes from the backseats, where the babies are for the whole ride home. This has to be the slowest I've ever seen Hardin drive. It takes us over an hour to arrive home.

The butterflies in my stomach are back with a vengeance as we pull into our driveway. We are finally home. I get to lay in my own bed, and eat my own food, there's no better feeling after eating minimally and sleeping on uncomfortable hospital Chairs for two whole weeks.

"Home sweet home baby" Hardin chimes as he retrieves Saffron and Miller from the car. "You hear that babies? this is your home" he whispers to them, holding a car seat in each hand. I'm startled to see the children charging down the garden path, excited to see us and their siblings. "Welcome home!" Emery wraps her arms around me. "Yeah mommy, welcome home" Auden joins, making it a group hug. "I've missed you guys so much" I tell them, as they coo over the babies.

Our endeavour is interrupted when an awfully familiar voice sounds from the end of the garden path, the woman it belongs to, is stood outside of our door with a mug of coffee at hand. "So much for letting me know that the babies are coming home" the blonde with a strong, English accent remarks. Hardin's mother.

Our Time Will Come - An After StoryWhere stories live. Discover now