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"Fuck, this place hasn't changed! It was always borderline impossible to find a parking spot" my father groans as we circle the tiny parking lot. I can tell that he is growing anxious by the second and my feelings are reciprocated. "I can't believe we're doing this. Normal people would just.. I don't know, give them a call. But of course we have to show up at the place they hang out unexpectedly" my dad huffs. He's right, I suppose.

"How about Emery and I head on in there, Abby will seat us and point us in the direction to .. you know who.. and you can come and join us when you've found a space" Charlie suggests and the look on my fathers space is a picture. "Come and join you? This isn't afternoon tea and crumpets Charlie!" He raises his voice and my god, he has never sounded more British.

"Come on" I gesture for Charlie to follow me out of the car as my Dad stops it. We head over to the small building, that is blasting some kind of punk rock shit that my dad would listen to. The sign lights up a hot pink colour and reads 'Blind Bobs' not Bob's Burgers, Charlie. The two of us take a deep breath as we enter, although Charlie doesn't seem phased by this at all. He just seems eager, and determined, it's like the nerves haven't hit him yet.

We enter the building and catch Abby putting on an apron behind the bar. We approach the bar and are amused by the way she over enthusiastically greets us. "Welcome to Blind Bob's, it's Lovely to have you here!" She chimes, ever so loudly. I often wonder why she is so sarcastic all the time, but then I remember that that her older brother is Hardin Scott, my father, and it all makes sense.

"So where are they?" I snap, my nerves getting the better of me. "They aren't here yet, they'll probably get here in around five minutes but I'll seat you guys right next to where they always sit" she tries to whisper as she leans on the bar, though she doesn't realise how loud that she is actually being. "So, lovely guests. I shall take you to your table" she begins to yell again as she grabs two menus and leads us to the said table. "Do you really speak to your customers like that all the time?" My boyfriend sniggers. "Of course I do, blonde boy. This is Customer service at its finest'" Abby shrugs. Oh, so we're back to blonde boy then.

Abby takes us to a table right next to a booth, which I'm guessing is where Charlie's so called parents will be seated. "Let me know when you'd like to order, lovely people!" Abby sarcastically chimes, yet again and I flip her off as she walks away. My suspicions were right, as a man about my fathers age enters and a lady follows, she looks much older than him, although I can tell that she isn't. The chap is dark haired and is clean shaven, but the pink haired woman is haggard looking and looks as though she's had a hard life. The couple make their way to the booth and another man joins them seconds later. His hair is long and almost covering his eyes and he again, is a similar age to my father.

"That's Logan! And I assume that that's my ..mom. They're here!" Charlie whispers rather loudly. He covers his eyes, realising that this may not be the best idea when the couple start to squabble, obnoxiously loud. The woman is yelling at Logan for something that I'm unaware of but he isn't hesitant to fight back. "What the hell is your problem? dude! I didn't even look at her!" He spits. "Yes you did, you dick" the woman huffs. The other guy rolls his eyes dramatically but chooses to say nothing, this must be a regular occurrence.

Charlie is full on gawping at the couple at this point and I try to get him to look away, but it's too late, they have seen us. "Get out while you can, dude. Girls ain't nothing but trouble!" Logan slurs his words while giving out shitty advice. These people are clearly smashed. Charlie attempts to open his mouth but I shush him before he can even speak. He ignores my plead and rises to it. "Actually, my girl isn't like that" he huffs. "Charlie" I warn through gritted teeth. "Why can't you be like him?? He knows how to treat a lady. You're just a fucking asshole" the pink haired lady scoffs.

"He's kind of punching though, I mean, that girl is stunning. Too pretty for him. Reminds me of a certain couple" the woman cackles. If this really is Charlie's biological mom, this is going to be hella awkward. The couple continue to squabble when they're interrupted by Abby approaching. "Abster!" The woman yells. "I'll be over in a sec babe" Abby tells her, before heading to Charlie and I. Babe? Since when does she say that?

"Are you guys ready to order some drinks?" She casually chimes, without the silly ass voice. What happened to customer service Abby? "Yeah I'll have a Diet Coke" I tell her. "Me too, but not diet" Charlie adds. She pretends to jot it down onto her note pad. "How's it going?" She whispers. "We haven't actually.... met yet" Charlie admits and shifts uncomfortably in his chair. "Oh. Watch this" she says. Oh no, what dumb shit is she going to pull now?

"You guys, I want you to meet my friends, Emery and Charlie" she yells to the couple and the other guy who doesn't seem to talk much. "It's easier to say you're friends" she whispers. "Abster! You didn't say those kids were friends or yours. Why don't you guy's come on over?!" The pink haired woman waves us over to their booth and Charlie and I hesitate before doing as they wish. "Sit down, sit down!" She adds and we oblige. "Are you guys having some drinks too?" Abby asks. "Is that even a question? Bring the guys a beer, I'll have a vodka coke and whatever these guys are having" she winks. I give Abby a deep glare as she walks away. "What? It worked!" She mimes and I read her lips.

"I'm sorry what are your names again? Callum and?" The low key rude woman asks. "It's actually Charlie. And this is Emery" my boyfriend introduces us both. "Charlie, huh? I used to know one of those" the lady's voice softens. "Yeah, you did" her partner adds. "Not now, Logan" she scoffs at him. Damn, I wonder what all that's about. "Small world" Charlie mutters while nervously losing eye contact. "Anyway.. this is Logan and unfortunately he's my boyfriend" she introduces her partner. "This is zed" zed? Weird name. Where have I heard that name before? "And I'm-"

"Fucking Molly?!!" My mouth falls open at the sound of my fathers voice from behind. He knows these people?!

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