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"Fucking Molly?!" I gasp in a true Hardin style. Why? Just why is she here?! How?! My heart is thudding out of my chest and I'm expecting to collapse any second. "Are we interrupting something?" the cow sarcastically remarks. "Yes, as a matter of fact you are. You're interrupting-"

"Hardin!" I stop him before he can reveal too much. I never thought I'd have to see this bitch again and it was looking pretty promising after twenty years, but of course she had to come back and rain on my parade at some point, just like she always loved to.

"Why are you here?" My eyes widen. I have been so wrapped up in the fact that Molly is here, that I didn't realise that Logan was standing right behind her. He looks up from the ground and we make eye contact at the exact same time. I look away rapidly, not that this can get any more awkward. All as we need now is for Zed to show up, that will put the cherry on the bakewell.

"I hear that you're a wedding planner" she shrugs. Oh god. Please don't tell me that this is what I think it is. "Yeah.. I am" I admit, my heart racing ten to the dozen. "So, plan our wedding" Molly pouts and I glare at her like she has well and truly lost the plot, until She bursts out laughing. "I'm yanking your chain!" She remarks. Yanking my chain? Gosh, she still speaks like the nineteen year old that I knew and despised.

"Molly, just tell us why the fuck you're here" Hardin begins to lose his temper at the bright haired chick on our door step. "I'm here to see Charlie, of course" she shrugs. Of course. Why wouldn't she be here to see Charlie? I mean, she's only sixteen years late.

"You're joking?!" Hardin breathes out of his nose. "You've got another thing coming if you think you're seeing him. I don't know what you said, but whatever you said to him in Washington all those weeks ago, you fucking upset the kid" my husband grows agitated and my hand scurries around to find his. I keep ahold of it as he confronts the witch before us.

"You can't stop me. We drove all the way from Pullman and we aren't leaving until we have seen our son" Molly demands. It's lovely to see that she's still the same stubborn, infuriating bitch that she was all those years ago. "Okay Molly, bye bye now" Hardin laughs and attempts to slam the door clean in her face, but is stopped by her jamming her foot in front of it.

I have barely said a word since the moment I laid eyes on her, but the sheer shock of seeing Molly and Logan again, especially twenty years on..has stolen my tongue. "Bad move, Scott. Now I suggest you let me in before I make you regret it" she schemes. That malicious cow! "How the heck did you even find out where we live?" I break my silence, hoping that our address hasn't been leaked, especially with Hardin's huge following. "I have contacts" Molly shrugs, whilst barging past me and into our house. Logan mimes the words "Sorry, dude" to Hardin as he follows his partner inside.

I'm a huge believer of girl power and women supporting women, but jeez, she is looking worse for wear. Although she was always a bitch, she was always a beautiful looking girl and it's kind of sad to see the effect that drugs and alcohol have had on her. 

"Charles!!" She roars throughout the house. "He's not here!" Hardin bluntly informs. "Bullshit" Molly scoffs. "Charlie!" She roars again, clearly not getting the point. "I said, he's.. not.. here!" Hardin drags out his words. "Where is he then?" Logan breaks his silence. "They went to the homecoming party at their High school. They'll be there all night" I tell him. The pair glare at me like I shouldn't have opened my mouth. I hope they know that I will not be intimidated in my own house!

"Well guess what, Scott. We have all night. We have booked in at a motel down the street, but I won't be leaving here until I've seen Charlie, so you're in for a long night" Molly throws herself back onto our couch, almost squishing our poor dog. She even goes as far as to put her feet up on our coffee table. It physically kills me to see her do that, If one of the kids did that, I'd probably ground them for life. "You can't be serious" Hardin buries his face in his hands. "I have never been as serious" she straightens her face and keeps that same expression that resembles a bulldog chewing a wasp.


"And... this years Brooklyn High Homecoming king is" Principle Cawley begins, gesturing for the band to commence the drum roll. I glare over at Charlie who is in the middle of a crowd of rowdy footballers. "Charles Travers!" Cawley announces. I jog rapidly on the spot out of sheer excitement for my boy. His entire team chant and cheer for him as he makes his way to the stage. With the way he stumbles, I could swear that he's been drinking. "Congratulations Mr Travers" the Principle places a crown onto my kings head as he sarcastically bows.

"And your Homecoming queen is...." The band begins the drum roll again, and I squeal in anticipation as it feels like the longest twenty seconds of my life. "We love you!" My three best friends squeak. I glance around the room and find my biggest competitor, Emily Mitchell glaring right at me. Her nose is scrunched and her eyes are hooded. Jealous much?

"Emily" Is the first word to escape the principles mouth and I instantly pout in disgust. No! This can't be. I prepare to throw a bitch fit, until the principle speaks again. "Oh I'm sorry, that should be Emery. Your Brooklyn High Homecoming Queen is.. Emery Scott!" He reveals and I can't contain my excitement as I attack my best friends with hugs. "I love you bitches" I tell them, before making my way up to the stage to join my boyfriend, they are the ones who nominated me after all.

I Squeal as Cawley places a dazzling tiara into my hair. I have dreamt of something like this happening to me since I was the little geek with the pigtails in the seventh grade. I smugly smile as I clock Alyssa Shaw, captain of the cheer team, glaring at her date like he just killed her cat as he claps vigorously for Charlie and I. He shrugs at her and she storms off in a frenzy.

"I love you" Charlie whispers and that's when my suspicions are confirmed. His warm breath is laced with liquor and it's as clear as day that he has been drinking. "I love you too" I smile, not wanting to cause a scene. I'll scold him later, but for now, I'll just smile and wave.

"Again, I'd like to say a huge congratulations to our Brooklyn High homecoming king and queen. Not only is Charlie our homecoming king, but I'm delighted to announce that he is also our new captain of the football team!!" Our principle bellows down the microphone. I instantly turn to Charlie, questioning why he hasn't told me this?! The entire hall of kids begin to cheer at the top of their lungs and I wrap my arms around him in order to congratulate him. "So can we give one last round of applause to Emily Scott and Charlie Travers!" Cawley yells as we leave the stage, hand in hand. I'm certain that he is pronouncing my name wrong on surprise this time.

"Charlie?" I grab my boys attention, though he doesn't make eye contact with me. "Why didn't you tell me that you got made captain?!" I shake him and he shrugs. "They only made me captain because they felt sorry for me, let's face it. I returned from summer break an orphan, after losing both of my parents in a car accident. The same goes for being homecoming king, I was only nominated because of that same reason" he huffs, his eyes focused on the group of boys before us.

"Charlie, they nominated you because they're your friends and you're one hell of a player!" I assure him, but he rolls his eyes at my attempt. "Go back to your friends Emery. I'll see you later" He scoffs. I catch him pulling a miniature bottle of whatever the heck it is, out of his pants pocket and my eyes water at blunt way he leaves me. Don't cry Emery, don't cry. You just got homecoming queen and your makeup looks too good right now to ruin. Don't cry, my subconscious chimes.

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