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January second, four Am and here I lay, wide awake. Not because of the babies keeping me up, but because my husband seems to have disappeared from my side. Only minutes ago, I was awaken from a deep sleep. I reached over to pull him closer to me, but he was no longer present. So now, I wait. Sitting myself up against the headboard, I tie my hair back, for it is wild and untamed and quite frankly, pissing me off.

I stretch dramatically, holding my arms in the air for effect, when Hardin enters. He looks drained and almost..vacant. "Are you okay?" My voice is soft as I stand from the bed. He stands still, with his sweatpants hanging loosely and tears in his eyes. "I'm okay" he mutters, though the look on his face tells me otherwise. "Hardin" I give my infamous puppy dog eyes, the ones that always work to get him to open up. "I need you" is the first thing he says. I don't know what I was expecting him to say, but it certainly wasn't that. "Hardin I-" ..

"Tess, please. Just kiss me" his eyes bleed into mine and with that, I place my lips softly onto his. He is frantic to feel me, as he harshly bites my bottom lip. Shit. His breathing is staggered and it spares me on, getting me well and truly in the mood. His hands caress my hips as his tongue is desperate to locate mine. Our mouths get reacquainted, while we move in twirling motions towards the wall. With that, he holds me against it with my wrists. "Hardin" I find myself moaning at his dominance. I moan twice as loud when his manhood rubs against my lower stomach. He is moving rapidly and eagerly and I have no idea what has caused him to be so erotically charged, but I like it.

I cover my mouth to stifle the moans that are desperate to escape. Not only are the kids here, but so is Hardin's mother and I'm pretty sure she's still awake.

"Fuck, Tess" Hardin grunts whilst biting his lip. That alone is enough to send me over the edge. I'm Quick to drop my panties, the red, Lacy number falls at my ankles and seconds later, Hardin's sweats fall at his. I grab him through his boxers before yanking them from his hips. He frantically steps out of them before grabbing me by my behind and lifting me onto his scrumptious hips. I wrap my tanned legs around him, my silk nightdress bunching above my hips. "Fuck" I moan as he lifts me up and I slowly lower myself onto his piece. His cock fills me within seconds, and he continues to hold me against him as he moves in slow but breathtaking motions. I continue to moan his name through my hand that isn't doing a good job of stifling it.

"You saved me Tess" he mutters, before letting out a euphoric groan. I saved him? Where has this come from? "Hardin" I moan his name yet again, only it comes out all broken and high pitched. "I mean it Tessa" he breathes heavily, whilst thrusting into me. "Before I met you, I had little life" he emotes, desperate to claim my mouth again. "You're the reason I'm still here" he grunts. I'm too wrapped up in the moment to listen to what he is saying, but I make a mental note to quiz him about it later. He loses focus on what he is trying to say, when he feels his climax creeping up his spine.

"Tess, I'm so .. close" he says through gritted teeth. "I love you so fucking much" he yells, before releasing himself into me. The way I can feel his heart beating against my chest, is enough to bring me to my own climax, as I come undone around him. "I love you more" I tell him as I rest my head on his toned chest. It moves up and down vigorously as he catches his breath. He holds me against him for a few seconds longer, before lowering me and allowing my feet to touch the ground.

He pulls me in for a cuddle and I'm lost in our embrace, until I'm reminded of the concerning things that he was saying just now. "Hardin we need to talk" I tell him. He instantly looses eye contact with me and pulls away from my hold. "I'm good. Give me one second.. I just need to go ..sort something" he shrugs, before throwing his sweatpants back on and hastily leaving the room. What was all that about?!


Tessa attempting to quiz me like that reminded me that I need to dispose of that ghastly letter, before anybody finds it and reads it. I would never want my children to have to read such a thing. I'm their father and I'm here to stay. I'm a prime example of the quote 'life is worth living'. I scurry through the hall, looking for the exact point that the shrivelled up paper fell from my hands, but it is nowhere to be found. I continue to pace back and forth, but it is still nowhere in sight and I have no clue what I'm going to do. I know that I didn't leave it in my office.. I remember it falling from my hand and missing my pocket, but I was too hooked on the thought of Tessa at that moment to pick it up. "Fuck" I whisper repeatedly to myself. I make my way back to our bedroom, with nothing else to do ..other than hope that Emery or Auden hasn't found it, that's something that would truly break me.

"Sweetie, what is it?" Tessa quizzes me as I place myself on the bed beside her. "Nothing baby. I had one of my ..night terrors, but I'm good now. You was here for me and that's all I'll ever need" I lie, before placing a kiss into her hair. "You should have told me" she pouts, her bottom lip as prominent as ever. She snuggles into me and I continuously run my hand through her hair. "Now let's get some sleep. It won't be long until Mills and Saffron wake us" she whispers and I nod in agreement, though I don't drift off half as fast as her, In fact, it takes me an hour for my eyes to feel the slightest bit sleepy.

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