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"I still can't believe that we did it, baby" my husband
places a kiss into my hair. I can't believe it either to be honest, after all the setbacks and potential jeopardy's, we made it. "You've done such an amazing thing, baby" I tell him as my eyes melt into his.

"I hereby grant temporary guardianship and legal custody of Mr Charles Travers, To Mr Hardin Scott and Mrs Tessa Scott" the words reel in my head. It's still crazy to me that Hardin even considered taking our daughters boyfriend in, let alone get legal custody of the kid. I remember the first time he met Charlie, he interrogated him like he was starring in a court room drama. Oh the irony.

The reaction of both Charlie and Emery, when they heard those words, was on another level. They cheered profusely and may or may not have been a little too affectionate. "Charlie. You're grounded" Hardin joked as he witnessed their lengthy kiss.

"This feeling is so fucking worth all of the aggravation that came with it. Charlie is sixteen, in two years time he will go to college, he will fly the nest and do great things, but we will always know that In those two years, we did everything we could for a lost boy" Hardin pours his heart out to me and I say nothing for a moment, I just admire his spirit. "You're one in a million, Hardin Scott" I tell him as we make our way to our car.

"Oii, love birds. The cars here" Hardin yells for both Charlie and Emery to return. They were so wrapped up in each other that they walked straight past our car. I smirk to myself as they make their way back over here. "Mr and Mrs Scott" Charlie mutters. Hardin and I simultaneously glare at each other when he calls us that. "I have no words to express my gratitude for what you two have done for me. I will spend the rest of my days making you proud that you guided me" his voice cracks and I automatically pull the boy in for a cuddle. "Oh Charlie" I begin to sob as Emery joins me in our embrace. The three of us extend our arms for Hardin to join, but In a typical Hardin fashion, he refuses.

"Fuck that, I don't do hugs..no matter the circumstance, especially group hugs" he scoffs. "Oh Hardin, shut the hell up and get here" I demand and he eventually gives in and joins the huddle.

The ride home is short and I'm glad for that, as I'm eager to get home to Auden and the twins and tell Auden the news that he so desperately wants to hear. The closeness between Charlie and him, melts my heart daily and I was dreading having to tell him the news that Charlie can't live with us anymore. I can't express my gratitude that I don't have to do that.

As we drive down our street, I notice that there are more cars than usual, but I shrug it off. We pull onto our driveway and Hardin parks the car next to Landon's, who is here with Nora to babysit for us. I take in the beauty of my husband as he walks up our garden path. He looks unreal In his smart attire which happens to be a pair of black dress pants and a white, button down shirt. The kids and I follow him as we enter our home.

Landon is standing in the hallway, it's almost like he has something to hide. "So?" He raises an eyebrow. We keep him in suspense for a few moments. "We got it" Hardin and I say in harmony and he jumps on the spot with glee for us as a family. "Phew. That's good news, because.... Come with me" he whispers. The four of us look as confused as each other as we enter the sitting room.

"Oh, my gosh" I say aloud. It's full of people, people that we love. Family. "They did it!" Landon announces and the whole room begins to cheer. When I say family, I mean the whole family. Ken, Karen, Abby, Addy are here....Vance, Kimberley, Smith and Raya are here. I grow emotional at the sight of Kimberly after having not seen her for so long.. due to the scuffle.

I take in the rest of the guests and my heart fills with love as I realise that my mother and David have even made the effort to attend. Overwhelmed Is not the word. Banners are surrounding the place that read 'welcome to the family, Charlie'. As cute as this is, imagine how awkward it would have been if we didn't get the guardianship.

Charlie is utterly speechless as he takes in the surroundings, and begins to sob when Auden runs at him with the biggest hug. "I love you, buddy" he tells him whilst squeezing him. This is too much for my little heart to handle.

Hardin and I rotate the room, thanking everybody for our well wishes and congratulations. I reunite with my mother, I reunite with Kim and I'm reminded of how long I've waited for a moment like this. Where everybody can be in one room together and not tear each other's hair out. I'm cautious of the way Emery and Charlie sneak up the stairs together and I try to distract Hardin. We don't want Hardin to take Charlie In and abandon him on the same day.

Hardin and I finally take a seat at the kitchen table, our niece joins us seconds later and I'm floored by her beauty. She is well and truly glowing. "So, how's college going, gorgeous" I ask her whilst taking in her outfit. It's a lovely teal coloured, halter neck dress and her bump looks adorably cute. "College is good, I've really settled in and I didn't think I would.. with being pregnant and all" she smiles. We get to talking and Hardin eventually heads on over to the men to escape our pregnancy talk. I gasp at the revelation that Addy is now twenty five weeks pregnant and squeal with excitement for her. "It's going so fast!" I tell her.

She fills me in on Austin's progress at the rehab centre. "He's actually finished with the programme in two weeks time and he's talking about transferring from NYU to WSU, so he can be here for me and the baby..that's if grandpa will accept him" she reveals and I almost spit my champagne out. I'm more surprised that Austin Priestley goes to college than anything else. "Do your parents know?!" I scoff, not meaning to. "They know but they're not so happy about it.. which is why Austin has a lot of work to do with them" Addy sighs while placing a hand on her bump. "The staff at the centre are helping him find some accommodation, I mean.. living in the dorms wouldn't be the best thing for a recovering addict" she admits and I nod in agreement.

I can't help but be weary about Priestley. I mean, although rehab is a very good intervention and there's a high chance that he's a changed person, I haven't forgot the fucked up things that he has done in the past. He had a part in spiking my baby girls drink which resulted in her being hospitalised, he took my nieces virginity and then left her. Not to forget what he did to Charlie all those years ago on the train tracks. One thing that I'll never forget, is when I was pregnant with the twins. I showed up at his place to collect Emery and he towered over me, threatening me and I was actually frightened for my babies lives in that moment. I'm glad that Hardin has helped this boy turn his life around and I don't hold grudges, but I'll always be cautious of that kid.

Our conversation is interrupted when Charlie and Emery return minutes later. I feel slightly nauseous as I realise what they have been doing. The family continue to cheer as the two reach the bottom of the staircase. "Charlie, Charlie, Charlie" they chant. I glance at Hardin from across the room who I expect to be joining in, but he is instead sat on the sofa holding our sleeping twins, one over each shoulder. Auden is snuggled at the side of him and the smile on Hardin's face is a picture that no artist could paint. A picture that I'll hold close to my heart for the remainder of my life.

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