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Introducing Emery's POV

I hate the smell of cigarettes, I hate the taste of alcohol and the way it makes me feel. I hate the way the Priestley's treat girls, I hate the way that boys beat the crap out of each other over one simple disagreement. Yet I still went to that damn party, I put myself in that situation simply to rebel against my father. And look where it's gotten me.

Anxiety is coursing through my veins as Charlie sits beside me, asking for an explanation for my actions. We have been getting along so well and I fear that I have completely ruined our relationship because of my foolish antics. I was a complete dick to him and I just went off at him for coming with my dad to collect me. He didn't deserve that. I love Charlie, but he's just so calm, so introverted, where I craved the feeling of excitement and drama.

"I'm sorry" I break the silence. "I know you are" he wears a reassuring smile. I'm glad that he knows me well enough to know that I really am sorrowful.
Not many guys would be so understanding. "I got asked to the Party and I never get asked anymore, not since what happened .. I just wanted to be somebody. Someone other than the daughter of Hardin Scott, you know?" I try to explain and he loses eye contact with me. I cup his chin in my hand, forcing him to look at me.

"I'm sorry for what they did to you, it's unforgivable" I mutter. I genuinely feel rotten about what those horrible scumbags did two years ago. "Why do I feel like there's a but?" Charlie's voice is soft. "There is no but, what they did is disgusting" I admit. I'm not going to defend them anymore.

"Don't be sorry for what they did. That was the wake up call that I needed to realise that I was surrounding myself with the wrong people. I knew then that if I continued to hang around those people, that I would get nowhere in life. Please let this be yours wake up call. I would never tell you who you can and can't hang out with boo, but please think about this" I can sense the desperation in his voice. I nod in agreement.

"I just can't believe my dad turned up at the party" I cringe at the thought. I mean, he's a cool dad, he's well known for his books and It's not like he turned up in a sweater vest and baggy trousers. But that's not to say that it isn't embarrassing. The good thing is, that the majority of the kids who were there, were seniors and I will never see them again.

"Dude, at least your parents give a crap. You don't realise how lucky you are. Mine are too caught up in their life as a psychiatrist and nurse, that they probably don't even know how old I am. They go on vacation tomorrow for two weeks, they didn't even think to bring me along. I'm fifteen man, it's not like I'm a grown adult" he shrugs and my heart sinks for him. I bury my head in shame is I realise how much of a spoilt brat I'm acting.

My mom and dad don't need this stress, my mom just spent two weeks in the NICU with the babies after they were born weeks early. My dad got a concussion last week week after getting into an altercation with my grandpa Christian. They're barely getting any sleep because they're up with the twins all night. Charlie is going through some shit with his parents, and here I am acting like an entitled little bitch when I have the world at my feet.

I snap out of my self pity party, when my dad returns. I know how mad he is and I can't help but burst into tears as he ignores me, as we drive home . "Dad, I know you're mad but-" my voice shakes. "Emery, I'm beyond mad. In fact I'm not mad at all. I'm disappointed" he bluntly murmurs. Damn, my heart is sinking. There's nothing worse than being told that the person you look up to the most, is disappointed in you.


"I'm sorry for all of this Charlie, I will take you home and apologise to your parents for keeping you" I tell my daughters boyfriend. I had to break the silence somehow without talking to Emery. I fear that if I speak to her, I'll say something I regret.

"You don't have to do that, man. They probably haven't even noticed that I'm gone" he shrugs. Poor kid. "I want to and I will" I tell him. I feel like going to that house and giving them so called parents of his a piece of my mind. It's kind of ironic how his father is a psychiatrist, specialising in children, yet he doesn't think to check up on his own child. I sort of feel responsible to ensure that such a good kid, doesn't turn out how I did because of his relationship with his parents.

We eventually pull onto his driveway and I pretend that I don't see, as Charlie pulls Emery in for a hug and tells her that everything will be okay. If Tessa was here, she would probably start crying at this point.

I get out of the car and follow him up his garden path, while taking in the snazzy, three story house before me. I know that his parents have good jobs but jeez, this house must have costed them a fortune. I'm confused by the way that Charlie rings the doorbell instead of walking straight into his own house. "They didn't get me a key yet" he explains. Oh.. of course they fucking didn't.

After a few minutes, his father finally answers the door. He is dressed in a shirt and tie and is very official looking. "Hi dad" Charlie's lips lift at the corners as he greets his father. "Hi buddy" he runs a hand through his sons hair. "This is Mr Scott, Emery's dad" he introduces me. "Nice to meet you" the middle aged chap shakes my hand and I return the gesture. Charlie enters the house leaving his father and i at the door step.

I keep my voice low until I know for sure that Charlie can't hear me. "I just came to apologise for keeping your son for so long, he was helping me run a few errands" I tell him. "Don't worry about it sir" he shrugs. Is he for real? It's late, Charlie hasn't been home yet, he doesn't know me from Adam. I could be a serial killer for all he knows and all he can say is "don't worry about it". Jeez.

I change my tone, knowing that Charlie is out of sight and out of mind. "Listen. That's not why I'm really here. Your son, is a broken boy. He thinks that you don't love him and that he's a burden on you. I think you need to have a word with him before he does anything silly" I mutter, before walking away without giving him the time to come up with an excuse for his behaviour. I know that I'm right ...and that's all that matters.

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