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Nobody, and I mean nobody, speaks of my wife like that and gets away with it. "Listen. If you don't get out of here right now!" I threaten the witch and Tessa has to squeeze my hand, to beg me to not finish that sentence. "Hardin" she glares deeply into my eyes and I instantly unclench my fist and decide that this ghastly woman, isn't worth getting worked up over.

I sit myself down and Tessa sits beside me on the sofa. "It's Charlie's Aunt" I whisper, stating the fucking obvious. "I figured" she smirks as she squeezes my hand. I try my best to ignore the
Obnoxious bitch across from me. I distract myself by taking Saffron from Tessa. I coo over her, as I tickle her cheek. She is dressed in the most adorable little outfit and I'm stunned by her beauty. I am vigilant as I notice the kitchen door open, Jenny is standing in the door way, listening into our conversation, but she is unaware that I have seen her. This is my time to shine.

I soothe my baby girl as she begins to cry. "Oh look, it's the devoted daddy of the year. Don't you think that four kids is enough? Or do you have to steal my nephew too, to add to your holier than thou Persona?" She scoffs and I notice Tessa becoming visibly aggravated. I hope that she keeps her cool, Jenny is listening after all.

"Excuse me, mam. There is a nine year age gap between our youngest child and our twins. We struggled for years to get pregnant and it tore us apart that we couldn't. This girl and her twin brother, are our little miracles. Not that I have to explain that to you, or anyone" Tessa barks. I hope that Meredith feels really shitty about herself, that prude bitch. I was going to interrupt and tell Tessa that she doesn't have to explain shit to her, but Tessa added that herself.

"I don't want to hear it, it's none of my business!" The nasty woman barks. "Yes, you're right. It isn't any of your business. So why interfere?" Emery steps in and I'm proud of the way she speaks her mind. She stays polite, but stands her ground and that is how we raised our girl. "I am not interfering. I have every right to fight for my nephew. He is coming to stay with me and that is that!" She raises her voice, yet again. I'm so glad that Jenny witnessed all of this.

"No, he isn't" Tessa smiles immaturely. "Yes he is!" Melody, or whatever the heck her name is, snaps back. "Um, I think you'll find that he is not. Because my husband and I are going to fight for guardianship of Charlie" she drops a bombshell and my heart skips a beat the revelation. "What?" I choke on my own breath. "Yes, what?" Charlie appears from nowhere. "There is no chance in hell, that I'll allow him to stay with that witch. I want to do this. I want to look after Charlie" my wife admits and I feel a huge sigh of relief gush through me. "I - I don't know what to say" Charlie stutters. "Say No, you don't want to live with these people. You hardly know them" Maria roars. Could she be more wrong?

"Actually. You're wrong. I do. I know them better than I will ever know you. Thank you for coming here today aunt Melanie, but I'd like you to Leave now" Charlie sniffles, clearly trying to avoid becoming emotional. My heart bleeds for the poor little shit, he is grieving and having to deal with all of this shit on top of it. "Charles, you don't mean that" the woman warns. "I think you'll find that I do" Charlie snaps.

"Charlie, I am not leaving Brooklyn until I have visited my sister's home. That's part of the reason that I drove down here. So I suggest you stop being a little brat, and accompany me" she strops. "Fine. Let's get this Over and done with, because when it is.. over and done with, I want nothing to do with you" Charlie bluntly tells her. Damn, it's surprising how grief can change a person.

"You don't mean that" the boys Aunt tries to reason with him. "Oh I do. What makes you think that I would want to stay with you, in your home? This is the first time that I have seen you since I lost my mother and father and you haven't even hugged me, you haven't told me that you're sorry. You're just here for the drama!" Charlie raises his voice, spit flying from his mouth. "So yes, let's go to my parents house. You can enrich yourself with my mothers expensive jewellery and my fathers expensive ornaments, because let's face it, that's all you're here for. And then you can shimmy on out of here, because I want nothing to do with you" the kid spits. Fuck.

Jenny arranges for Charlie to ride with her to the house, while melancholy makes her own way there. Jenny offered to attend Charlie's home with him, to support him morally as well as help him gather his legal documents. "Mr Scott?" Charlie looks over to me. "Yeah dude?" I answer, though I wish he'd stop calling me Mr fucking Scott. "Can you come with me.. please?" I see the desperation in his eyes. Why would he want me to come with him? of all people. He hasn't even asked Emery. "Um... of course, Man. I'll grab my jacket" I shrug. I tell Tessa that I will be back soon and join Charlie and his social worker, in the Mini Cooper that is parked on our driveway.

We arrive at the Travers' house, less than five minutes later. "I don't know if I can do it" Charlie covers his mouth. He is pale in the face and I can sense his anxiety. "Hey, you can" I place a reassuring hand on his shoulder as we walk up the driveway. There is something so dark about the atmosphere in this place and I can't put my finger on what. We reach the door step and Charlie's evil Aunt is waiting there, her arms are crossed and she looks livid.

"Come on then, let's do this" Charlie huffs as he slides his key into the door. Fuck, it's cold in here. I realise that Charlie was right about his obnoxious Aunt and her materialistic ways as she barges through the door and straight upstairs, probably to his mothers jewellery box.

Charlie on the other hand, heads straight to a storage box that is based in the sitting room and contains photo album after photo album. He grabs one and takes a seat on the sofa. I stand around, sticking out like a sore thumb and I can't help but Feel uncomfortable as shit. "Sit down, dude" Charlie pats the seat next to him and I perch myself on the end of it. The album is full of photos of Charlie when he was a tiny baby, but there isn't one picture of Charlie with his parents. It's kind of sad. I mean, I hate having my picture taken more than anything, but I treasure our family photos with my everything.

After a short while, Charlie shows us around the place. We end up upstairs and Fuck, there are so many rooms. And I thought we had too many. We walk down the long corridor to get to Charlie's room. "Charlie?" What is that room there?" Jenny becomes inquisitive as she points to an open door across the hallway. ".. That's my fathers office. But nobody is allowed in there. Not even my mom. He never left the door open" he begins to panic as we make our way over there. The opened door is explained, as we find that fake ass Melanie snooping around the room.

"Get out of there. My father hated people going through his office" Charlie spats. I wonder why that was.. dirty bastard. Don't speak ill of the dead Hardin, my subconscious chimes. Melanie is startled as she hides the file she is holding behind her back. "What was that?" Charlie scoffs but the witch stays silent. She tries to barge her way out of the room, but we block her in the doorway.

"Miss Roland, If you're holding any vital documentation, then I suggest you put it down" Jenny warns. For a social worker, she is very police like. I like it. "I'm not" Melanie's eyes flicker from her feet, to us. "You're hiding something!" Charlie yells, beginning to get worked up. "I'm- I'm not" the woman stupidly, waves her arms in the air, causing the file to fall to the ground. Instead of rushing to collect it, Charlie is stood still, in the doorway of his fathers office. His dad must have been really strict on this, damn. I decide to take one for the team and I quickly gather the file from the ground, as Melanie fights to stop me. I hand it to Charlie and he is quick to open it, but the look on his face is full of regret and he looks like he might vomit any second. "What is it?" I gasp. "It's.. my birth certificate" his voice is staggered. What's so shocking about a bloody birth certificate? damn it.

A/N - ooo It's getting interesting.
What do you think of Gross Aunt Melanie and what do you think she was hiding? If you're enjoying Our Time Will Come, don't forget to vote and leave a comment loves 💜

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