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Stressed is not the word. Two weeks ago, at twenty five weeks, I had an appointment with my midwife. To cut a long story short, due to me carrying twins and my history of problems in pregnancy, I identify as high risk. My job entails a lot of stress and my midwife basically told me that she wanted me to take my maternity leave early and stop working there and then.

If only it was that easy! I've spent the past two weeks making sure that all of my clients weddings were fully planned before taking a step back. I felt so guilty about leaving their big days half planned and I didn't have it in me to drop them, there and then. For every client, there was the seating arrangements, the guests, finding last minute venues, bridesmaid drama, budgets, you name it.

It's Friday and I'm here in Hardin's office, hogging his leather chair. I can finally say that after today, I'm free of anything wedding related until after the babies are at least six months old. I won't be able to attend my clients wedding, but they don't have to worry about a thing now until the big day and it feels pretty good to be the reason why.

I'm broken out of my trance when my phone rings. I wonder why Emery is calling, it's not like her to call me while she's in school. "Hey babe" I answer, curiosity in my voice. "Hi mom.. don't worry, everything's fine. I um- I just wanted to ask if it's okay if I bring a friend over for dinner tonight?" She stutters, I can sense the nervousness in her voice. "A friend? Does this friend happen to be a boy- friend?" I tease. I know that it's a boy by the way that she's stuttering like crazy. "Yeah.. but we're just friends. Okay?" She snaps.

"Of course your friend can come over baby, your brother is going to your uncle Landon's for dinner, so tonight's good. Just tell me a little about him first. He's not any relation to any of those horrible people who-" "mom, I know what you're going to say. No, he is not friends with Blake Priestley of any of that gang. His names Charlie, I met him in the school library. We reached for the same book at the same time and kind of hit it off" she explains. "Aw honey, that is so adorable" I tease. My baby girl is growing up. Don't cry Tessa don't cry, my subconscious chimes in.

"Mom, seriously. He is just a friend" I can't see her but I know she's blushing right now. "Oh my gosh, but what should I cook? Is he a vegetarian? Oh dear lord what if he's vegan, what does he like?" I begin to panic. "Mom, stop that right now. Charlie eats pretty much anything. It will be fine" she is now chuckling at my antics. "Thanks mom for being so cool, I knew you would be. Dad on the other hand... please make him be nice to charlie!" She adds. "I can't work miracles baby but i can sure try" I tell her. I tell her to enjoy last period and that I'll see her soon before hanging up.

"Who was that?" My husband enters his office, he's wearing grey joggers and a baggy T-shirt. "It was your daughter! Now change out of those scruffs, we have guests coming" I inform him. "Guests? Who are our guests?" He grows confused. "Addy?" He asks. "Nope, Emery is bringing her friend over. So I need you to be on your best behaviour" I warn him. "Excuse me? I'm always on my best behaviour" he smirks, while pulling me in for a cuddle from behind. He hasn't asked if this 'guest' is male or female and I should probably warn him before Emery and Charlie get home, but I decide against it because he's in a pretty good mood and I don't want to risk ruining it. Besides, Emery has never shown any interest in a boy before and I don't know how he'll react.

"So if it isn't Addy, who is it? Alana?" He mutters. Alana has been Emery's best friend since kindergarten and she comes here for dinner every so often. "No, it's a new friend. We haven't met them yet" I tell him, putting emphasis on 'them'. "Okay, I'll get ready" he sighs while retreating to our bedroom. "We have just over an hour until they arrive home! I better get cooking! Oh dear lord what will I make? I was going to make Emery and Auden cheesy pasta bake with chicken and bacon but I can't give that to a guest" I once again, begin to ramble.

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