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"Charlie, open that damn door. Now!" My father demands as he bangs on the door, almost knocking it off its hinges. This is becoming one of his habits. My boyfriend finally swings the door open, he looks flustered and a flash of concern dawns on his face as he realises that my dad is not a happy man. He's wearing a tight pair of black jeans with a football jersey and he is wearing way too much gel in his hair, but he looks cute nonetheless.

"Mr Scott, I have to know who they are. Please just try to understand" Charlie Defends himself, my dad buries his head in his hands. "Charlie,  if you want Tessa and I to be your legal guardians, you need to stop doing stupid shit that will jeopardise our chances" my father attempts to explain his furious manner. "I still want that and that's not going to change, but I'm here in Washington and the last time I was here, was when I was born and the woman who gave birth to me, gave me away. I just want answers, man" Charlie begins to tear up and I rush to his side to comfort him. My fathers expression changes as he realises that he probably shouldn't have flown off the handle the way he did.

"I get that, I do. But please, be sensible about this, dude" my dad reasons with Charlie and places a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "How the fuck do you even know where to look?" My dad spits. "Well... Abby knows them from the place she works.. you know? Bobs burgers or something? And she saw that they have reservations for today..." Charlie mutters while glaring at the ground. Of course Abby would do that much research, just for the drama. "It's blind bobs, moron. And I'm gonna kill that sister of mine, putting ideas in your damn head" my dad waves his hands in the air in fury. "Mr Scott, this idea was already in my head long before Abby even knew about it" Charlie defends my aunt, though I'm not sure why.

"I don't give a shit. If you're doing this, then I'm going with you!" My father demands. "I'd like that" Charlie nods his head and let's out a huge sigh of relief as he realises that he doesn't have to do this behind my fathers back. The expression on my fathers face grows confused, he was clearly expecting Charlie to start a fight.

"There are some things that you need to consider first though, Charlie. You need to prepare yourself for this" my dad explains and Charlie wears a confused look. "I mean, your parents were doctors, living in a big house, intellectuals. These people could be nothing of the kind" my dad mutters through gritted teeth and I want to grill him for being so insensitive.

"No offence Mr Scott, but that's not what I care about. My parents had all of that money, all those fancy cars but that doesn't mean that I had everything. They never hugged me, they never told me that they loved me" Charlie loses eye contact yet again. So much has happened in such a short space of time and I salute the boy for dealing with it so well. He's still grieving, damn.

"That's not what I mean, Charlie. What I'm saying is, there's a reason that they put you up for adoption and you don't know what that reason is, yet. It's going to be hard for you and probably a shock to the system, it's a lot of information to receive all at once . I just think you should really think about this" my father glares at him and he's finally speaking sense.

"I don't have time to think, Mr Scott. Emery and I fly home tomorrow and school starts next week. When's the next time I'll be here in Washington?" Charlie raises his eyebrows and my father rubs his eyes in distress as he realises that he is right. "Okay, fine. But Jenny cannot find out about this" my dad makes a condition and Charlie shakes his hand in agreement to not breathe a word about this to his social worker. "Agreed, Mr Scott. I don't want anything jeopardising my chance of living with you guys as much as you don't. This is just something I have to do" my boyfriend shrugs. My father lets out a huge sigh. "Okay. Let's do it then" he wears an anxious smile.

"Give me five minutes and I'll be right down" I tell the two. "You don't have to-" Hell no, there is no way I'm missing this. "I said I'll be right down" I interrupt. "Okay! God!" Charlie raises his hands in defence.

I throw on a pair of jeans with a cropped hoodie and head down the stairs Less than five minutes later. Abby follows me, I take a moment to make fun of her wacky work uniform and she flips me off. "Please, don't stir the pot today. There is already far too much drama, we don't need any more" I plead with her, knowing that she will be at the scene when Charlie meets those parents of his. "I would never do that!" Abby sarcastically chimes. But you would though, my subconscious adds.

I head down to the driveway. Abby over-enthusiastically waves as I climb into the Audi that my dad has borrowed from my grandpa. I glare at her with warning eyes before she gets into her convertible and drives away.

My father squints his eyes at me through the centre mirror and I can tell that he is as suspicious to Abby's antics as I am. "Charlie. What is your fathers name? Out of curiosity" my dad mumbles. "I - I.. why?" Charlie grows nervous, clearly worried to what my father will do if he knows this guy. "You can tell me" my father applies pressure.

"It's Logan" Charlie admits. My fathers eyes widen and I notice the colour drain from his face, but he chooses to say nothing and instead, starts the car. "Let's get this over with" my father rubs his eyes as he drives out of my grandpas large gates. There is definitely something underlying here, I saw his face when Charlie revealed his fathers name. I take deep breaths to ease my racing heart, as the journey is short and we get closer to the venue.

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