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Spending some quality, family time together was exactly what I needed after the stressful couple of days Hardin and I have had. We should be spending as much time as we possibly can together, seeing as Hardin leaves to continue his book tour the day after we arrive home. Not to mention that I return to work the same day.

"See you inside" I tell my husband as he drops the kids and I off at his fathers gates while he parks Ken's Audi R8 in the garage. I'm eager to find out what the boys picked out for Ken, I was so invested in my chicken nuggets at the mall that I forgot to ask.

I was torn for ideas on what to buy Karen until Emery suggested that we head to the photo printing store and chose something personal. My girl has always been the most thoughtful person I know. We browse the store and eventually decide on two beautiful canvas'. The first canvas is a photo of Emery and Auden, when Emery was seven and Auden was only one years old. It is one of my favourite photographs of them to this day. Auden is sat on his sisters knee, his hair is wild and he has the largest grin on his face and Emery's had this big goofy smile on her face with more gaps, than teeth.

The second canvas that we had printed, is a personalised quote that reads 'Nana and grandpa Scott, Our hero's from the start'. The font is fancy and four little footprints surround it, representing our twins. I just know that Karen is going to love this, Ken too of course. I just feel that I need to express my gratitude for what the couple did for me the other day. I was scared out of my wits about what could have been happening to the babies and i, but they made it much more bearable and I'm forever thankful.

The kids and I greet the family as we walk through the door. Karen is baking something delicious, the heavenly scent invades my nostrils as I walk through the hallway. I peer into the kitchen, waving in at Karen and her husband who she is scolding for licking the wooden spoon. Typical. Abby and Addelyn are having some kind of girly pamper day, they're wearing face packs and have cucumber covering their eyes.

Emery and Auden shoot up the stairs with the gifts and I say hi to Landon and Nora, who are cuddling on the living room sofa, before following them. By the time I reach Emery's room, she has already wrapped the canvases to perfection and even placed a bow on top. She couldn't be any more alike her mother if she tried. Auden tips the shopping bag upside down and his grandpa's gift is now on the floor. I chuckle to myself, realising that Hardin and I created two mini versions of ourselves.

It looks like the boys got Ken a new robe and some slippers. Being a sixty three year old man, I'm sure he'll appreciate them. "Oh darling, What a great gift that is. Grandpa is going to love them " I stroke my hand through Auden's hair as he beams with pride at what he has picked out.

"Sissy, will you wrap them for me?" He asks Emery. Most teenage girls would say 'wrap it yourself' but not my Emery. I know what she is thinking, if I don't wrap it, then he will and then it won't be neat.. and then I'll be pissed. She obliges and the gifts are wrapped immaculately within less than a minute.

"Here you all are" Hardin sighs as he enters the room. He parks himself next to me on the end of emery's bed, placing a kiss into my hair. "We're going to head downstairs and give Ken and Karen their gifts, are you ready" I peck his cheek, he nods and we follow the children downstairs.

By the time we catch the kids up, they have already placed the gifts on the counter in front of the couple. "What are these for?" Karens smile is growing as we enter the room. "We just wanted you to know how grateful we are for how amazing you've been over the last couple of days" I glance into her adoring eyes.

Karen opens hers first and of course, is as emotional as ever. She see's the photo of Emery and Auden first. "How beautiful, I miss them being this small" she cries, no longer attempting to hold back the tears. She smiles at the frame for a few seconds, before taking a look at the other. "Nana and grandpa Scott, Our hero's from the start" she reads out loud. Hardin's eyes grow wide, being the first time he's seen it himself. "Come here you" she fans her eyes while pulling me in for a hug. Ken has now opened his gift and she still hasn't let me go.

"Aww neat, you know your old dad well" he thanks Hardin. Karen suddenly removes her arms from around me and rushes to see what we have gotten Ken. Nosey much? "Actually, Auden chose your gift" Hardin runs his hand through his hair. "Is that right? Well good job buddy. I've worn the same robe now for what.. twenty years?" Ken chuckles, fist bumping his youngest grandchild. *cough* "one hundred" *cough* Hardin sarcastically clears his throat, sending Auden into a fit of giggles. Typical boys.

Hardin pulls me in for a cuddle from behind as we watch our children enjoy their grandparents company. "I have to leave to meet my mum soon and see what she has to say for herself. But first.. I've got a gift for you too. Do you want to see it?" he whispers softly into my ear. I'm suddenly covered in goosebumps.

"Mmm hmm" is all I manage to utter. I'm very erotically charged today and it it seems that everything is turning me on. We attempt to stay quiet as he leads me up the creaky spiral staircase and before we can close the door to Hardin's old bedroom, I am chewing his face. I am frantic to get his clothes off, whipping that leather jacket of his off his muscly arms and tossing it on the floor. "Hardin" a moan escapes my busy lips as my legs wrap around his lower back. "Fuck Tessa" he comes up for air. "I guess you won't be wanting your surprise then?" He smirks. What surprise? "This isn't my surprise?" I mutter. "It's a surprise to me! But no.. this isn't your surprise" he's now laughing. If I wasn't so comfortable with Hardin, I'd be embarrassed. "Come with me" the smile on his face grows as he directs me to the king sized bed.

And now I'm crying. Great. The bed is sprinkled with pink and blue petals and in the centre are two white baby vests that are too tiny for words. I break into a fit of sobs as one reads 'sometimes you wish for a miracle' and the other vest says 'and we get two'. This is too precious. I just know that I will cherish these forever. "Baby! When did you get to be so thoughtful" I dry my eyes and rest my head against his chest. "Theresa, you know full well I've always been an old romantic" he remarks while picking up a bunch of petals from the bed and sprinkling them from his fingers.

"Are you sure about that?" I tease, parking myself on the bed. "Hey, cheeky"  he attacks me with tickles and my movements become involuntary. "Hardin" I screech as he goes for my most sensitive spot, my neck. "You know I hate being tickled" I scald him as he stops and joins me on the bed. "Tessa baby, don't bullshit yourself. If you hate being tickled ... then I hate .. writing" he remarks. "You love writing?" I question, falling straight into his trap. "Exactly, now, let's finish where we left of, you naughty little girl" his words stun me as he pushes me back gently, in instruction to lay down and take him, right here, right now.

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