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Holy shit. What a few weeks it has been. A few weeks ago, I had a phone call from a broken hearted girl. Addelyn. She turned to me for a metaphorical shoulder to cry on, all the way from Washington. I promised my darling girl that everything would be okay and that her mother and father would soon be happy about the baby news and oh, was I right! Let me tell you, Landon has gone from being absolutely furious and acting like this is the worst thing to ever happen to anybody, to being the happiest 'grandpa' in Brooklyn. Hardin has had the time of his life teasing Landon, calling him an old man, a grandpa, you name it and I have to say, it's the cutest.

As for Nora, she has had a tough few weeks. As if her only child moving for college wasn't hard enough, She now has the burden of not being able to support her only daughter through a teenage pregnancy. In fact, Nora was tempted to drop everything and move to Washington until the baby was born, just so she could be there, but neither her or Landon's job would allow it.

I'm broken from my mini recap of the last few weeks, when Emery comes tottering into the sitting room. "Daddy, you're never going to believe it. Both Charlie and I got nominated for homecoming king & queen!" Our eldest daughter squeals. "Oh em gee?! Really?" Hardin mocks, placing his hands on his cheeks for effect. "If you didn't tell me this information I don't know how I would have gotten through my day!" He teases.

"Hardin, couldn't you at least act happy for them?" I scold him. "What? It's a load of American shit" he huffs and I give him the death glare in response to his belly aching. "Fine. Congratulations baby" he gives in, pulling our daughter in for a cuddle. "Please tell me that that's what you're wearing" Hardin grunts at our daughter. "Daddy, why would I go to my besties gender reveal wearing my pyjamas!" She hurls. "That was my way of telling you to get bloody dressed!!!" He raises his voice. "We have ten minutes until we have to leave for Landon's and you're still fannying around " he adds, as British as ever. "Okay, okay!" She huffs, raising her hands in defence. I bite my lip to stifle the giggle that is desperate to escape. "Girls" Hardin scoffs and I scold him by playfully hitting his chest.

It's been a month now since I last saw Addy and I've been waiting to give her the biggest hug for weeks. The fact that today I finally can, makes me burst with happiness. She has been through so much for such a young soul and I just hope she knows how loved she is.

Herself, Ken, Karen and Abby flew out here this morning, ready for the gender reveal party that Nora is throwing her this afternoon. Literally nobody knows the sex of the baby, not even Addy herself and that makes this whole thing even more exiting. Apparently, Karen accompanied Addy at her scan and they got the nurse to put the gender into an envelope. Karen has guarded the envelope since, so it would be a surprise for everybody on the day of the reveal. I smirk to myself as I realise that it's highly unlikely that Karen hasn't had a peak inside.

"Earth to Tessa" Hardin breaks me out of my trance. I begin to giggle as I approach him. "You look ever so handsome" I compliment my better half. He looks dashing in that white, tight fitted shirt that he has paired so perfectly with a tight pair of black jeans. I try not to focus on the fact that the shirt is almost see through and the first three buttons are undone, but I can't help it and it's taking my breath away. "I know" he obnoxiously chimes. "Nothing on you though, baby" he mutters, whilst winking charmingly at me. I take it upon myself to walk away, as the fact that I can't have him right here, right now is killing me. His compliment does wonders for my confidence, as I sport an off the shoulder little black dress, my hair curled and my lip red.

I head on into the kitchen where Auden and Charlie are seated. The way that Hardin has styled Auden's hair makes my ovaries burst. He is wearing a matching outfit to his father, only, not as revealing and the white shirt is paired with a mini bow tie. "My heart" I whisper aloud. "You guys look very handsome" I smile. "Mom!" Auden covers his eyes. Apparently, it's not cool for your mom to call you handsome in front of older kids.

"Thanks Mrs Scott" Charlie blushes and I giggle to myself at the fact that he still calls me that. The kid lives with us and he still refuses to call Hardin and I anything other than Mr and Mrs Scott. I'm not used to seeing Charlie dress in anything other than football jersey's and I must say, he is looking very smart in the shirt and tie that he is sporting.

"Emery, Come on! By the time you're ready, Addelyn would have had the bloody baby!" I hear Hardin fuss from the living room. I head back on in there, Charlie and Auden follow. "Come on, little ones" I coo as I retrieve the twins from their bassinets and place them into the stroller. They're both wide awake and I smile at the adorable noises they're making.

Minutes pass and Emery finally ventures down the stairs. I try not to well up at how grown up Emery looks. She looks truly adorable in the cute little outfit she has put together. It's a pink, check skirt with a matching blazer and it screams strong independent woman. It also gives me Cher from clueless vibes. "Awww honey!" I fuss and she admires herself in the downstairs mirror. "Yeah, yeah, you look good, now everybody get out of the bloody house!" Hardin yells and everyone does as he pleads. If I had a dollar for every time Hardin said the word 'bloody', this morning alone, I'd be one rich mama.

"Wait, where's the car?" Emery's jaw drops open as we leave our driveway. "In the Garage" Hardin begins to laugh. "Well, go get it!" Emery demands, stomping her foot on the ground, causing Hardin to laugh even harder at her teenage tantrum. "Let me get this straight. You think that we're all going to fit in the Range Rover?" He laughs and the look on Emery's face is a picture. "I thought so, now get walking, we have a party to be at!" He chimes, clearly getting a kick out of the way he's making us girls walk in heels. Emery toddles off, walking miles in front of the rest of us In a strop. "When she passes her drivers test, we won't have this problem, she can take her car" Hardin shrugs and I realise that he has a point, not that I'll admit it.

"You're pushing the stroller!" I demand and he smugly smiles. "Yes mam" he mocks, whilst taking control of our babies Pram.

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