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"Hardin Scott, I'm arresting you on suspicion of the attempted murder of Austin Priestley" the words reel in my head. It's a vicious circle that I can't escape as I rock back and forth, waiting for the news of his release. After attempting to call Landon several times and having no luck, I did the next best thing and called Ken. He of course, panicked like crazy and passed the news on to everyone else.

Landon then called me, telling me to switch on the TV. "Are you crazy? Why would I want to watch television at such a time?!" I bellowed down the phone. "Tessa, it's all over the news" he revealed, so I did just that. I switched on the TV and he was right. My husband was right there, screaming his innocence as those ghastly policeman dragged him into the station. The same clip was on replay, as a reporter stood outside of the station, feeding the public lie after vicious lie. I had to turn the damn thing off because it killed me inside to have the man I love, slandered like that. With that, I began to sob and once I started, I couldn't stop.

To make things worse, Auden witnessed my brutal breakdown. I told Charlie to stay with him and to look after him, but he eventually escaped his hostage. He just wanted his mommy. He came venturing down the stairs in search for me, only to find me in a depressive state, again. I spent the entire weekend crying while Hardin was away and Auden was so concerned, I hate that. He isn't used to seeing me this way and he shouldn't have to be. He's nine years old, damn it. Then his father comes home and pulls a stunt like this. It isn't fair.

I eventually got him to go back to sleep, after rocking him back and forth like I used to do when he was small. A mother should never have to see her child so distraught and I wish to never see him that way again. Im still now at Five in the morning, sat on the edge of his bed, taking in the beauty of my boy, whilst questioning everything.

If, and when Hardin is released, he has a hell of a lot of making up to do. Clearly, he wasn't thinking when he set out to do such a thing. He wasn't thinking of me. His woman of twenty years, his wife of ten. He wasn't thinking of our beautiful children or his parents, who worship the ground he walks on. He needs to wake up and realise that without having him here, a lot of people would never be the same.

"Goodnight, baby" I whisper, before switching off Auden's light and closing the door behind myself. I place a hand on my heart as I recall the distressed state that my little man was in. I peak my head into the bedroom to check on the twins, knowing that it's only a matter of time until they wake up. Before heading back downstairs, I decide to check in with Charlie. I could see in his eyes that he was riddled with concern for Hardin. His door is slightly ajar as I approach his room. I breathe a small sigh of relief as I realise that he is sleeping, and not awake panicking like I am. After all, Charlie is just a kid too.

I finally head down the stairs and retrieve my phone from the couch, only to realise that I have had several missed calls. "Shit" I say out loud. That could be Hardin's lawyer. I know it's late, but I did call him a lot of times so there's a chance that it's him. Plus, it's five in the morning, there's a chance that he is up and getting ready for work. "Pick up, pick up" I stress as I call the number back. "Fuck" I tug at my hair as I realise that I've probably missed it.

"Hello?" A deep, yet familiar male voice finally picks up after several rings. "Who is this? please" I chime. Growing more anxious by the second. "Tessa, It's Vance" he announces. "Vance?" I choke. His voice was the last I was expecting to hear. I haven't heard his voice since he gave Hardin a very uncalled for beating all those weeks ago.

"Yes. I know we haven't talked in months, but can we please put that to one side. I saw the whole thing on the news and I have proof that Hardin is innocent" he blurts out. "But-"

Our Time Will Come - An After StoryWhere stories live. Discover now